Although Mrs. Wang’s treatment of her was not as good as that of her own son, she still did not trouble her.

Mrs Wang had a fierce appearance, a loud voice, and a sharp tongue. She could scold people for dozens of sentences without any heavy words, and even frightened the original body by saying that she would sell her for money.

The timid original body was stunned for a moment.

Of course, she was not the only person who was afraid of Mrs. Wang. There was almost no one who could scold Mrs. Wang in Batou Village. Otherwise, the widows would not be able to live happily for so many years.

Gu Yin was not very afraid of her, but felt that the eldest son of the Wu family was right, that Mrs. Wang was hard-mouthed and soft-hearted. Otherwise, she wouldn’t talk about it. After hearing the bad news, when she had the disease in which she had been lingering in bed for more than a month, Mrs. Wang looked for a doctor and getting the medicine had hollowed out the last of the Wu family’s money. As long as her heart was a little bit crueler, she would have cut off the medicine to save money and let the original body fend for herself.

Seeing her getting up slowly, Mrs Wang became more angry, the table clacked and the medicine bowl jumped twice.

There was another creaking sound on the door, and five-year-old Xiao Wuan pulled in his shoes, rubbing his eyes and muttering, “Why is my mother still yelling in the middle of the night? Sister-in-law is sick.”

Mrs. Wang was in a bad mood, and she was indifferent to her own son, “You know it’s in the middle of the night? I work outside for a day, and after working in the fields, I have to go to wash clothes for other people’s homes, and I have to come and prepare the medicines for your sister-in-law’s when I come back. Haven’t I been busy until now? You also know that your sister-in-law can’t get out of bed when she is ill, so she can be the young master in the house with her feet not touching the ground?”

That was an injustice.

In the past, Mrs. Wang did the most work, Gu Yin was the second, and the younger Wu was the third.

After Gu Yin fell ill, it was Mrs Wang who took care of the outside work, while Wuan took care of the housework and his sister-in-law.

Which child of his age was not playing around outside? Only Xiao Wuan was more sensible than others since he was a child. He was diligent and capable. When he was taking care of his sister-in-law, he would watch her every step of the way. In terms of properness and meticulousness, most adults couldn’t compare to him.

Wuan originally wanted to help with the medicines, but he had little experience, so Mrs. Wang was afraid that he would ruin the expensive medicinal materials, and repeatedly emphasized that he had to wait until she came back.

However, he also knew that his mother was in a bad mood, so Wuan didn’t argue, he just smiled and said, “I got sleepy waiting for the evening meal. When I laid down on the kang to rest for a while, I fell asleep. You should have called me as soon as you came back, and I’ll be here to eat a hot evening meal.”

Hearing what he said, Wang Shu’s anger went down halfway and her eyes stopped burning. First, she said that she would go to warm up the meal, and then asked Wuan to feed Gu Yin the medicine then told her not to get down and get cold again.

As soon as she finished talking, Mrs. Wang went out like the wind.

“Even though mother is acting like this, she still cares about my sister-in-law.” Xiao Wuan smiled at Gu Yin again, and sat on the edge with the medicine bowl in his hand, “Sister-in-law, didn’t take it to heart, it’s troublesome to get emotional during illness.”

In recent years, the conditions of the Wu family had not been very good. Wuan was five years old. In fact, he was thin and much shorter than his peers. He looked only three or four years old, standing at the table, he was at the same level as the table.

Seeing him standing on tiptoe, holding the medicine bowl in his small hands in front of her as his dark face was full of genuine concern, Gu Yin’s heart softened, and she followed with a smile, and took two or three sips. After a while, she said, “I can drink it.”

Xiao Wuan watched her finish drinking the medicine, then took a handkerchief to wipe her mouth, and then stared at her and yawned again when she was done.

A child of this age easily got sleepy, and he was always busy taking care of her during the day. Gu Yin couldn’t bear to see him in such a condition and pulled him onto the kang, took off his little shoes, and put him to bed to sleep.

Xiao Wuan was so sleepy that he couldn’t open his eyes, but he still said, “Mother said that I’m getting older, so I’m not as tired as I used to be.”

Gu Yin covered him with the thin quilt, patted his chest with one hand, and coaxed slowly, “Just rest for a while, mother will take you back to your kang after she’s done.”

The two were talking, but suddenly heard a crisp sound in the quiet night.

“I’m afraid she dropped the bowl again,” Wuan closed his eyes and muttered, then turned over and started snoring.

Mrs. Wang’s temperament was fiery, and her work was a little frizzy, and things like breaking things were not uncommon.

Gu Yin also smiled.

But after the crisp sound, there was no scolding from Mrs. Wang as usual outside, only the gust of wind carrying whimper, weeping like a complaint, and it was a little strangely quiet.

Gu Yin’s heart was beating wildly, and she faintly felt that the situation was not right.