Chapter 22: Crimson Lotus Purification

Name:Blossoming Path Author:
Chapter 22: Crimson Lotus Purification

"You," Elder Ming began, seeming on the brink of voicing some thought, yet he restrained himself, shutting his eyes in an expression of patient resignation. "It is no longer within me to be astounded. I direct you towards meditation, towards finding your path, and you come back with a new technique. You know, Kai, if I were to ask you to forage in the forest, I wouldn't be surprised if you came back cradling a mythical phoenix egg."

I don't think he'd appreciate it if I revealed that time I went to the forest and triggered the Heavenly Interface, so I kept my mouth shut and continued cultivating. His mutterings faded as I returned to the circulation of energy.nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

Crimson Lotus Purification Technique (Level 1): A sophisticated cultivation method that harmoniously blends the essence of the wood element's growth and the purifying power of the flame element. This technique allows the cultivator to draw in and accumulate energy from their surroundings at a slow pace, resembling the gradual unfolding of a crimson lotus. The gathered energy is then purified, removing any impurities or harmful constituents in the user's body, before integrating it into theirl reserves. The cultivator can regulate the extent of purification, providing a finely tuned balance between cultivation speed and quality.

The cultivation method was incredible. It was faster than the basic one I was taught, but whenever I accumulated a sufficient amount, it was whittled down to a fraction of pure energy. I added it to my reserves and opened my eyes. Everything felt clearer, and I had produced an incredible amount of heat as I cultivated. It was like a fever, and sweat covered my body.

"How's that, Elder Ming?"

He was monitoring my condition, partially to prevent Qi Deviation, and to see how it worked. I recited the information from the interface, but he needed to check its capabilities for himself.

"The speed at which you cultivate is...slow. Incredibly so. It refines it down further, shedding away any impurities until it's a fraction of what you collected."

"So, is that a good thing...?"

"Imagine your body as a vast vessel," he began. "Many cultivators see their bodies as immense oceans, capable of holding an enormous amount of Qi. They don't worry about the quality of the Qi they gather; they just keep pouring in more and more, like a torrential rain. They believe the sheer volume would eventually lead them to transcendence."

He then glanced at me, his gaze piercing. "But you, Kai, you're not like them. Your vessel is not an ocean but a small, exquisite cup."

His words were like a pebble dropped in a quiet pond, creating ripples in my understanding. He was right. My body's capacity for Qi was far smaller than others due to my weak circulatory system. Even though I told him my condition improved as a result of our training, it was still well below average. He mentioned that there were elders in the village who had more physical aptitude than I did.

"With a small cup," he continued, "You can't simply fill it with rainwater. You must be selective, fill it with the finest nectar. It is not about quantity, Kai, but quality. The slower accumulation of Qi, the process of its purification, it might be seen as a curse by many, but for you, it is a blessing in disguise."

He turned his back, facing the sun as he did so. "Your body is your vessel, Kai. Treat it with care. Fill it with the purest Qi, nurture it, and in time, it will surely transcend to the next rank. Don't see your limitations as shackles. They are the keys to a path less tread. The path that is yours."

I was encouraged by his words, although his mention of how exceptionally slow my cultivation method was concerned me. I didn't have a baseline, except for the most simple one that wasn't classified as a technique. I asked him another question.

"Elder Ming," I hesitated, "I'm curious about your cultivation method. How did it work?"

His eyes held a glimmer of mirth, "You probably wouldn't recognize the name even if I told you, but it is known as the Phoenix Blaze Resurgence."

"The Phoenix Blaze Resurgence," I echoed, letting the unfamiliar words roll off my tongue. "Sounds powerful."

"It has its merits," he said, the corners of his eyes crinkling with a smile. "It's based on the principles of my sect, which fundamentally revolves around the flame."

The moment it made contact with my core, I felt a rush like never beforea sensation akin to a searing iron meeting ice. I could feel the energy immediately starting to work, its purifying nature tearing at everything I had built so far, like a tempest raging against an unsteady fortress.

Every imperfection, every fault line within my core began to dissolve under the relentless onslaught of the pure Qi. It was like introducing a river into a stagnant pond; the fresh, vibrant water pushing away the murky, lifeless liquid, bringing with it a wave of new life.

The impurities were stripped away, eroded to their very core. I could feel it happening on a cellular level, a thorough cleanse unlike any I had experienced before. It was pain and euphoria, torment and liberation, all wrapped into one dizzying package. It felt as if I was being torn apart and put back together, piece by piece, molecule by molecule.

And then came the manifestation. I could feel my skin start to perspire. But it wasn't sweat that seeped out of my pores. It was a viscous, black liquid. It clung to my skin, as if reluctant to leave the confines of my body. It was almost sentient, a sticky, smelly substance that was a testament to the impurities that had been living within me. The sight was revolting, the smell even more so. But beneath the initial disgust, I could feel a sense of profound satisfaction.

This was the physical representation of my body's impurities. It was proof of my progress, evidence that my relentless pursuit of purity was not in vain. This was the price I paid for perfection, and as I stood there, the black ooze dripping from my body, I knew without a doubt that I would gladly pay it again.

My body, my vessel, was cleansed, renewed, and ready to be filled with even purer Qi.

As I took a deep breath, feeling the clean, vibrant Qi circulating in my core, I knew I had taken a step further on the path I had chosen.

"Kai, what ha-Urgh! Blech!"

My eyes snapped over to Elder Ming. The day passed by without me knowing and it was already evening. He had quietly left me to my own devices, monitoring me and making sure nothing disturbed my cultivation. His face was one of immense disgust and confusion.

"Sorry, do you mind getting me a towel?"

"Out! We're going to the river! Oh my heavens, did you defecate yourself?"

While pinching his nose, Elder Ming ushered me out of his home. It was bad. I fully understood his reaction. Even Tianyi seemed hesitant to fly near me, eliciting a feeling of revulsion through our link.

I passed through the village, dutifully avoiding the common areas due to my...condition. But even then, there were complaints.

"Did you forget to clean the pig pens?" An accusing voice said further into the village.

Xiao Bao's house was closeby, and I could hear whines from outside. "Mom, it smells like when grandpa removes his boots after farming!"

"Ah, the unmistakable fragrance of youthful indiscretion. Reminds me of my first attempt at brewing rice wine. Didn't end well, I tell ya!"

Every comment served to color my cheeks and hasten my pace before the villagers realized the smell was coming from me.

It wouldn't do to get another nickname. Kowtow Kai was bad enough. I could already imagine what Lan-Yin and Wang Jun would call me.