Chapter 167: Good Men and Bad Men

Name:BloodStar Author:
Chapter 167: Good Men and Bad Men

Xenia picked herself up and massaged her cheek where she was slapped. It was an unusual sight to see such a beautiful woman be assaulted without anyone rushing to her aid; however, no one wanted to land themselves on General Preston’s bad side.

The crowd began to slowly scatter although most eyes were still glued to Xenia for many reasons including both the spectacle that had just occurred and her absolutely killer body and outfit.

While General Preston may have prevented anyone from rushing to Xenia’s aid, she also had saved Xenia from being removed from the party as her decision to spare her life was out of respect for Nero. As her presence at the party went unaddressed, Scorched Shadow members decided to leave the status quo alone and leave Xenia alone as well for the time being at least.

Xenia walked in the direction of a waiter and curtly grabbed the stem of an elegant glass of red wine from the waiter’s tray. She then took an aggressive course as she moved into position in order to watch Nero and Mallory exit the party.

Xenia was surprisingly calm given the events that had unfolded as she found solace in the fact things were far from over. She softly whispered to herself, “See you soon, Mallory. I can personally guarantee that I will have the last laugh.”

Xenia found herself in a decent mood considering; however, that was all about to change. She had one arm folded under her large boobs with the other arm bent up at the elbow holding her wine glass in her hand up near her face.

She looked on as Nero and Mallory were one step out the front door... and then Mallory made a mistake she would regret for the rest of her life.

Mallory stopped Nero turning him to face her, and she leaned in grabbing the back of his neck forcing him down to kiss her on the lips. Xenia watched as a ferocious scowl formed on her face. Xenia then saw Mallory’s tongue soil Nero’s lips in her final kiss.The initial posting of this chapter occurred via Ñøv€l-B!n.

Xenia unintentionally shattered the wine glass in her hand causing wine to fall upon her chest and dress. She continued to stare with daggers as hate boiled within her. Her emotions reached a crescendo quickly as she tried to call on all of her discipline to avoid killing every single person at the party.

Her bubbling rage and hate for Mallory was suddenly short circuited as a man abruptly interrupted her stewing.

“Excuse me. Miss Sareena Night was it? Allow me to get that for you.” A sharp-dressed man began to wipe her dress down clearing the wine from her otherwise pristine leather. The man then glanced at her chest and asked, “May I?”

Xenia’s scowl remained but she nodded, “You may.”

The man began to blot the wine off her chest, “My name is Jaime. Don’t worry yourself about me. I am not a member of Scorched Shadow. I am merely a banker for the organization.”

Jaime then looked to her hand to see several shards of glass impaled within her palm, “Goodness. Follow me. I was once a paramedic years and years ago. I can stitch you right up.”

He took her hand and lead her to a medical room in the back where they could have some privacy. Xenia followed without question as her mind ran in circles with hate and rage at the scene she had just witnessed, “It is one thing to slap me. But to kiss Nero is an afront that will never be forgiven!”

Jaime sat her down on a stool and pulled up another stool alongside her. He grabbed her hand and did a double-take as he noticed her cuts were completely gone. He looked at her other hand assuming he had the wrong hand. However, he found that both hands were completely healthy with no scrapes, cuts, or bruises.

He looked up to her in shock; however, before he could speak, the door slammed open as Ken Spangler walked in, “Miss Night!”

Xenia moaned, “Jaime, that feels good. You are such a good boy. Such a sweet boy. You stood up for me when no one else did. You cleaned my dress when no one else did. And you even offered to stitch my hand up when no one else did. Men like you are rare indeed.”

Jaime continued to kiss her thinking to himself, “Holy shit, this crazy bitch actually likes me.”

She laughed, “Yes, I am a crazy bitch aren’t I? But I don’t like you.”

Jaime stopped his kissing to look up at her in complete shock thinking to himself, “She can hear my thoughts?”

Xenia responded, “Yes, I can.” She snapped her fingers and barked, “Keep kissing me!”

The two sat atop Ken’s dead body as Xenia said, “You are a good man. But no. I don’t like you. Good men once killed me. Good men killed my mother. And good men... killed my heir.”

She then grabbed his head on both sides with her hands and forced him to look her in the eyes, “There is no good. And there is no bad. There is only me, and there is only death. There is only Xenia Victoria BloodStar. And good or bad, I plan to throw a lot of dead men at my feet until this world is mine!”

She then pushed him back on top of Ken’s body and once again she began to repeatedly and violently stab him just as she had Colonel Spangler.

Jaime screamed with utmost fear and pain as Xenia began; however, his screams soon tempered as blood filled his airways and his screams turned to gurgling and eventually silence. The only audible noise was Xenia grunting and the sound of tearing flesh as she continued to tear his dead body into pieces until his chest was a cavity of loosely put together skin and organs.

She was covered in blood from head to toe. Blood soaked her hair and dripped from the strands down her face slowly crawling down towards her lips where Xenia licked up the running blood with utmost satisfaction.

She dismounted Ken and Jaime on the examination table and began to breathe heavy with a crazed look as she muttered to herself, “General Mallory Preston.” She grit her teeth until they were ready to crack under the pressure of her clenched bite.

She then took the scalpel in hand and jammed it into Jaime’s right eye.

Next, she formed a portal in front of her and stepped in disappearing from the room. Disappearing from the manor.

The door opened shortly after her departure as a man called in, “Yo Ken! You almost done in here man? Me and a few guys wanna help you blow a part of that cool $90 mil.”

The man laughed as he continued to open the door and enter the medical room, but his laugh quickly turned to terror, “Holy Fuck! Shit! Ken! Ken!!”

The man took a step towards Ken and then thought better of it, “No. He’s dead. He’s dead!” The man looked around noting this wasn’t some accident, and it wasn’t quick and easy. He looked at both mangled bodies and debris and blood flung all over the room imagining the horror that took place here. Hate, passion, rage. These two men were eviscerated. He thought to himself, “Revenge? That girl... that girl! Sareena Night!”

The man rushed out of the room yelling, “Security! Security! Security to the medical room! Lock this place down! Lock it down! No one leaves!”

As security rushed to the room, he grabbed his phone and urgently dialed General Preston as he whispered to himself, “Come on. Come on. Pick up. Pick up!”