Chapter 112: From Ashes to Azure Silk

Name:Blossoming Path Author:
Chapter 112: From Ashes to Azure Silk

Decadent desserts, delicate pastries, and fragrant teas adorned every inch of the table. A servant carefully placed a cup of fruit wine and roasted quail skewers before me.

Tianyi fluttered her blue wings softly as she perched on the cup, while Windy slithered out of my sleeve and began his feast on the roasted quails.

I cleared my throat and addressed the man seated across from me. "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me, Patriarch Wei Yong. Your hospitality is truly generous."

The man inclined his head slightly, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. His black hair, streaked with silver, flowed down to his shoulders, and a long, well-groomed beard framed his stern yet dignified face. He exuded an aura of authority and wisdom, every bit the leader of the Azure Silk Trading Company. My two companions didn't seem to care, however, as they gleefully dug into the lavish meal before them.

"It is my pleasure, Kai Liu," he replied, his voice deep and measured. The man's gaze lingered over Tianyi and Windy for a brief moment. "Your performance in the Gauntlet was nothing short of extraordinary. You have earned this meeting and more. It is rare to see someone with not just one, but two spirit beast companions. Their presence is a testament to your unique abilities."

I nodded, still getting acclimated to the opulence I was surrounded by. "They have been invaluable partners in my journey. I must also thank Lady Xiao-Yun for giving me this opportunity. Without her initial support, I wouldn't be here today."

Wei Yong's eyes twinkled with a hint of pride. "My daughter has a keen eye for talent. She spoke highly of you even before the Gauntlet. But your near victory was... unexpected, to say the least."

In my mind, I couldn't help but marvel at how quickly my fortunes had changed. Lady Xiao-Yun probably thought I'd make it one or two rounds into the Gauntlet, but certainly not a hair's breadth from winning it all. It was no wonder the Patriarch himself was now involved; I was no longer just a promising alchemist—I was a high-profile one with potential for years to come.

"I appreciate her belief in me. I hope to continue proving myself worthy of that trust."

"Precisely why we're here today," Wei Yong said, his tone shifting to a more business-like manner. With a subtle gesture, two attendants stepped forward, unrolling a scroll upon the table. "We are interested in extending our contract with you, Kai Liu. In light of your recent achievements, we propose a revised agreement with significantly improved terms."

I leaned forward, feigning interest while my mind raced. "Improved terms, you say? I'm intrigued. But before we delve into specifics, I'd like to discuss the potential value of my new concoctions. I believe they could significantly enhance your company's offerings."

The Celestial Mind Illuminating Elixir and Ambrosia of Radiant Dawn were potent products, and I couldn't let those recipes sit around collect dust when there was gold to be made!

Wei Yong's eyes narrowed slightly, a flicker of calculation passing over his face. "Your new concoctions, you say? We are always open to innovation, but their value must be demonstrated."

"Of course," I replied smoothly, reaching for a skewer and taking a bite of the succulent quail. "But I believe a demonstration would be premature. After all, their true worth lies in their exclusivity."

A tense silence hung in the air as we assessed each other, a subtle battle of wills playing out beneath the veneer of pleasantries. Being the sole distributor of my products was an undeniable advantage for the Azure Silk Trading Company, and I needed to ensure they recognized the opportunity.

"Exclusivity has its price, Kai Liu. We are willing to negotiate."

"Speaking of exclusivity," I added casually, "I've recently established a close relationship with Bai Hua, the heir to Summer Sun Cosmetics. He's expressed great interest in my work and has even suggested a potential collaboration."

Hopefully Bai didn't mind me dropping his name in negotiations.

Wei Yong's eyebrows rose slightly, his composure momentarily faltering. He recovered quickly, however, his smile returning, though a touch more strained. "Summer Sun Cosmetics is a respected establishment. Their interest in you is a testament to your talent."

"Indeed," I replied, my tone light yet pointed. "But I value loyalty and long-term partnerships. The Azure Silk Trading Company has been my first supporter, and I am inclined to honor that."

He nodded thoughtfully, a hint of respect in his eyes. "Loyalty is a valuable commodity, Kai Liu. And one we are willing to reward."

Things went smoothly after that. Clearly eager to prevent me from considering other offers, he agreed to even more favorable terms. By the end of our discussion, I had secured a steady supply of high-quality ingredients, ensuring I wouldn't need to worry about growing my own to fulfill the contract. Additionally, I managed to negotiate an advance on my first shipment, providing me with the resources to start production immediately.

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With the ink barely dry on my lucrative new contract, I found myself at my next destination: Summer Sun Cosmetics.

The sun shone brightly over the city as I approached the grand entrance of Bai Hua's flagship store. The elegant building was adorned with vibrant banners displaying their latest products. Inside, the scent of exotic flowers and essential oils wafted through the air, creating an atmosphere of luxury and refinement. I could see two familiar figures talking animatedly from afar.

"Good day," I greeted her, holding out the talisman Guowei Wang had given me. "I'm here to see the vault-keeper."

Her surprise quickly turned to deference. "Of course. Please, follow me."

She led me through a labyrinth of dimly lit corridors, the air growing cooler with each step. We passed several guarded doors, the stoic cultivators posted outside each one giving me curious glances. Finally, we reached a familiar, ornate door, guarded by the person I wanted to see.

Guowei Wang stood in the doorway, his face breaking into a warm smile as he recognized me. "Kai Liu!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine delight. "It's good to see you again. Tell me, did you win the Gauntlet?"

I shook my head, a pang of disappointment returning. "No, I didn't. But I came here to say goodbye before I return home and to thank you for all your help." I touched the storage ring on my finger, a gesture of gratitude for his invaluable gift.

Guowei Wang waved away my thanks, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Think nothing of it, young friend. A mere trinket for a rising star. But tell me," he leaned in, his curiosity piqued, "what are these two delightful creatures accompanying you?"

As if on cue, Tianyi flitted down from my shoulder, executing a graceful loop around the vault before landing on Guowei Wang's outstretched hand. Windy, not to be outdone, uncoiled from my arm and slithered onto the old man's desk, his iridescent scales shimmering in the dim light.

The two chased each other around the vault, their playful antics echoing through the otherwise silent chamber, I regaled the vault-keeper with tales of their adventures and unique abilities.

The conversation lulled for a moment as Tianyi and Windy's games filled the silence. I took another sip of the fragrant tea, appreciating the warmth it spread through my chilled limbs.

"Guowei," I began, a curiosity sparking in my eyes, "what do you do to pass the time here? Surely guarding a vault can't be all that exciting outside of the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet."

A chuckle rumbled in his chest. "Ah, you underestimate the allure of solitude. Besides, who says guarding a vault can't be interesting?"

He gestured towards a stack of worn books tucked neatly beneath his desk. "These old friends keep me company. Philosophy, history, poetry—they offer endless worlds to explore."

I leaned forward, intrigued. "Philosophy, huh?"

"The mind is as vast and valuable as any treasure, young alchemist. And just like any treasure, it needs to be nurtured and expanded."

I nodded in agreement. "Speaking of books, I've been looking for a gift for Elder Ming, he's my mentor from back home. He's an avid reader, and I thought a few new novels might be a nice surprise."

"What kind of novels?" Guowei Wang inquired.

"He's quite fond of Liang Feng's work," I replied. "Stories of cultivators embarking on epic quests, facing mythical beasts, and uncovering ancient secrets. I've been searching high and low, but I haven't had any luck finding them."

I had been passively searching this entire time. But it was surprisingly difficult to find the genre. Most book shops only offered non-fiction. And the ones who did offer fiction, they tended to be... unique.

'The Peasant Who Stole the Demonic Senior Disciple's Heart... I'll never forget it.' I thought quietly, feeling a chill go down my spine.

A flicker of recognition crossed his face. "Liang Feng, you say? That's quite a specific request."

"Yeah! I've been looking everywhere! I even went to this place called the Scroll and Tome, and it definitely wasn't-"

He interrupted, coughing into his fist. "Perhaps I can be of assistance. There's a small publishing house in the Old Pine District, about four li west of here, called Wandering Wind Press. They specialize in Liang Feng's works."

"Really? Thank you for letting me know, Guowei! I'm curious, though... do you read Liang Feng's novels yourself?"

Guowei Wang's smile turned enigmatic. "Let's just say," he replied, leaning back in his chair, "I have a unique perspective on the author's work."DiiScôver new stories on no/v/e()/lbin(.)c/o/m