In fact, the life of the Wu family was really good at the beginning. In the years when the original owner arrived in the Wu family, she could still eat hunted animals every three or five months, only then did she grow from that thin appearance to a slim girl.

Only Xiao Wu’an suffered. When he was born, his father and brother were gone. His mother and sister-in-law in the family did not have any skills, so they could only do the simplest work. Later, the original owner fell ill, and in order to cure her, the family even sold the fields.

Up to now, although Mrs. Wang had received twenty taels from her parents’ family, the income was less and the output was more, and the family would return to its former poverty in two years at most.

Gu Yin made up her mind. She must come up with another way to convince Mrs. Wang to let her do food business. Even if Mrs. Wang didn’t believe it, she could still make something to conquer her taste buds, and at most, Mrs. Wang would give her a scolding.

After making up her mind, Gu Yin cleaned the stove with more dedication. Not only were the edges and corners of the stove clean, but even the corners of the stove were wiped clean with a mop.

It was late in the evening when Gu Yin tidied up the place and Mrs. Wang came back from outside.

She bought a lot of things, and she was covered with large and small bags.

However, when she got home, she was not in a hurry to unload the goods, but looked for Gu Yin everywhere.

Hearing Xiao Wu’an say that Gu Yin was in the stove, she rushed into the stove first, and when she saw the spotless appearance inside, she retracted her feet, “Is this still our home? Why has it changed in a short time?”

“Mother, you came back just in time, I have something to tell you.”

“I also have something to tell you,” Mrs. Wang beckoned her to step forward, and then pulled her out, “Child, what did you say about the dream last time? Tell me specifically.”

Gu Yin’s heart moved slightly. She thought that Mrs. Wang had forgotten about it. After all, what she said at that time was really low credibility. 

“You really still believe me.” 

Gu Yin felt that she was too one-sided in looking at people. Mrs. Wang was not only soft-hearted, but also meticulous. 

“I will definitely live up to your expectations…”

Seeing her excited look with red eyes, Mrs. Wang patted her thigh and said anxiously, “Don’t talk about these things?! I’ve already blown cowhide (m. boasted) to the sky!”

A few hours ago, Mrs. Wang went to town to buy things.

She bought some household necessities first, and then thought that Gu Yin’s tonic was almost finished, so she went to the pharmacy.

It had been three days since the last time she bought the medicine, and that part of the nearby transportation road should be repaired, so the price of medicine should come down.

Unexpectedly, the price of medicine had doubled.

Surprised, Mrs. Wang asked the reason, and only then did she know from the shopkeeper’s mouth that the price of medicine had nothing to do with the road, but the war between the rebel army and the imperial army was getting more tense.

The current Emperor waved his hand and issued an imperial decree, scraping most of the medicinal materials from the hands of the national pharmacists, as all the useful ones were sent to the front line.

That was not enough. The Emperor only knew about pleasure, and the treasury had already been emptied by eunuchs without knowing it. Where would the money come from to buy medicinal materials? He just said that he owed it first, and then he could make it up after the tax was paid.

A group of merchants were suffering, but how could they dare to complain? They could only eat that stuffy loss.

But the medicinal materials were scarce and the supply was short. The pharmacist who had hurt his vitality had to find a way to make back the lost capital, and the price of the medicine doubled again.

Like the pharmacy asked by Mrs. Wang, some still had a conscience. Otherwise, those who were crazy about money simply closed the store and waited for other colleagues to sell all the medicinal materials.

The last time the shopkeeper saw Mrs. Wang’s shabby clothes, she was willing to spend money to buy tonic for her daughter-in-law. He felt good to her, lowered his voice and said to her, “Mrs, buy it as soon as possible. Although our boss has ordered not to sell more, we are afraid of profiteers stocking up from us, but we are not sure that it will be sold out. If you want to buy medicine in the future, you have to go to those profiteers that are more than ten times more expensive. “

Mrs. Wang felt distressed and gasped as she touched the purse.

The money she brought from Batou Village had almost been spent. Later, she got twenty taels in total, three taels for renting the house, and five taels for buying things at home. Gu Yin’s tonic had to be taken for another month, so it took another seven taels. After all, there were only seven taels of silver left.