Chapter 253: Stradivarius

Name:BloodStar Author:
Chapter 253: Stradivarius

The great hall of BloodStar Castle was littered with sadistic delicacies prepared by Constance for Xenia. Long tables stretched the length of the hall on both sides of a central walkway, and both tables presented various cuts of dead and alive meats.

One table housed recently decapitated heads with the upper part of the calvarium removed. The brains of all of the severed heads had been blended into a thick soup and diced cubes of spleen had been dropped in. The rim of the skull was salted with a tropical umbrella straw tastefully placed in each drink so to speak as if it were a variant of a tropical boba tea with bits of spleen bobbing within.

The opposing table had fully skinned cadavers, or rather would-be cadavers had they not still been alive. Under the spell of Shadow Slave by Constance, the flayed victims from the Heraklinos and Sage Empires were completely still as they were specifically placed in various positions with different parts of the body accessible to anyone walking by who might want a sample bite.

Though Constance had gone to great lengths to prepare the hall for her empress, she had put the most effort into what hung overhead. Hundreds of thick steel chains hung from the rafters above. Each thick chain had a meat hook, and on each meat hook, a live prisoner was impaled securely on the hook in their back.

The room was filled with empty moans of despair and occasional shrieks of breakthrough pain as hundreds of naked bodies swayed gently overhead in the dimly lit hall with flames flickering their light over the crimson accented decorations.

As the doors of the great hall burst open with Xenia pushing Constance back with force, most of the painstaking details of preparation were overlooked as Xenia used her hand to wipe one end of a table clean before throwing Constance atop it on her back.

As Constance willingly and feverishly pulled her dress upwards, Xenia took a moment to look around. Her face wore a genuine smile of delight at Constances preparation.

Do you hear that Constance? Xenia looked upwards with her eyes without moving her head as she gazed at the hanging decorations on meat hooks.

Constance smiled, Do you like it my empress?

Xenia rubbed her hands along Constances exposed inner thighs and leaned over her, I love it. The human body is a violin, and those meat hooks are providing us with a masterful orchestra of pain.

As Constance smiled, Xenia leaned over her and kissed her smiling lips. Then Xenia began slinking her way down Constances body.

But Constance. Those violins are limited by their poor quality. What are they? Prisoner soldiers of the Heraklinos and Sage Empires? Well never get a truly divine sound out of them. But you

Xenia positioned herself between Constances legs and rubbed her pussy with her hands before lowering herself further and licking Constance, Your body is a Stradivarius, and I am about to play you to perfection.

Xenia began to expertly perform cunnilingus kissing, licking, and rubbing Constances vulva with a main focus on her clitoris.

Constance began to moan lightly as the touch of her empress caused her body to reflexively release a rush of pleasure. As Xenia continued pleasuring Constance with her tongue and lips, she bloodbent the entirety of the floating bodies above applying a lethal pressure causing a squelching sound of blood and flesh combined with shrieks and cries of pain.

She then clenched her fist exploding the bodies overhead allowing a controlled rainfall of blood droplets to rain down on both her and Constance as well as the great hall.

Xenia continued to bloodbend the blood that had fallen on Constance forcing the blood into tiny individual droplets all over Constances body from head to toe. She then bloodbent all of the individual droplets forcing each droplet to begin vibrating all over her body including her pussy.

As the vibrations began, Constance arched her back and cried out in pure pleasure as her body entered a bliss-like state of shock.

Xenia stood from between Constances legs and smiled down at Constance as she arched her back and threw her head back with her eyes rolled back screaming.

Xenia moaned to herself at the sound of Constances utmost pleasure at her hands, That is what I want to hear. That is how I want to play your body. The most sexual musical instrument Ive ever laid hands on. And Im playing you all the way to my crescendo. And your climax.

Xenia crouched back down between Constances legs and continued to pleasure her. Constances cries, moans, and shrieks of pleasure became involuntary as she felt she had no control over her body as it was overwhelmed with extreme pleasure all over from the vibrations of the blood droplets and physical touch of Xenias tongue and lips on her.

Nero bowed his head low, I am beyond honored, my empress. Your words are my lifes purpose, and I will do everything in my power to gain strength enough to give you an heir.

Yes, my body has a nasty habit of healing itself and killing all sperm before it even reaches my ovaries or fallopian tubes. It will take a man of god-like power to give me an heir now that I am stronger than ever before.

With his head still bowed, Nero replied, I will find a way, my empress. I will become as powerful as you need me to be. I promise you that.

While I hope that is true, we will also need a backup plan.

Nero lifted his head, A backup plan?

Xenia swirled her drink and smiled raising her eyebrows, A backup plan.

Xenia then looked to Constance, I need my heir from your bloodline, Nero. You are exceptional in every way. Therefore, I am ordering you and Constance to propagate your bloodlinestogether. The combination of your bloodlines will create the strongest and most cunning warriors fit to serve as my personal guard. Just imagine. Your two bloodlines serving me for eternity as I reign over Earth and beyond. And eventually, I am sure one of your offspring will become unimaginably powerful. Powerful enough to give me my heir.

Nero knew it to be blasphemy to speak out against any order coming from Xenias mouth; however, for the first time in his life, he felt a swell of jealousy surrounding the prospect of producing offspring that would steal his lifes goal from him.

Xenia smiled directly at Nero locking eyes with him knowing full well the emotions of jealousy and conflicting resolve within him. She knew that even if this plan failed, it would serve as considerable motivation for Nero to become stronger and stronger.

After a moment of tense silence, Nero finally grunted, As you wish, Empress BloodStar. But I would like to declare my intent to be the one to give you an heir. Not just my bloodline. But me.

His voice boomed with the bass of an apex male sending shivers down both Xenia and Constances backs.

Oh, I hope so, Nero. You have full access to me. I hope this makes you much more assertive in fucking me whenever you like. What man can say that?

Constance stood up and walked over to the kneeling Nero and rubbed her hands over his shoulders and chest as she walked around him, I take my empresss orders quite seriously, Nero. I hope you do too. Should we have our first fuck right in front of her, right now? Im sure shed like to watch our first time.

Constance eyed and smiled at Xenia as she embraced her hands around Neros head and neck.

Nero grunted and sneered at Constances sensual touching all over his body. She took her hands off of him and stepped between him and Xenia as she used her illusion ki to appear as Xenia wearing sexy lingerie right in front of him, I can be anyone you want, Nero. I can even serve as practice for you for when you fuck our empress.

Nero raised his voice and declared, I would like to exert my assertiveness now. You can stay and watch if you like, Constance. Maybe youd like to assess if you can even handle a man of my size first.

Nero stood and picked Constance up with ease by her shoulders moving her out of his line of sight to Xenia. He then moved closer to and kneeled before Xenia.

Xenia nodded, Fine. I must be going soon; however, you may accompany me to the Sage Empire and show me your assertiveness between battles. War can be so boring sometimes.

Nero nodded with relief from his kneeling position as Constance stood to the side with her arms crossed and rolled her eyes. Xenia then said, But I do expect you to give me my very own personal guard of you twos bloodlines, Nero. Even if you do give me an heir. Is that clear?

Nero nodded, Yes, empress. I will not fail you.

Xenia smiled down at him, Good. Dont be so glum, darling. Shes quite amazing in bed. I love her and you both, equally. You should both consider it a great honor that I would share either of you at all. You two are my most prized lovers, for now and for millennia to come.