Chapter 109: Trial by Fire (and Water, Earth, Metal, and Wood)

Name:Blossoming Path Author:
Chapter 109: Trial by Fire (and Water, Earth, Metal, and Wood)

I took a moment to catch my breath, wiping the sweat from my brow. Fang Xiang was securely immobilized, his sneezing and cursing fading into the background noise of the roaring crowd. I quickly took a mental inventory of the potions and items I had used in the battle against him.

I still had two Serpent's Breath Smoke Bombs left. The Entangling Vine seeds—those were all used up. Maybe I could find another plant or seed to pair with them in the wood zone.

"Two Slickweed Kelp Essence vials, three detoxification pills and one Tormenting Pollen Mist bomb left." I muttered quietly.

My concoction from the Metal zone, which I'd call the Binding Snare potion, worked beautifully. But I only had one left, so I had to use it at the most opportune moment.

All my Ember Pills and Sundew Sticky Bomb Elixirs were untouched.

Taking a deep breath, I scanned the arena.

The air crackled with elemental energy as Jingyu Lian and Tian Zhu clashed. Tremors rippled through the ground, followed by blasts of searing heat. She deftly wove through the chaos, throwing a volley of thorn-laden seedpods that sprouted into a thorny barricade to block the flames.

It would've been easy for me to intervene, but I wouldn't squander my resources in this chaotic melee.

No, I would observe, learn, and strike when the iron was hot – or rather, when the opponents were sufficiently weakened. This wasn't cheating, just playing smart!

Like a phantom, I retreated to the edge of the arena, taking cover at the edge of the water zone, behind the alchemical station. A makeshift bunker offering a vantage point to analyze the unfolding chaos.

Tian Zhu clearly targeted her, his advantage fueling his aggression. He bombarded her with fiery pills, each one exploding into a miniature inferno that scorched the earth and tested her defenses.

Seeing how liberal he was, I wondered just how much those gloves from the vault improved his dexterity by. He was clearly responsible for ransacking the fire zone! It seemed as though all the pills he made were from there.

"Running away?! I expected better from you, Jingyu Lian!" Tian Zhu's shout cut through the air.

My eyes were locked on Zhi Ruo, who had reached the battlefield, his pill furnace in tow. Instead of using it to make pills, he maneuvered it like a massive shield, its heavy metal surface deflecting Tian Zhu's explosive attacks. His cart rattled with every blow, threatening to break at any moment.

"That's cheating!" Tian Zhu bellowed, frustration clear in his voice. He threw another fiery pill at Zhi Ruo, but it exploded harmlessly against the sturdy furnace.

"Cheating?" The librarian called back. "It's part of the surroundings. Adapt or get left behind."

The both of them looked to Ma Hualong for confirmation, allowing for a pause in the battlefield. Caught off-guard by their sudden attention, the man's voice rang out from where he was keeping the barrier activated.

"The equipment from the vault brought by contestants is considered part of the surroundings and can be used freely. Continue the battle!"

Tian Zhu's face twisted with anger, but he was forced to focus back on the fight. In his distraction, Jingyu Lian seized the opportunity. She hurled a vial to the ground, and from it, a dense cloud of silvery mist billowed out. He recoiled, coughing and spluttering as the mist enveloped him.

The sudden chill caused his flames to flicker and sputter, his movements slowing as a thin layer of frost began to form on his skin.

"Enough of this!"

Trying to reignite his attacks, I watched as the arrogant alchemist stepped out of the fire zone to escape the mist's area of effect.

Right into Zhi Ruo's path.

The librarian threw a vial with surprising accuracy, the glass shattering into harmless pieces against Tian Zhu's chest. A liquid covered him, and a faint hum filled the air. Zhi Ruo lifted his cart with all his strength, tipping the pill furnace over until it started to roll slowly onto the floor.

I watched as Tian Zhu began drinking what I assumed was a detoxifying elixir.

He smirked at Zhi Ruo. Throwing another pill that sent him rolling on the floor, close to the edge of the arena. He scrambled up to his feet, breathless and disheveled. His expression, however, looked far from defeated.

"It's not a poison, if that's what you're thinking."

Tian Zhu smirk faded. His clothes and body were being pulled towards the pill furnace, which was rolling faster than what should've been possible.

"That elixir contained Lodestone Mushroom powder. A neat ingredient that attracts metals towards itself."

His panic was palpable as he realized he couldn't outrun it, no matter how hard he tried. Desperation set in, and Tian Zhu began to run, but his movements were futile. It was as if he was running in place, his legs churning but not gaining any ground.

The pill furnace, now a relentless iron juggernaut, rolled faster and faster, drawing him inexorably closer. Tian Zhu threw his several explosive pills at it in a last-ditch effort to stop its advance. The pills detonated in a series of fiery blasts, but the furnace remained unscathed, its thick iron shell impervious to his attacks.

His panic turned to sheer terror as the furnace closed in.


With a final, desperate scream, Tian Zhu tried to leap out of the way, but it was too late. The pill furnace collided with him with a sickening crunch, knocking the alchemist out cold and sending the rest of his pills flying out of his belt. His limp body was dragged along the ground, finally coming to rest as the furnace rolled to a stop.

...Was he dead?

A small, pitiful moan from underneath the pill furnace confirmed he wasn't.

I pumped my fist, a surge of adrenaline coursing through me. He had done it!

As I prepared to join the fray, something caught my eye.

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The mist from Jingyu Lian's attack still hadn't dispersed. It was spreading.

The pill arced through the air. It landed amidst the pile, making a small burst of flames, causing a chain reaction.

A wave of heat washed over me as the fire spread, engulfing even the shelves of ingredients nearby.

Jingyu Lian stumbled back, her eyes widening in surprise. The sudden inferno created a barrier between us, buying me precious seconds. I seized the opportunity, channeling my qi into my legs, desperate to break free from the sticky prison.

My lower body strained against the now hardened sticky substance, but it was no use. Every punch, every desperate attempt to free myself only resulted in more frustration. My mind rushed through the available options.

Slickweed Kelp Essence? No, it was elementally incompatible with the Sundew Sticky Bomb. This was one of the few times the potent solvent wouldn't have worked.

An idea sparked in my mind. With a deep breath, I reached into my storage ring and summoned my pill furnace. I hoped Ma Hualong wouldn’t call foul on this. He did say we were free to use our tools in the final round.

The pill furnace materialized above the ground, dropping with a heavy thud. It landed precisely where the Sundew Sticky Bomb had gone off, the hardened elixir turning brittle from the sudden impact. The furnace shattered it into pieces, setting my legs free.

I staggered forward, the relief of movement surging through me.

With a roar of defiance, I launched myself forward, adrenaline pumping through my veins. She was distracted, her attention momentarily drawn to the raging inferno I had ignited. This was my chance.

I circled around the chaos, keeping to the shadows as I stalked towards her flank. I reached into my pouch, my fingers closing around the vial of Tormenting Pollen Mist. This was a gamble, but I had to take it.

With a swift underhand throw, the vial arced through the air, shattering against the ground near Jingyu Lian's feet. The golden mist erupted, its particles swirling around her like a swarm of angry bees. She reacted instantly, covering her mouth and nose with her sleeve, but her eyes remained exposed.

A moment later, her eyes began to water, a telltale sign that the pollen was taking effect. She pressed on, her movements faltering slightly, but a sudden, uncontrollable sneeze ripped through her, doubling her over. The vial she had been about to throw clattered harmlessly to the ground.

This was my opening. I lunged forward, my remaining Binding Snare Potion held high. I hurled it at her, the metallic liquid splattering across her robes and the stone floor.

Her eyes widened in alarm as she felt the concoction begin to harden. She tried to break free, but the mercury-infused mixture was too fast, too strong. Within seconds, both legs and one arm were encased in a solid metal shell, her movements restricted.

I had the upper hand, and she knew it.

Her head was bowed down, and her shoulders were slumped with what I could only assume was exhaustion.

My eyes darted to the fallen vial Jingyu had dropped earlier. If I could reach it, I might be able to use its contents against her and win this.

But just as I was about to close in, she moved. In one swift, fluid motion, her free hand flicked out, sending a single golden needle flying straight towards me.

I barely had time to react. The needle struck me in the sternum, a sharp pain radiating through my chest.

I gasped, the impact sending me reeling backward. My muscles seized in place, and I could hardly breathe.

Was this the precise strike of an acupoint, or had she laced the needle with a swift-acting poison?

A sharp, localized pain radiated from the impact site, intensifying with every attempted breath. No burning sensation, no spreading numbness that might signal a toxin invading my system.

A desperate gasp tore from my lungs as pain radiated through my chest. I tried to move, to raise a hand, to throw another vial, but my body was a puppet with its strings cut. Helpless, I watched Jingyu Lian writhe against the metallic snare.

Hope flickered within me as I saw her struggles falter. We both ran out of concoctions, and she had nothing to break herself free from my trap with.

'Just a little longer,' I thought, a desperate prayer echoing in my mind. 'Just a little longer until this paralysis wears off, and victory is mine!'

With a determined glint in her eye, she whipped her free hand out, a golden needle gleaming in the sunlight. It struck the fallen vial between us with a sharp ting, shattering the glass and releasing its contents into the air.

A pungent, acrid scent filled my nostrils, and a wave of dizziness washed over me.

My lungs burned as the toxin invaded, every muscle screaming in protest. But beneath the pain, a primal fury ignited.


The word clawed its way up my throat, a silent roar of defiance.

I won't lose! Not like this! Not after everything—

Images flashed through my mind: Elder Ming's smile, Feng Wu's patient guidance, Li Na and Han Wei's unwavering support. The faces of the people back home, their hopeful eyes filled with pride.

I can't fail them.

I won't fail them.

The world narrowed, a tunnel of fading light. I saw Jingyu Lian's eyes, a flicker of something like regret in their depths. But it wasn't enough. It would never be enough to extinguish the fire burning within me.

I have to win.

For them.

For me.

The last vestiges of consciousness flickered and died, the world consumed by darkness. But even as I succumbed to the poison's embrace, a single, unyielding thought echoed in the void:

I will not lose.