Chapter 205 Double Super-Cell Gene

Name:Blood Titan System Author:

"Let's. Make. A. Deal."

This time the four envoys couldn't hide their shock. "Impossible!"

The Blood Widow whispered. 

"Amitabah Buddah,." The monk chanted while stroking his beads but his eyes were blood-shot. It was unknown if it was killing intent or blood lust that leaked from his eyes. 

"Dark Master." The old man's expression darkened slightly. Only those high level Dark-titan had the abity to build clones. 

It was unknown if this was the original Dark-servant it it was actually the body of the real Dark-master but no mater what, it would be futile for Seraph to fight it as the Dark Master from the House Of Dark Matter could easily swap to another Dark- Servant.

Seraph snorted coldly, a manaic of expression flickering through her eyes as she battles with herself.

Assuming she was using her third form, there was no way she would eb able to regain control of her self this fast. At least, not until her titan form had shed blood. 

She unclenched her closed fist. She landed on the broken ground with a thud, making it shake as though it was about to give way to her shear form. 

Releasing her titan form, her height reduced to a mere 1.8 meters, she was practically naked at this point. 

But it was as tough she didn't mind people seeing her nakedness. She casually removed a robe from no where, wearing it smoothly, she turned to face upwards and finally asked, 

"What deal are you proposing?" The violet hue still twitching rapidly in her pupils as she asked. But Seraph was already used to it, there was no way she would lose control after using the second level. 

One could imagine how crazy she would get once she activated the seventh state of her Tactic. She would probably turn psychopathic at that point. 

[Class: Single-Supercell Titan(100%)]

[Aspect; Eye Of Lightning]

[Supercell: Null]

[Status: Healthy]

[Nuclear Energy[N]: 4,102,435/(40,000)]

[Titan phase Limit: Base Nuclear Energy Limit (Usually once)<×N>]

[Nuclear Pulse Talent: 5-star(Mid-grade)<Upgradable>(96,000,000)]

[Techniques: Blood Symbiote Bio-Reactor (Legendary Tier, low grade), Eternal Physique Optimization Art(Legendary Tier, low-grade), Lightning god Physique(legendary) <upgradable>]

[Combat Tactics; War-God Prime(Rare-grade)<Upgradable>,

Nine Hells Inferno Fist(Legendary Tier,


Atomic Glitch (Mythic)

[Basics of Lightning (Legendary)<Upgradable>]

[Weapon: Outblast Inferno]

[Nuclear grade: Weapon III]

[Basics Of lightning: Contains knowledge of lightning and wind, using the wind to cause lightning. When trained to the peak level, one can directly summon lightning. But maybe because it's an incomplete skill almost, no one has trained it to the peak level."

Attention: This skill contains a lot of danger and there's records of a True Titan state expert who trained this skill being killed by lightning.]

[Name: Blackfire Cell]

[Type: Super-gene ]

[Rarity: Normal (Pseudo-Mythic)]

[Nuclear Energy: 20,000,000 points]

[Information: Rare item left behind by killing a rare female mutated plant of the Blackfire specie. The bud contains massive amount of nuclear energy.]

[Information (2): Drastically increase strength and agility when consumed]

[Information (3): Item still in its embryo form, if well nurtured with nuclear strength, it has the potential to reach Psuedo-Mythic quality.]

[Abilities: Transform massive amount of nuclear energy into blackfire, consuming friend and foe alike.]

This was the organ Erian chose to merge with! But now, he was beginning to have doubts about it. Since he was training in lightning element and the organ was of the fire element, would the two clash inside of him? He now wasn't sure if it was a great idea to have both element. 

Just above Erian's mountain abode, a blaring light struck. 


The instant that Erian stimulated the Lightning-eye aspect, he could clearly feel the world darken in front of him.

Rumbling thunder clapped through the skies.

Surprise emerged in his eyes as he looked in front. A vast expanse of space had appeared in front of him. Within this space, numerous clouds gathered and lightning converged within these clouds. The lightning would descend from the sky continuously like fierce silver pythons.

An extremely violent nuclear energy filled the entire space. In this place, the originally nuclear energy was influenced by the lightning and had turned into a violent rage of silver python. 

Within this lightning space, there were numerous lightning suspended in midair. The floating lightning revealed a dark sheen, and each of these lightning had a violent spark hidden within. 

From time to time, the lightning would soar through the skies and descend onto the lonely hut at the top of the mountain! 

Whenever the lightning descended, the hut would release a faint forcefield that would cause the lightning to reduce, making it to desperse slightly. This in turn causing the hit to emit an exceptionally beautiful silvery glow.

Within the hut, there was a Erian laid silently like a ghost

Erian writhed in the genetic pod, his face contorted in unbearable pain. Sweat dripped profusely from his forehead, mingling with the furrows etched across his brow. He clenched his teeth tightly, desperately trying to endure the agonizing torment that surged through his veins. The sanctuary that once provided solace now felt like a battlefield as his lightning cells clashed forcefully with the volatile Black-fire gene.

With each collision, waves of scorching pain shot through David's body, enveloping him in a torment he could scarcely comprehend. It felt as if his very essence was being torn asunder, his being stretched beyond its limits. The Black-fire gene, a malevolent force of darkness and chaos, fought back with equal ferocity, its tendrils of obsidian energy entwining with his electric life force, creating a volatile and merciless fusion.

The implantation process unfolded before him, a grotesque dance orchestrated by multiple minuscule robotic hands. Like twisted marionettes, they moved with eerie precision, their metallic appendages adorned with an array of gleaming microtools. They navigated the intricate landscape of Erian's flesh, maneuvering through veins and tissues as though choreographed by a sinister maestro.

The robotic hands converged upon the epicenter of David's chest, where his heart would have resided if not for this harrowing procedure. Their movements harmonized seamlessly, like a well-rehearsed ballet troupe, as they deftly separated the flesh, fashioning a cavity that would house the Black-fire organ. Fleeting glimpses of polished steel and intermittent flashes of light cast eerie, dancing shadows against the sterile walls of the pod.

Time seemed to elongate, each passing moment an eternity, as the robotic hands delicately raised the pulsating, ebony organ. It writhed in their mechanical grasp, a grotesque amalgamation of life and death. The tendrils of black-fire energy emanating from its core lapped at the air, casting a sinister glow upon the surrounding walls, as if mocking the feeble light that dared to penetrate the darkness.

With meticulous precision, the tiny hands nestled the Black-fire organ into the meticulously prepared cavity within David's body. As the organ settled into its new abode, his body vehemently rebelled against the foreign intrusion, a symphony of screams reverberating through his senses.

Erian's vision blurred, obscured by tears of anguish as the pain reached its crescendo, crashing upon him like a merciless tidal wave. His body convulsed violently, muscles spasming uncontrollably as the lightning cells waged a fierce battle against the invasive Black-fire gene, locked in a cataclysmic struggle for dominance.

In the midst of the turmoil, Erian'smind teetered precariously on the precipice between despair and determination. The pain was overwhelming, threatening to consume him entirely. Yet, amidst the abyss of suffering, he clung tenaciously to the belief that this fusion would bestow upon him unparalleled power—a power capable of transforming his life and reshaping the very fabric of the world.

Gradually, as the last tendrils of the Black-fire gene merged with Erian's lightning cells, the pain began to recede, leaving in its wake a lingering ache and an eerie calmness. Gasping for breath, his body drenched in perspiration, Erian sensed the weight of the newfound power coursing through his veins. The Black-fire gene had become an indelible part of him, a force both mesmerizing and perilous, waiting to be harnessed.

Within the genetic pod, Erian emerged transformed—a young man irrevocably altered by the fusion of lightning and darkness. He stood at the threshold of a path fraught with danger and untold 

[Class: Double-Supercell Titan(0.01%)]

[Aspect; Eye Of Lightning]

[Supercell: Black-Fire]

[Status: Slightly Injured]

[Nuclear Energy[N]: 300,168/(100,000)]

[Titan phase Limit: Base Nuclear Energy Limit (Usually once)<×N>]

[Nuclear Pulse Talent: 5-star(Mid-grade)<Upgradable>(96,000,000)]

[Techniques: Blood Symbiote Bio-Reactor (Legendary Tier, low grade), Eternal Physique Optimization Art(Legendary Tier, low-grade), Lightning god Physique(legendary) <upgradable> ]

[Combat Tactics; War-God Prime(Rare-grade)<Upgradable>,

Nine Hells Inferno Fist(Legendary Tier,


Atomic Glitch (Mythic)

[Basics of Lightning (Epic)<Upgradable>]

[Weapon: Outblast Inferno]

[Nuclear grade: Weapon III]



Erian's face changed slightly. It was a message from his master. The dark seraph: the War Angel! 

Just as he opened it, the content of the message was revealed to his face. 

"See me in my office."

Erian's face remained expressionless. During the past three days, it had been peaceful with no body out there to challenge him. It was as though there were scared of him as well as his master combined.

Assuming he had no master, then there would undoubtedly be numerous student out there, waiting to challenge him but with him accepting a master, one of the three Grand Envoy to booth,