Wang Dafu was relatively calm at first, but when he heard that the old letter was in Mrs. Wang’s hands, he stood up and asked, “Where’s the letter? What else is written on it besides that courtyard?”

Mrs. Zou shook her head, “She only showed one page of paper, and we just took a look at it and she put it away. It’s really impossible to know what is written next to it.”

Wang Dagui, who had been silent all the time, said slowly, “Could we not know our sister’s character? She concealed it from us, just because she was so angry. I think my father only wrote about the courtyard.”

Wang Dagui and Mrs. Zou, husband and wife from the second house, didn’t talk much.

Hearing his words, Wang Dafu finally calmed down a bit, but he still said anxiously, “What did she mean? Does she want to stay at our house?”

Mrs. Zou nodded, “She didn’t make a statement, but she said that she was going to pack up with her cunning daughter-in-law. It seems that mostly they want to stay.”

“We must not let them stay in Hanshan Town, let alone in our house!” Wang Dafu patted the table, “Second daughter-in-law, think of a way.”

Mrs. Wang had the letter written by Mrs. Wang in her hand. Mrs. Zou never expected that things would develop to that point.

“Brother, don’t worry, it’s just a courtyard. Let them live there, and when it’s quiet at night, we will send someone to steal the family letter and destroy it. What they say will become unfounded, we’ll just ignore it.” Wang Dagui smiled and said, “We will drive them out of the house later, the soldiers are in chaos outside, and the little sister and the others are an orphan and widows. Whether they are kidnapped or bullied by hooligans, it doesn’t matter. It’s not our business.”

“This… this is not good.” Wang Dafu hesitated, “After all, she was raised with us and she won’t be able to survive all that.”

Wang Dagui and Mrs. Zou looked at each other, their eyes showing contempt for Wang Dafu’s benevolence.

“That’s another story.” Wang Dagui said, “Anyway, let’s destroy that letter first. If she wants, let’s give her some money and let them go to other places to make a living.”

Several people were discussing, and the concierge came to tell them that Mrs. Wang had come again.

“She is really anxious to be reincarnated. She won’t let anyone take a breath at all,” Mrs. Zou was also a little impatient, but she still had people lead the guests in.

Not long after, a group of four or five elderly people came in tremblingly with crutches.

At that moment, Wang Dafu and others couldn’t sit still. They all stood up and saluted.

“Why did the uncles suddenly come? You didn’t inform us, or we could have come, there was no need to come to us in person.”

Mrs. Wang poked her face from behind the leading old man, “Of course I invited them.”

Wang Dafu laughed dryly, “Your second brother and I just came back from outside and heard that you came back, and we were trying to talk to you. Why did you invite all your uncles so suddenly?”

Mrs. Wang smirked, “Did you just find out that I’m back, eldest brother, second brother? Were you discussing where the letter is with my two older sisters?”

Wang Dafu was embarrassed by her words.

Naturally, the brothers got the news the previous night, but they were not sure, and secondly, they felt that Mrs. Wang had been a peasant woman for many years and had not returned for many years, so they only let Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zou come forward.

Mrs. Wang had known the characters and habits of the two older brothers since she was young, and by looking at their unnatural faces, she knew that these two were lying.

“Uncles, please come to the table.” Wang Dagui smiled and asked them to take their seats, “Although it is a great event that my little sister came home, we shouldn’t bother the uncles to come forward. Today, the uncles came here to……”

The old man at the head was Old Wang’s cousin, and he was also the patriarch of the current clan.

The patriarch did not go around in circles with them, and said, “It was Baoyun who said she had a letter from your parents before they died, and invited us to come over for an appraisal.”

Baoyun was naturally Mrs. Wang’s name.

The faces of the Wang family’s brothers and their wives became embarrassed. Just a while ago, they were planning to destroy the letter in Mrs. Wang’s hands! But after several uncles made such an appraisal, their so-called plan became a fantasy!

Wang Dafu and Wang Dagui couldn’t help thinking at the same time, it was no wonder that their old wives failed to fool the little sister. Who would have thought that after being away for so many years, she got more shrewd than before!