Aunt Ge had been selling food for most of her life. She knew how much money could be earned even if she didn’t say it.

But because of her openness and honesty, she couldn’t help but glance at Gu Yin and say, “Since your mother-in-law can make you head of the family, it’s obvious that you have an idea. What do you think is suitable?”

“Auntie, what do you think about 40%?”

According to Gu Yin’s idea, the Ge family had such a convenient stall location, so they didn’t have to cooperate with her family. Even if the account was divided into fifty fifty, some people would be willing. But it was true that their own profits were really thin, and the big spenders were close at hand, so they couldn’t give up that much.

Aunt Ge’s estimate was 30%. What she thought was that although it was easy for her to help other people sell things – two families had come to ask before, but the taste of the first one was poor, and the second one was even more unpleasant. More annoying was that they cut corners, and the ingredients used were not fresh. There were many stalls on the wharf, and there was a lot of competition. If she used the food they made, she wouldn’t be able to earn money, let alone smash the signboard of her own stall. It was Gu Yin’s skill that gave Aunt Ge confidence that she could achieve a win-win result.

Aunt Ge thought about it and said, “It’s 30%.”

Gu Yin also didn’t want to take advantage of others, and finally decided to give up 40% of the profit, and agreed on the number of buns. After agreeing to make a contract the next day, Aunt Ge was sent out of the house.

At that time, Mrs. Wang also adjusted her emotions, “Have you discussed everything?”

Gu Yin nodded, “I’ll give her 40% of the profits. I’ll make 100 more and send it to them tomorrow.”

Mrs. Wang laughed at first, but then became worried again, “We usually make a hundred or so, and tomorrow we will make a hundred more, adding up it’s two hundred or so, so you won’t be able to sleep enough at night.”

Gu Yin said, “It’s enough to get up an hour early. Beside, we only do the morning market, and I can make up for sleep in the afternoon. Doing 100 more a day, deducting the distribution to Aunt Ge, our family can eat  more a day!”

“It’s my fault, otherwise you wouldn’t need to work so hard,” Mrs Wang looked at her own pair of hands, which also had five fingers each. It was not a big deal to wrap food in the stall. After thinking about it for a while, Mrs. Wang asked, “Is it because of Wu’an’s admission that you are working so hard?”

Gu Yin smiled and didn’t answer. She turned around and went to the stove and brought out the money box, “Do you want to count the copper coins, mother?”

When Mrs. Wang heard the sound of copper coins, her eyes lit up, and she happily began to count the coins.

They actually earned one hundred silver that day.

When she knew that she had earned fifty silver a day before, she was daydreaming with joy. Although she was happy after counting, she was no longer so enthusiastic.

“Otherwise, let’s forget about Wu’an’s education. Anyway, he is so smart, let’s find a gentleman to teach him,” Mrs. Wang held back.

“Mother!” Gu Yin looked at her helplessly, “We’ve just already agreed.”

Mrs. Wang thought that they sold a lot because of the commotion. There would be no dramas to see everyday, but when they start working with the Ge family, they should earn about the same as that day.

In that way, they could earn much after deducting the rent a month.

It was already September, and in the twelfth lunar month, the weather was freezing cold. The canals would freeze, ships would not pass, and there would be no business if there was no one on the dock.

The fifteen taels were still far away.

However, looking at her daughter-in-law’s confident appearance, Mrs. Wang didn’t say much, but secretly said in her heart that no matter whether it was successful or not, she would remember her efforts. 

Gu Yin was making plans in her heart.

There were a lot of steamed buns made. Without Ge Dalong’s interruption, one hundred and fifty buns would never be sold. It should be enough to make a total of 200 porridges, but she needed to prepare more porridge, especially when the weather would be cold soon. Then she wouldn’t have to worry about selling hot porridge soup.

The first two days were considered trial operations. She bought just enough flour, and other materials. She could prepare more materials that were not easy to put away, such as grain and oil, so as not to have to go out every day.

As soon Mrs. Wang said she agreed, she first put the copper coins in the box, and then went back to the house to get back the pieces of silver left over at the beginning, and returned them all to Gu Yin, “In the future, all the money will be under your control, as your brain is more active than mine, so you can use it as you please.”

Gu Yin nodded and said, “Then I will show you the account book every day.”

Mrs. Wang waved her hands, “Don’t, don’t, no, I’ll faint when I see the words. We are a family, is it possible to doubt you?”

Gu Yin blinked slyly, “Mother, don’t say that. I can steal ten silvers every day without you knowing.”

“I let you be the one controlling money, and you only steal ten silvers? You really don’t have any prospects!” Mrs. Wang slapped her lightly in a joking manner.

After that, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law went out to buy things together.

Because they had to prepare ingredients for many days this time, the two split up. Gu Yin went to buy meat and vegetables, while Mrs. Wang was in charge of buying heavier things.

After half an hour, the two met at the agreed place.

When they were separated, Mrs. Wang was fine, but at that moment, her face was full of anger.

Gu Yin asked her what was wrong, and Mrs. Wang said, “I went to buy noodles first, and then went to buy rice. The rice shop was in a mess and I didn’t know what was going on. They didn’t listen to me, and sent me away to go buy it from another store tomorrow. Isn’t this bullying?!”