The dream of relatives had existed since ancient times. Although that was a bit bizarre, the uncles were not suspicious, and they comforted her by saying, “Although you had a bad life a few years ago, you escaped such a catastrophe, it can be considered good luck.”

As the patriarch spoke, he gave Wang Dafu and Wang Dagui a meaningful look. The meaning couldn’t be more obvious – your own sister has been so miserable, she finally escaped death, you brothers don’t talk about helping, but you still thought about taking the courtyard your parents left to her? Such black hearted people!

In the end, Wang Dafu, the eldest brother, opened his mouth to smooth things out, “Little sister, you will definitely be able to have a very peaceful life in the future, I don’t know what you plan to do in the future?”

Twenty taels of silver had been given, and Wang Dafu was afraid that he would not be able to get rid of the burden.

He clearly knew that the patriarch was fair, and although he was helping her to get ahead, Mrs. Wang was a married woman.

However, Mrs. Wang didn’t have any intention of taking advantage of them, so she said, “It’s not a big plan, thanks to a few uncles calling the shots, I can use the twenty taels of silver left by my father and mother to rent a small yard to live in. Let Qingyi’s wife take care of myself, and then I would do some cleaning and sewing to support the family. Brother, don’t worry, even if I have to beg for food, I won’t beg your family. “

“What are you talking about?” Wang Dafu laughed dryly.

After the matter was settled and the meal was over, when it was getting dark, the patriarch and several uncles didn’t stay too long. The Wang family followed them out of the house and hired an ox cart to take them home.

As soon as the uncles left, Mrs Wang stopped holding it, clutched the purse on her chest and ran to the inn.

In the inn, Gu Yin brought Xiao Wu’an to eat dinner. Because there was no money, of course, the food was very ordinary, that was, dry biscuits mixed with hot water.

Looking up and seeing Mrs. Wang, Gu Yin unconsciously smiled, “Mother, did everything go well?”

Mrs. Wang sat down beside them, poured a large gulp of hot water first, and then said, “It went well! As you expected, my two brothers are not good people, they dare to talk nonsense in front of the patriarch. They wanted to drag it and didn’t want to give me that courtyard. Later, I followed your method, and the patriarch watched, so they could only convert the house into silver and give it to me.”

Speaking of that, Mrs Wang smiled so much that her eyes were bent, she got up and closed the windows and door, took out two big silver ingots and placed them in front of Gu Yin as if offering treasures, “Look, twenty taels of silver!”

Gu Yin also had bright eyes as she had the capital to do business!

Mrs. Wang looked amused, and reached out to pat her head, “Look at you, little money fan!”

Gu Yin touched her forehead and smiled, “Mother, I think we will need money for food, clothing, housing, and transportation in the town in the future, and the money made by sewing and washing will not be enough. We have to do a job.”

Mrs. Wang also stopped laughing when she heard the words, and became worried again, “How can I not know what you are talking about? But how expensive it is to go to school. When Qingyi went to school, it cost five or six taels of silver a year because the old man saw that the two families had little friendship. Twelve taels in a year is not enough here. Even if you use all the twenty two taels for study, it’s only enough for Wu’an. It’s only enough for two years of studying, what kind of fame one you achieve with that?”

“Yeah!” Gu Yin nodded in agreement, “That’s why we use money to make money, and it’s only then we can make money.”

“Can we do a little business?!”

Mrs. Wang immediately shook her head, “How is it so easy to do business? Our family doesn’t have any skills, what kind of business can we do?”

“I think we can make some food and sell it.”

Hearing that, Mrs Wang shook her head even more like a rattle, “I’m a good cook, it’s not a big deal for you to learn from me. But when you were a teenager, you almost burned the kitchen to cook. Can we sell the food you make?”

Gu Yin had long expected her reaction. After all, the change in temperament was easy to explain, but the craftsmanship could not be conjured out of thin air. But fortunately, she had already prepared her speech.

“Actually, before I came to Hanshan Town, I had a dream one night.”

Mrs. Wang:  …

That daughter-in-law really deserved to be the one that she raised, as she had a similar way of talking nonsense.