Chapter 255: You Can Run But You Can’t Hide

Name:BloodStar Author:
Chapter 255: You Can Run But You Can’t Hide

Moments earlier, the central market square of the Sage Empire capital city was bustling with thousands of citizens going about their daily lives. While the passing of Master Erika Sage had blanketed the empire in a sullen mood, the lives of its citizens went on.

The capital city metropolitan area was home to nearly 30 million people and represented the largest metropolitan area within the Sage Empire. The population density was extremely high with pockets of significant space only reserved for public areas or purchased by the wealthy. One such large public space was the central market.

Given its relatively close proximity to the Sage Palace, the market square was built in a pearl white stone to match the Sage Palace. Additionally, upkeep was never overlooked or subject to availability, or lack thereof, of funds as it was a jewel of the capital city. The average shopper was of the upper-class echelon, and the surrounding properties were all vast estates owned by tycoons of industry or politicians of the empire.

Ill give you a hundred for it. No more. A patron of an upscale shop said as he tried to wheel and deal with the owner.

One hundred? Im afraid I couldnt take less than one hundred fifty.

One fifty?! Its an apple! A single apple!

Yes, but you know as well as I that this apple is quite rare owing to the difficulty of growing a strong crop. The texture and the flavor is second to none. Furthermore, this years crop has been devastatingly meager due to unfavorable weather conditions.

The patron pulled out cash saying, Fine. One hundred fifty.

The two made their exchange, and the shop owner smiled brightly, Always a pleasure Baron LeDay.

The Baron shook hands with the shop owner, Do let me know if you get any more of these in. At gatherings, people always want to try the vaunted Sage-field apples.

As the Baron exited the store, a ding from the door sounded off, and he stepped out into the innermost square complete with a large fountain and elaborate tiled plaza.

He looked up into the blue sky and took a deep breath of the fresh air before taking a bite of his exquisite and expensive apple.

He took a seat on the fountain ledge to continue eating his apple, and as he gazed into bustling plaza, he swore his eyes deceived him.

A large black circle rotating with crackling electricity at the edges appeared seemingly out of nowhere. He stared at it in shock, in utter disbelief. He had heard stories, and at present all he could hope for was that those stories were false. Every story told, the black void portal before him always preceded the arrival of Xenia BloodStar.

His fears were soon realized as a hulking strong man wearing only pants with no shirt, holding a massive warhammer, stepped out of the portal. Following him, was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on, Xenia BloodStar. She wore a form fitting crimson velvet dress laced tightly all the way up to her neck. Though quite conservative covering nearly her entire upper body, the regal dress outlined and exemplified the divine body underneath to which it clung. A crimson and gold cape affixed to her upper back concealed both Bloodbane at her lower back and Blood Scourge at her hip.

The Baron immediately fell to his knees bowing before Xenia, Empress BloodStar! Welcome to our empire! I am a Baron of great importance. I could be vital to your-

Xenia abruptly cut him off with her raised voice, Two insults in two seconds! Just as I expected from the people of the Sage Empire. You are all disgusting.

Xenia could feel his gaze upon her, and she looked back over her shoulder with red eyes and a devilish smile, Not even you have seen my true power, Nero. No one has until today.

She then bloodbent his mind speaking to him via bloodbending, And no one has ever fucked me in my Bloodlust. Lets change that today as well. I hope you like crimson blood red hair.

Nero knew he had to merely think to respond, and so he did, I have always craved to fuck you at the peak of your power covered in the blood of our enemies.

Xenia raised her eyebrows and smiled at him thinking back, Oh how happy it makes me to know we share the same fantasies. Then we only need now to cover ourselves in the blood of our enemies.

Xenia then sat in the lotus position at the foot of the fountain splashing with blood, and she began to focus her aura. Her power began to skyrocket to such heights that even Nero with all of his might could hardly stand before her.

She raised her red eyes at Nero, There are 20,000 soldiers at the Sage Empire Palace. I will leave them to you. I will leave them for you to cover yourself in theblood of our enemies.

She then winked at him before closing her eyes as her power resumed its parabolic rise.

As Nero began his walk towards the palace, vortex after vortex of blood sprang up both around him and in the distance as Xenia began to bloodbend the entire capital. Nero gazed in genuine awe as the environment slowly morphed from clear blue skies of a perfect day to crimson red skies of a stormy day.

The scene was one of a crimson red storm with innumerable blood-red tornadoes springing up from the ground rather than descending from the sky.

The vortices of blood converged into a single spot in the sky high above Xenia forming a rotating sphere of blood, a BloodStar.

Nero softly said to himself, She intends to bloodbend the entirety of the capital city without ever moving from her spot. 30 million people dead without ever moving an inch. So this is the power of the BloodStar bloodline heir of legend It is no wonder Empress Victoria made such great sacrifices to ensure Xenia reached this point. If Xenia isnt a God then there is no God.

In the moment, Nero felt compelled to kneel down and pray to his empress who he now recognized as a formal deity. He prayed only briefly as he knew she expected him to clear the palace of Sage Empire soldiers.

As he stood from his prayer, the sky had turned completely red as the BloodStar grew in size with shocking speed.

He then snapped his head towards the palace as he heard a call so loud he could feel the vibrations.

Ahhwoooooo!! Ah-Ah-Ahwooooooo!

Nero smirked to himself, You think yourselves wolves?

He gripped his war hammer and continued along the main road towards the palace, You are only sheep. The wolf is coming for you.