Mrs. Wang asked the price carefully. At that time, he said hesitantly, “This house is only rented on an annual basis, and it costs… four taels of silver a year.”

Mrs. Wang immediately raised her eyebrows and scolded, “You kid, I saw you as an honest guy, how can you deceive us?! This house is so dilapidated, you want us to give four taels a year?! Yesterday, I saw one that is bigger and newer than this, and it would cost two or three taels of silver a year! Not to mention that there is only a scholar and bureaucrat living next to it, even if the county magistrate lives there, it is not a good price!”

Xiao Erhei was a little stunned by Mrs. Wang’s shouting, Gu Yin quickly pulled her hand, “Mother, this price can be found in here. It’s not that he made the price out of thin air, let’s not embarrass him.”

She smiled at the frightened Xiao Erhei again, “My mother has a loud voice, but she’s actually a nice person, so she didn’t mean to scold you.”

Xiao Erhei recovered, scratched his head embarrassedly, and said, “I also know that the price is a bit expensive. But the main point is if you like the house, if both madam and sister like it here, I will help you negotiate the price, alright?”

Mrs. Wang looked at Gu Yin with her hands in hers, and asked her what she thought.

Gu Yin lowered her voice and said, “Safety first, this house is collapsed, but four taels is really expensive, why don’t we let Xiao Erhei discuss it, if we get the same price as the house mother saw yesterday, we will rent it, alright?”

The price of two or three taels was not low, but the neighbors on both sides were a scholar and a bureaucrat. For their safety, it was not wrong to pay more money.

Mrs. Wang didn’t say a word, acquiescing to her statement.

Gu Yin said, “Then please make a trip, four taels is indeed expensive. We can pay two or three taels, you see…”

“No trouble, no trouble,” said the little Er Hei, and snorted again, because Gu Yin looked at him kindly, he said, “I’ll discuss the price, but the master said that you need to see the tenant, so madam and sister have to come with me.”

“This master has so many demands!” Mrs. Wang complained again, but Gu Yin persuaded her to stop complaining.

Xiao Erhei smiled at Gu Yin, and then immediately went to knock on the door next door.

“Who is it?” After a while, the door creaked open, and a short, chubby, round-faced middle-aged woman wearing a cloth scarf came out.

Xiao Erhei hurriedly bowed his head and said with an apologetic smile, “Aunt Xu, it’s me. I brought someone to see the house!”

When Mrs Xu saw it was him, her voice softened, “It’s you kid, why didn’t your master come?”

“Master is busy today, thinking that I’ve got mature too, so he gave me a chance to practice.”

“It’s not easy for you to practice alone, but as I told your master, my son is a scholar, and he needs to study hard, we can’t let any kind of people rent it.”

“I remember everything you said. This time, a kind-hearted lady is looking for a house with a young and beautiful sister. There is another child in the family. She has a simple population and will definitely not disturb Brother Qingchuan’s study!”

As he spoke, Xiao Erhei stepped aside to let Mrs. Xu see Gu Yin and Mrs. Wang he brought.

Mrs. Xu had been lazily, and when she heard the words, she slowly lifted her eyelids to see—

Seeing the person in front of her, Mrs Xu’s eyes widened and her voice raised, “Wang Baoyun!”

Mrs. Wang was still discussing the house with Gu Yin, and when she heard someone call her, she followed the sound and shouted, “Xu Jinchai!”

The two were old acquaintances!

Seeing that scene, Xiao Erhei thought it was half done, so he couldn’t help laughing, “So Aunt Xu and Madam Wu know each other?!”

Mrs. Xu with hands on her hips snorted, “Who knows this scumbag?!”

Not to be outdone, Mrs Wang pouted back, “Who knows this scumbag?!”

The two glared at each other, Wang Shu turned around and left, and Mrs. Xu slammed the door shut.

Gu Yin and Xiao Erhei were caught in the middle, confused, they looked at each other wordlessly for a while, and then one of them went to inquire about the situation.

Mrs. Wang was walking fast, and Gu Yin chased her all the way to the inn to catch up.

“I’m so unlucky!” Mrs. Wang entered the room and sat down angrily, poured herself a bowl of water to drink, and then continued, “If I knew that the house was of that scumbag, I wouldn’t have seen it!”

Gu Yin came in after her, picked up the water bowl and took two sips of water, only to be relieved.

Mrs. Wang’s face turned pale when she saw her, and she felt distressed for a while. She stretched out her hand and stroked her back and said, “You child, why did you run? I have nowhere to go, I must go back to the inn. You should walk slowly. Can’t you just come back alone? Why were you chasing after me?”

Gu Yin took a few heavy breaths, “I saw that you were walking a few steps ahead of me, and I thought I could catch up. Who knew that the faster I got and faster you were walking, I ran up unconsciously… Mother, did you have an enmity with that Aunt Xu?”

Mrs. Wang snorted again, “I don’t know her!”

Gu Yin:  …

Seeing that, Gu Yin turned around and saw Xiao Wu’an sitting on the bed looking at them eagerly, so she went to dress the little guy.

Gu Yin and Mrs. Wang were out early in the morning, so they didn’t call him.

Seeing his mother’s face was red, Xiao Wu’an didn’t dare to speak loudly, and only asked Gu Yin softly, “Sister-in-law, who made my mother unhappy again?”

Gu Yin shook her head, then peeked at Mrs. Wang and said, “I don’t know either. Mother refused to tell me. It seems that there is a secret.”

“What secret?” Mrs. Wang heard the words and gritted her teeth, “That Xu Jinchai is an idiot!”

At the same time, in Jinyi Alley, Xu Qingchuan also came out of the study room to ask his mother what happened after hearing the door of the house slam shut.

Mrs. Xu was also stroking her chest and scolded, “That Wang Baoyun is an idiot!”