Gu Yin stood up and explained, “Master, listen to me. This eldest brother just came to our stall. First, he shouted in a vicious voice a porridge, and I immediately served a bowl. It was not until he had eaten it all that he complained that it was unpalatable. Our new stall is already struggling to operate, so how can we withstand what he said? He smashed the signboard (not literal but m. obstructed business). My mother indeed beat the table, but this eldest brother made the first move. He knocked it so the legs of the table got crooked, and said that we had no way and our end would be the same as the table. My mother was also afraid of us being bullied, so she hit the table as well.”

In a few words, without slowness or hurriedness, she explained the ins and outs.

Sir Li turned his head and glared at Ge Dalong, “I remember that your uncle and aunt also set up a stall on the pier. Are you bullying the women who are new to business?”

“No!” Ge Dalong’s voice lowered, “It is really unpalatable! Why didn’t people tell me it’s unpalatable?”

Sir Li laughed angrily, “It’s unpalatable, so you eat a whole bowl and then scold?”

At that time, the people watching the fun also followed.

“I’ve eaten the porridge from this daughter-in-law’s stall! It’s delicious!”

“That’s right, their wontons were sold out in half a morning yesterday, and there are a lot of customers today. Could it be that everyone’s tongues are broken?”

“Ge Dalong is a well-known scumbag in our town. He bullies people!”

Sir Li turned his head to gesture at the yamen, who immediately put the shackles on him.

“I’ll do it myself, I’ll do it myself,” Ge Dalong stretched out his hand and handcuffed himself.

Sir Li pursed his lips in a funny way, turned his face to Gu Yin and nodded slightly, and then left the pier with him.

“Alas, he hasn’t given the money yet! The cent for the porridge and one hundred cents for the table!”

Mrs. Wang, who had reacted, went to chase, but was pulled by Gu Yin, “Mother, let me see your hand!”

The back of Mrs. Wang’s hand was very red, and it looked like it was about to swell up.

Looking at Gu Yin’s caring and slightly reproachful eyes, she said guilty, “It’s alright. I’ll just go back and dip it in cold water.”

Gu Yin rubbed it carefully to make sure she didn’t hurt her bones, and then she was relieved.

“I’m really fine. Qingyi could crack rocks with his bare hands when he was a teenager. Although I’m not as good as him, it’s still no problem to hit such a small table. It’s just that the turtle’s son didn’t give money!”

After saying that, Mrs. Wang broke from Gu Yin’s hand, and then shouted to sell the steamed buns.

The crowd watching the excitement gradually dispersed, but many people still bought something before leaving.

Because of that, Gu Yin sold more than ten bowls of porridge, and there were only twenty or thirty buns left.

After the crowd dispersed, Mrs. Wang was delighted as she counted the coins, and then she thought of the table, and couldn’t help feeling pain – the table she hit. She was just trying to scare him.

Was it worn out?

At that moment, Aunt Ge came over, “I’ll pay the money for the table and the food.”

“Are you that rascal’s family?” Mrs. Wang looked at her with a sullen face, “The head arrester said that his family set up a stall on the pier. Could it be you?”

“It’s me.” Aunt Ge became more embarrassed, and explained, “But I just mentioned something, I didn’t expect him to come to trouble you.”

“You…” Mrs. Wang was about to scold her again, but Gu Yin pulled her back and said, “Mother, this official was the one this aunt called over just now.”

At that time, everyone gathered to watch the fun, and this tall and thin woman was among them, but everyone was crowding forward, but she turned her head and rushed out and left in a hurry. After a while, Sir Li and the others arrived, and the woman came back with them.

“It turns out to be the case.” Mrs. Wang’s expression became kinder, “But you caused this incident, don’t expect us to thank you!”

“No, no,” Aunt Ge waved her hands repeatedly. She had been honest and never harmed anyone in her life, but she was really forced by Ge Dalong, and she only said those words at that time.

Lao Liutou next to them listened and said, “Ge Dalong is really not a good person, he eats his uncle and aunt’s food, and he even comes out to make trouble. Don’t you understand the truth of being too good and being deceived by others? You just let him take advantage of you.”

How could Aunt Ge not understand? Although their family had been separated, she had not been able to do anything since her daughter went missing. The old couple would point at Ge Dalong, their nephew, in the future. No matter how unwilling she was, the most she could do was complain.

Seeing the table with a broken leg and a big hole, Aunt Ge felt more guilty. Thanks to this evil mother-in-law being powerful, otherwise she would have to regret it for the rest of her life.

She asked tentatively, “My buns are almost sold out. You should have some left, right? Why don’t you put them on our stall and I’ll help you sell them.”

“Hmph, you still have some good intentions,” Mrs. Wang took out the steamer with the steamed buns left over and gave it to her.

Aunt Ge returned to her stall with a steaming tray, and explained the situation to Uncle Ge. In order to make up for their mistakes, they both sold the steamed buns as their own.

Their stalls had a lot of traffic and sold out in no time. And because Gu Yin’s buns were delicious, she even sold several bowls of noodles with the buns.

“My dear, this little daughter-in-law’s buns are really amazing.” Uncle Ge tasted the last one, counted a few copper coins from his money box and put them in the pile of copper plates to be given to Gu Yin, “The people are really not boasting. Thanks to the good location of our stall, we sold porridge and steamed buns, otherwise we really can’t compete with her business!”

Aunt Ge was thinking about that. The location of her own stall was good, but they didn’t have enough stuff to sell. Their stuff was good, but the location of the stall was poor. If that little daughter-in-law sent the buns to her to sell, her family could sell more and share a portion of the profit from it, wouldn’t it be a win-win situation?