The jewelry had been removed, not to mention, the clothes on their body were similar to those worn by the maids at home.

Mrs. Zhao’s daughter-in-law’s eyes looked uncomfortable. Although she was not as good as Mrs. Zou’s ability to confuse black and white, she still knew that she had to follow her words, and said, “They were going to see you, their sister, not outsiders. Is it necessary to make special arrangements and dress up?”

Mrs. Zou said, “Yes, my sister-in-law and I know that your situation is not good. If we still wear gold and silver, wouldn’t it be a show of prestige?”

The two of them sang together, and they were still unbeatable.

Gu Yin was still not in a hurry, and said calmly, “Yes, what the two aunts said is reasonable. But my mother didn’t know. She saw the clothes, so she thought it was you both pretending to be poor and crying. But I think you must not be crying on purpose. Such people must have no conscience and lie to their relatives who had no choice but to return home after the disaster? It must be a misunderstanding!”

Mrs. Wang grinned and tried to laugh, but held it back. She just nodded and said suddenly, “It turns out that the two sisters-in-law were dressed like that for my sake. I really thought they had lost their conscience. But it’s also strange that their daughters-in-law are dressed so richly, their faces are red, and they look nourished. How can their mothers-in-law live such a bad life?”

Gu Yin pondered for a while, lowered her voice, but also ensured that everyone present could hear, “What the two aunts are trying to say was not a lie, that is, they have lived brightly on the surface but had a hard life on the inside these years. Their daughters-in-law enjoyed life, and the hardship was left to them.”

After speaking, she sighed and said sadly, “Mother, although our family is poor, the best thing in the family is that Wu An and I are filial to you, and we will definitely not let you live that kind of bright life on surface but poor inner life. It’s terrible. I can’t think of people in the world who don’t pay attention to filial piety. I feel really uncomfortable.”

Mrs. Wang held back her laughter until her face almost twitched!

Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zou changed their faces at the same time. They never thought that the farmer’s daughter-in-law would open her mouth and make up these words. She could put a big hat with no conscience and no filial piety on their heads.

Especially since both of them had children who were studying, they all knew that reputation was the most important thing. If that word got out, let alone the examination in the future, then everyone would be disgusted with them!

“Sister’s daughter-in-law, don’t talk nonsense!” Mrs. Zou was shocked and angry, but Gu Yin’s words followed her previous words, and she couldn’t think of how to refute it for a while.

“Aunt, sister, this is a misunderstanding.” One of Mrs. Zou’s daughters-in-law said with a smile, “Mother and aunt are setting an example, setting an example for the younger generation in the family, and teaching the children to remember hardships and live positively. Although we are juniors, we have the ability to let in-laws live a rich and noble life. How can we treat them harshly?”

Mrs. Zou was so articulate, the daughter-in-law she chose was naturally the same as her.

Gu Yin didn’t argue with her either, she just nodded as if suddenly realizing, “That’s it! I thought it’s bad. I’ll just say, the Wang family is my mother’s family, and my mother is so good, the family atmosphere must be better. There would never be such a conscientious person.”

She said apologetically, “I am young and stupid, I grew up in the countryside and had never seen the world, so I was anxious to explain the misunderstanding to the two aunts, but I was confused for a while, and let my aunts and sisters laugh.”

She was beautiful and fair, and not very old. Her tone and expression of apology were very sincere, and she looked like she was thinking of others. It was really difficult for Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zou to attack her.

But as soon as they fought each other, Mrs  Zhao and Mrs. Zou didn’t want the younger generation to watch the fun, so they all went away with a wave.

When everyone dispersed, the two invited the three to the hall.

Without outsiders, Mrs. Zou didn’t go around in circles, and issued an expulsion order with a cold face, “Your brothers are not at home, the children are studying outside, working and doing work, and there is nothing good to entertain at home. We also can not keep anyone.”

“Who asked you to entertain?” Mrs. Wang sneered, “Why can’t I stay longer when I can go back to my own house?”

As she said that, she took out the family letter that her father wrote to her back then.

The paper of the letter had turned yellow, but the handwriting was still clearly visible.

It was clearly written that the big courtyard on the north side of the mansion was left to Mrs. Wang, so that she could come back to live in it at any time in the future.

Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zou’s expressions changed at the same time.