Book 6. Chapter 25: Jake and Valtor - Transformation

Name:Bonded Summoner Author:
Book 6. Chapter 25: Jake and Valtor - Transformation

When Jake and his wives arrived at the Alliance HQ in New York City, he didn’t know what to expect.

But it was not dozens of fires burning from riots, and a plane tumbling out of the sky. Rescuing it without killing the passengers inside was a unique challenge, but one his girls and him managed quickly.

By forming the Tier 2 wind spell as a group, each of his wives only had to provide a few of their own runes, while Jake focused on summoning the Garuda. The creature, having a profound understanding of both wind and flight, managed to produce lift on the steel bird and slow it at the same time.

Averting disaster, Jake was glad they made it in the nick of time.

When it came to managing Earth’s integration, thankfully, Administrator Kintrel had laid down the law of the land. Their Tier 3 and 4 brothers in arms were taking care of any of the major unrest throughout the other continents. Not requiring a portal to arrive, the demigods had been able to land and arrive a little earlier than Jake and family.

Lord Guan Yu had already quelled three uprisings Europe and in southern Africa, and some of the other heroes had managed the same.

The nearly fifty Earth hero’s parties and their projections and rapid movement across the world had them heading to Nexus Nodes and Dungeons. They each cleared access and ensured people could join to the Framework–and spend time convincing them to join with their guilds and more.

Governments and organized criminals had tried to block access to the Nexus Node and Framework Dungeon in a few locations, just like the commissioner.

Nodes and dungeons were often placed close together, following the true magical leylines of the world. Numerous extra Nodes had been spawned in highly populated areas, with seven Alliance HQ’s, one for each major continent.

Zhang Fei and the many other heroes had stopped rioting and looting in numerous cities, while Zhuge Liang was happy to meet and debate with several of the top leaders of the world at once. Jake imagined the reason this commissioner got a call from the President was probably thanks to his or the Administrator Kintrel’s efforts.

Jake thought that it was quite the blessing in disguise, Guan Yu’s heritage.

China was one of the top powers Jake thought to have some difficulty transitioning into this new era, the government losing much of its power and control over its people. But having one of their ancient war heroes as one of the strongest heroes of the entire Sector, and the location of the primary Alliance HQ seemed to appeal to their pride, and stoke their egos.

Jake imagined the poor all across the world would be interested in this chance to overturn their fates, to become immortal and no longer have to worry about food, and eventually housing so long as they fought.

From the looks of it, Guan Yu’s recruitment run would be decently successful. Russia and its huge nuclear arsenal was another concern in Jake’s mind, but it appeared the Framework removed all nuclear weapons when it surrounded the world in its golden lights.

The Administrator made it clear the same would happen if they intentionally made another, and any nuclear power plants would need to be phased out within five years, to prepare for a potential Contest.

Having such weapons or infrastructure on world when Tartarus invaded would mean it would get similar technology, and that had always spelled a loss for the Alliance. Thus, they must remove such risks as soon as possible.

It was a tall order, but it wasn’t Jake’s problem–this was for the world to figure out. Within a year, non-natives could arrive on Earth. Odds were, the gnomes and dwarves would arrive with their own power and magical solutions, though he wasn’t sure what that would ultimately look like.

So now Jake’s primary task was recruitment, and putting out the fires within his line of sight. Earth would eventually understand their place in the greater multiverse, but it wouldn’t happen overnight. In addition to that, ownership would be up for grabs when the world next became Contested.

For now, it was almost like Administrator Kintrel owned the world–but aside from a modest administrative fee for his services, all Framework taxes went toward the world infrastructure as guided by him.

Thankfully, Jake’s Champion Aura hid his special Hearthian Presence, not needing to turn this off even if he ran into the other Earth heroes. For now, it was important that they hid their Hearthian Race.

Otherwise, their enemies just might take them that much more seriously. Their enemies had no idea how much potential they truly had, thinking that they were only Champions that had started early, earning them a slight advantage.

Instead, their capability and potential was equal to that of those born in Core Sectors, being guided by heritages laid out by the Divine themselves.

Jake figured it was best to show the people of Earth that he and his wives were different, to have more people witness that the world had truly changed.

The Tier 3 and 4 heroes of the world had many other means to feel magical from a significant distance away. For a Tier 0 person that had no mana sensory, without the aura, Jake might not feel or appear all that different aside from his large size. He wasn’t as large as Lord Guan Yu’s party, but few would believe he was even human at this point.

Berri’s voice interrupted his musing, “Oh look! We’re on the internet already!”

Faye snorted. “You are already on the internet, though.”

Lia added, “I can’t believe people spend so much time watching you eat.”

Berri held a tablet, which in her large hands, looked like a phone. On it played a video, of them reorienting the plane and splashing it down into the water. Having already talked to the pilot, it appeared they had gotten quite unlucky and hadn’t managed to make the rush to land the plane.

While air traffic controllers managed to get most planes landed for the emergency, it appeared some had gotten unlucky and ran into issues.

Tanda chuckled. “That was fast! People are watching us now? This internet thing is interesting, but my people’s song feels more...natural.” She was proud of her people’s heart connection. As Avalara got stronger and people became Auril Heroes and more, it was like the radio station reached further and further. With Tanda in the second Tier and her improved connection, she could actually hear the song of her off-world brethren if she listened closely.

Ophelia scrolled through her own phone, and Fhesiah did the same. “Oh look, husband. There is some trouble at some of the other dungeons and nodes. The worst of which, the cartels in Mexico are moving. While they aren’t blocking access to the node directly, they are threatening people. Perhaps we should move out?”

Jake sighed. “Probably a good idea for us to handle it. We’ll split up, and cover more ground that way. We’ll have to count on your speed, Lia and Valora.”

Ophelia’s eyes flashed, and Valora chirped with interest. “Hm, you mean we might be able to bring justice to a bunch of jerks? That sounds exciting. Valora can stretch her legs, and we can see how fast we can really move now.”

Tanda and Fhesiah could both fly rapidly in different directions, and even Jake could now travel at the speed of a helicopter using the...crystal dingy.

Fhesiah snickered. “You’re going to meet the President in a dingy? At least allow me to take you in the star shuttle.”

Being able to speak immediately was rare, but not unheard of–their dear Rhia had been the same way.

Their skills near the peak of the first Tier, Valtor and Amara had felt it–giving the breath of unlife had cost significant vitality and arcane energy from their frames and flames. The amount they needed to eat in order to birth more Eternum would be significant, normally.

But thanks to the vitality and mana in the air alone on Highlands, it wasn’t a problem at all. The war over, the Eternum would soon have many children. Each would be happy to join Hearthtribe in their quest to fight back against Tartarus, and learn the magical secrets of the multiverse.

Perhaps this drive was some lingering desire from their creator, but in the end it did not matter.

They were proud of their pursuit of knowledge, and now they could be proud of their protection of families by fighting the great enemy.

Jake and Blood had big plans for Hearthtribe, and Valtor felt righteous vindication at carrying them out. Using this special two-year grace period, they were creating a foundation that would make all of the top Guilds in this Sector envious.

While it wouldn’t make them strong immediately, they were playing the long game. They would increase their recruit's potential with all that they learned and researched, their guild’s technology and bonuses from the Framework. The Hart family had peak skills that exceeded their Tier in effectiveness, and their influence on his wife’s magical research and their entire department had been significant.

Some native worlds had hundreds of years at the second Tier, but their ability to influence the first was limited. That they were allowed to get these advantages with the grace period was a huge boon to their guild.

Their people would be the best equipped and best prepared of all the Tier 1 Subguilds, their recruits able to have maximum competency and efficiency. Their impact on the overall war would be substantial.

Valtor looked over his Menu, reviewing the tally of Hearthtribe’s earned Conquest Points. The Dungeon Raid on Ariminum was coming up, and he knew that other worlds were likely not far behind. Soon, Baron Jake would be the proud owner of even more worlds, and they were not only a resource for recruitment and Credits.

[T1 World Relay: 1,000,000 CP]

[T2 World Relay: 5,000,000 CP]

[Create link between owned worlds, hastening travel between and increasing growth rate of those networked together. Over time, worlds in relay will be drawn closer to one another.]

A useful tool to have. This had value in the long run, allowing them to reinforce worlds that they owned more rapidly. In truth, Hearthtribe was not far off from affording this for all three of their current worlds. Valtor was much more interested in another option, however.

[World Merging - Highlands and Ankhmar: 13,204,083 CP]

[Merge two worlds together, choosing primary world. Potential is combined into the destination world, the result becoming larger and with greater energy density. Requires acceptance of natives from both worlds.]

This had a varied cost, seemingly influenced by the source and destination worlds. Ganestra had a higher energy level, and thus was almost double the price.

The people of Ankhmar were grateful to their saviors, and were prime candidates for merging their world into Highlands. Their world was only at 1.5 for their energy level, and while Highlands was growing toward its potential near the middle or top end of Tier 2, it was not the same as one plus two equals three.

In the scale for the world’s energy levels, they were logarithmic. The 1.5 energy level would likely only increase Highland’s potential by at most 0.1. But if they did a few more merges...

Valtor knew that in the War Trial, a Tier 3 world was large and important enough to be a major contender for the main prize. Less than a hundred such worlds existed in their Sector, and many of them were owned by natives–usually, worlds that were already in this Tier when integrated.

And many were owned by Tartarus. That left a few of the important resource to be owned by guilds like the Obsidian Blades or Odin’s Einherjar, who came from outside of the Sector to win the prize within the Frontier. Because at the center of every sector, like a black hole which sat in the center of every galaxy: was a relic of the fifth Tier.

This would allow who claimed it to become a Divine, or in Tartarus’s hands, empower it even further. This was why it was paramount that they gave their all, to prevent the worst from happening.

Valtor reviewed the notification he had received when he completed the Dungeon Raid, and the world was saved. He had led his own Dungeon Raid Instance with his wife, and they were victorious with their group.

[Eternum Individual Conquest Score: B]

[Class Potential: Epic]

[Thanks to you and your people’s contribution in the Dungeon Raid Instances and the war on Highlands, the Eternum have been considered to have completed their required service. As an additional reward, the Framework is prepared to assist with your unique race’s evolution into the second Tier. When ready, select evolution at a Node and be changed forever.]

It was a prompt that shocked Valtor. He had no intention of leaving Hearthtribe, and he knew his people felt the same way, forever grateful to Jake both for giving them the opportunity and for resolving the issue that plagued their race. That his people now had a choice in their service just added another reason for him to thank his lucky stars that he was placed with Baron Jake.

The reward of assisted evolution was a massive boon. Usually, for the Framework to assist would require a racial progenitor, someone to have achieved the next Tier under it first. Given his unique race’s circumstances, Valtor had been worried about achieving it. Created by the evil lich, he didn’t want to think about what might have been required.

Nevertheless, they didn’t know how they would change. Valtor had wanted least have one or two children before he evolved, and of course, to maximize his skills for his class selection.

He wanted this to ensure that if he was altered drastically from what his people were expecting, Rhia wouldn’t have to wait for a brother or sister. As his people’s leader, he would rather not ask any of his brethren to do it for him. It was his duty.

Because as one’s race rose in Tier, typically this meant fertility would decrease. As the confluence of magic in one’s veins increased, along with one’s longevity, this was a common side effect. Very few races could get around this simple fact, a truth of the universe that was difficult to deny.

This was even true for the items they placed their breath of unlife into. The more magical at the start, the less likely for it to take. It was why Valtor was exceedingly proud his son was born from such a masterpiece. Over time, his strength would become formidable.

The Eternum were truly blessed, and no matter what happened, they would remain steadfast for their lord and his cause. They would evolve to the next Tier, and full of gratitude for their savior, transform into a new race. Valtor knew the Elysians and Emberborn were also hopeful for their changes, and he knew they would see their brethren evolving soon.

One way or another, Hearthtribe would surprise all their enemies with their strength.