Chapter 8: Tianyi, the Azure Moonlight Flutter

Name:Blossoming Path Author:
Chapter 8: Tianyi, the Azure Moonlight Flutter

There was another advantage of Tianyi's Qi Haven skill that I realized as soon as I exited my house.

Her presence had made my home qualified for the Cultivation Technique quest, which required me to find an area with sufficient wood qi and meditate in it for one hour. That was made clear by the glowing, yellow orb floating just above my garden.

I was roused by that information and I did my best to complete my daily tasks around the shop before I began meditating. Tending to the plants was a peaceful, though slightly tedious activity. I had some difficulty doing it as a child, but I framed it in a way that made me feel obligated to attend to them with the same attention I did every day.

The plants were alive, and I was the one responsible for them. Neglecting even a plant, for something as simple as not being able to move or talk, was the height of foolishness!

Talking to them, and giving them individual names, all played to giving me a small, but treasured attachment that kept me consistent with caring for my garden. Even those retired elders in the village couldn't make a garden as nice as mine! And they have all the time in the world to care for them. Had it not been for my aspiring dream to be a cultivator, I would've been the greatest gardener under the heavens!

Ahem, it seemed I was getting ahead of myself.

Then came harvesting, stocking, and organizing the shop, and cleaning my tools. I'd have to take a look and see if I could gather up some new seeds, the merchants from out of town would likely have some for me to purchase.

All in all, my mundane tasks took me about an hour to do. Maybe it was me being overeager, but I finished up quite quickly in comparison to other days. No customers out in the distance, so I took it as my chance to meditate and complete the first part of my cultivation quest.

As I crossed my legs, I envisioned the circulation of qi that Elder Ming showed me. But it was supremely difficult without his guidance. I could remember the pathways, likening them to a network of rivers. But actually manifesting any sort of energy was a moot point. I didn't feel anything like I did when Elder Ming was doing it. There was still something I lacked.

Despite it all, I continued to sit cross-legged, uninterrupted. I tried to keep my mind clear and serene. Breathing in the smell of the plants and herbs all around me, with the wind flowing through my hair, it made the job incredibly easy. Keeping track of whether I'd been doing it for an hour was the rough part, but I guessed it as best I could and added some time on top of what I already did.

By the time I opened my eyes, I had made my first step toward gathering my first cultivation technique.

Quest: Cultivation Technique (Wood)

- Find five different areas that have sufficient wood qi in the surroundings, and meditate in them for one hour. (1/5)

- Areas with sufficient wood qi will be marked with a glowing, yellow orb only visible to you.

A few customers strolled in, keeping me busy. I changed the hours of my shop so I had enough time to go about doing my tasks but if I was really shorthanded, I could always ask Lan-Yin to run it for me. She helped at times, and I paid her handsomely for her efforts. I was never hurting for funds because of how I managed my money.

I glanced around, making sure that Tianyi was all good while I prepared for my expedition. She never drifted too far from the house, occasionally exploring the garden and feeding on the nectar, but the butterfly seemed content here.

"Will you be coming with me to the forest, Tianyi?" I asked. I would continue my search for a plant with qi. Going closer to where the waterfall where I found the artifact seemed like a good place to start. I wanted to visit there again anyway.

The Azure Moonlight Flutter moved from its spot on the windowsill and landed lightly on my shoulder. I grinned and pointed out of the house. Carrying a water canteen, some extra tools to properly harvest whatever herbs I found, I was ready to go.


With Tianyi perched on my shoulder, we ventured into the village square. The sun was warm on my skin, and the sounds of conversation and laughter filled the air. As we walked through the bustling market, I overheard a group of villagers discussing something unusual.The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

"Did you hear about Li's chickens?" one woman asked, her brows furrowed with concern. "They've been acting really strange lately. I wonder what's causing it."

"Yeah, and it's not just his chickens. A lot of the farm animals have been restless and agitated these past few days. Some are even refusing to eat," a man chimed in.

I couldn't help but be curious about this unusual behavior. Pausing for a moment, I pondered whether it could have something to do with the Heavenly Interface or the creatures lurking in the forest. After a brief moment of contemplation, I decided to keep this information in mind as I continued on my journey.

Again, for as long as I remembered, nothing in the forest outside of mundane animals. Tianyi was likely the only Spirit Beast within a hundred li of the village.

Soon enough, Tianyi and I reached the edge of the forest. As we walked deeper into the woods, the atmosphere began to change. The air grew colder, and the sounds of the forest seemed strangely muted. Even the vibrant colors of the plants and flowers appeared somewhat subdued. Tianyi, who had been happily fluttering around me, suddenly grew still and unwilling to leave my shoulder.

As we ventured further, Tianyi's behavior became odd. I tried to soothe her, gently stroking her delicate wings.

The chase was on. The intelligent crow led us on a wild pursuit deeper into the forest, constantly out of reach but never far from sight. I was impressed by its cunning, as it seemed to have a plan to separate Tianyi from me. The crow would occasionally swoop in for a strike, forcing me to dodge or counter, only to retreat once more and lead us further into the woods. I kept the butterfly close, cupping her in my hands and preventing the agile avian from picking her off.

As we raced through the forest, the crow's attacks grew more daring and persistent, aiming to wear us down and catch us off-guard. Tianyi clung to my shoulder, her tiny body trembling with fear, and I could feel her weakening with each passing moment.

I cursed my weakness. Being unable to fend off a crow, even with uncanny intelligence, was shameful. The only caveat so far was the constant physical training I've endured keeping me sharp against the bird's constant attacks. The crow's talons were sharp, cutting open a wound on my cheek. It would've been difficult to fend it off by myself, but protecting my butterfly companion at the same time added another layer of challenge.

Despite my best efforts to shake off our pursuer, the crow continued to hound us, its intelligence and persistence pushing me to my limits. With every near miss and desperate lunge, I could feel my resolve and energy waning. I stumbled on a root, and I only had just enough time to extend my arms and prevent Tianyi from being crushed by my weight. But it meant she was vulnerable to attack, and the dastardly bird knew it.

Finally, the crow made its move. It swooped in, talons extended, and managed to get ahold of Tianyi's wings. I could see the damage the crow's sharp talons had inflicted on her and I snapped.


In a burst of adrenaline-fueled fury, I charged at the crow and managed to land a decisive blow with my knife just as it caught her, slicing through its wing and sending it crashing to the forest floor. The bird let out a final, pitiful caw before succumbing to its injuries, laying dead on the forest floor.

I rushed to Tianyi's side, cradling her in my hands as I examined the damage. Her wings were badly torn and bent, and she was barely moving. I cursed and looked around for a spot where I could set her down and treat her. Damn it all! I had no clue how to treat a butterfly's grievous wounds! And I sincerely doubted anyone else in the village did either. It would take me hours to get back, especially considering that I ran even further off the familiar path. I was well and truly lost in the forest this time around.

I would have to heal Tianyi myself.

The fact that she was still alive after being caught in that crow's talons was a miracle; a testament to her title as a Spirit Beast. But it was just enough to keep her from the jaws of death.

I cupped her into my hands, as gently as I could, but then I noticed a yellow glowing orb from a small distance away. I recognized it immediately; identical to the one outside my porch! It was an area with wood qi!

Name: Tianyi

Race: Mystical Butterfly

Affinity: Wood

Cultivation Rank: Qi Initiation Stage - Rank 1

Special Abilities:

Qi Haven: Transforms frequented areas into concentrated qi zones, boosting recovery and cultivation efficiency for those within its boundaries.

Moonlight Empowerment: Gains increased power and vitality under the moonlight.

Qi Siphon: Can absorb small amounts of qi from its surroundings to sustain itself.

Qi Transfer: Can imbue living beings with energy by transferring its qi, providing a small boost to those who receive it.

Bond Level: 2 (Friend) - Tianyi has developed a closer relationship with you, displaying increased trust and willingness to assist in your cultivation journey.

Her skill, Qi Siphon, should work here! I got closer and laid her down as close as I could to the glowing orb, where I surmised the innate qi was at its strongest, and searched for a flower of some sort that could be used as her bed. Just underneath the yellow glowing orb, I spotted another item of interest.

A Moonlit Grace Lily.

Under the gentle warmth of the early afternoon sun, I carefully cradled Tianyi in my palm, her delicate azure wings quivering ever so slightly. As I approached the Moonlit Grace Lily, its vibrant petals swayed gently in the breeze atop the grassy hill. With the utmost care, I lowered her onto the soft, velvety petals, which seemed to embrace her tiny form. The plant's subtle mystical aura enveloped her, and I could see her tense body gradually relax, her wings settling down to rest. With shaking fingers, I carefully smoothed out her wings, wincing at the spots where the crow had left its mark.

At that moment, as the Moonlit Grace Lily's soothing energy began to work its magic on Tianyi, a pang of guilt and shame washed over me. The cultivation quests and the pressures of my journey seemed to fade into insignificance. Despite all that she had done for me, I had been unable to protect her when she needed me most.

No-I wouldn't sit here mourning my weakness. It was time for me to do something for her. To save Tianyi.