Stub Notice

Name:Bog Standard Isekai Author:
Stub Notice

Well, the long anticipated day is here. A dark and glorious day. A Bog day. The day of stubbing has arrived...

Tomorrow, Bog Standard Isekai is going to Amazon. In preparation for that, I will need to remove Book 1 from RoyalRoad and Patreon. If you've read this far, then you're safe! Regular posting will continue here.

What else can you do to help?

If you have kindle unlimited already, even just a download apparently counts as a sale and can boost my launch rank. Also, on Amazon reviews and ratings are crucial. If you've been enjoying the story, I would respectfully ask you to consider leaving a review. You don't need to have purchased the book on kindle to leave a review, either, though if you download on KU before posting a review, it comes up as verified which is weighted higher.

Thank you for all the support! Your enthusiasm has made this work an absolute pleasure to write. This has been a crazy year of Bog, and if I have my way it'll be the first of many.