Chapter 71: Convoy from the Capital (1)

Name:Book Eater Author:
Chapter 71: Convoy from the Capital (1)

Theo stayed at Earl Bergen’s manor for the next two days as he focused on deepening his connection with Mitra. Their connection was now feeding him a lot more information after she evolved to the level of a lieutenant. It wasn’t an overwhelming amount, but he still needed some time to adjust. In any case, he had time while he played with Mitra.

Vince was watching Theo from a nearby chair. “It usually takes ten years of training for an average elementalist to call lieutenant level elementals... The meeting with the high elf is a huge opportunity for you.”

A lieutenant level elemental wasn’t something easily gained. They were normally found with expert elementalists above the 4th Circle. An elementalist who contracted a lieutenant elemental would gain the power and resistance of the elemental’s attribute, and could borrow the power at will without asking the elemental.

Theo had a different idea in mind as he played with Mitra.


“Yes, Mitra.”

He pointed at the ground, and a little girl-shaped doll grew out of the earth. The doll resembled Mitra, causing the real Mitra to tilt her head in curiosity. She examined the doll for a moment before laughing and hugging it. n0VElusb.c0m


Is she asking if it’s a friend?

Mitra liked the doll and locked arms with it. Theo tried to match the doll’s movements to hers, since he thought it would be good training in controlling earth. It felt like the ground was an extension of his hands and feet. It was a feeling ordinary magicians would never come across, and he was confident it would help him walk further down the path of a magician.

Maybe this would provide a foundation to one day jump over the wall of the 6th Circle.

My mana sensitivity is definitely higher than it was a few days ago. Maybe I can now use consecutive 5th Circle spells?

Usually, a magician was limited to around half their Circles when it came to instant casting spells. For example, a few talented 5th Circle magicians could cast 3rd Circle spells immediately. But only a few geniuses born with high sensitivity and honed calculation abilities could climb to a higher level. His progress was limited, but Theo had taken one step in that direction.

Vince smiled gently as he saw Theo’s growth. He shifted slightly and winced. The Janissary’s strike had yet to fully heal, since wounds from a master-class aura were rather difficult to heal even with expensive healing potions.

Theo noticed his discomfort. “Master, are your wounds still...?”

Vince sighed. “It’s taking longer than I thought. It has improved a lot though.”

Theodore smiled bitterly. Vince’s injury weighed heavily on his chest, despite not being responsible for it. He had asked Ellenoa to heal VInce, but she had shaken her head the moment she saw Vince’s wound.

- The perpetrator’s willpower in the wound is too strong. My abilities can only cure the wounds of the flesh, meaning I can’t heal it before this willpower disappears.

- Then what should he do?

- It will naturally heal over time. Or he can get the blessing of a high priest.

However, it was difficult to find a high priest in Meltor, since it was a kingdom which denied the existence of religion. Since it would take a month to heal, Vince chose to rest in Bergen. He didn’t want to hold his disciple back due to his own mistake. Anyway, he had experienced this type of injury many times.

The Magic Society knows the value of a high elf. I hope they send someone strong.

He would be happy if Blundell or Veronica escorted them in person. Vince’s musings were interrupted by an attendant who came rushing in.

“Haidel! Miller!”

The manor’s attendant was gasping for breath as he skidded to a halt in front of them. “E-Earl Bergen said to come to the front door immediately! People from the capital are here!”

The two magicians instantly rose from their seats. The capital’s convoy had finally arrived.


“Master?” Theo said as he followed a leisurely Vince. He had just realized the meaning of a convoy. He couldn’t understand why the capital had sent a convoy when they had space magicians.

He asked, “Can’t they just use Mass Teleport?”

It was a good question, but Vince shook his head. “Elves are inherently magical, so they have a strong resistance to magic. Since they are born with nature’s blessing, they tend to instinctively invalidate spells used on them.”

Theo sank into thought. “... Even space magic?”

Vince nodded. “Well, space magic requires a minimum of the 6th Circle, so ordinary elves wouldn’t be able to resist. However, we have a special case on our hands.”

High elves were indeed a little special. Their very presence calmed the flows of mana around them, which unconsciously interfered with the activation of magic. Unfortunately, it almost completely invalidated the precision that space magic required. As a result, they had to take the land route from Bergen to the capital.

As Vince finished speaking, they approached the main gate of the estate.

“Oh, you came!” They were greeted by a loud voice.

Theo grimaced reflexively, but Vince’s eyes widened as he recognized the familiar voice. He had never imagined he would see this particular colleague. A Prime rank magician in his own right, this magician had lost his legs more than ten years ago and had stepped back from active duty.

Vince bowed. “It is great to see you after a long time, Elder Herman.”

Herman grinned widely. “It’s been a while, huh? Have you reached the 6th Circle? You were faster than I expected!”

Vince smiled. “Thank you.”

Herman was sitting in a wheelchair. His pants were folded at his knees, but Theo could feel magic power stirring up the air around him. Although he had lost a Circle in the war with the Andras Empire, he was still stronger than the average 6th Circle magician.

Theodore gulped as he looked past Elder Herman.

He isn’t the only amazing part of this convoy!

Theo found an exhausted looking Elder Shugel from the White Tower as well as other veteran magicians standing behind Elder Herman. There was enough destructive power in this convoy to effortlessly wipe out a few estates. It seems the capital was treating this affair seriously.

Herman suddenly turned his gaze on Theo. “Hoh, this is the disciple who caught our Tower Master’s eyes?”

“E-Eyes?” Theo stammered.

Herman chuckled. “Kulkulkul, there is no need to be embarrassed. She’s got a temper, but a woman like her is hard to find. A young person like you won’t break your back.”

Theodore blushed at the elder’s double entendre as Herman chortled. The latter’s eyes looked past Theo as he felt Ellenoa’s presence approaching.

The mana seething around the powerful magician grew still. “Hoh... Is the child in the center the high elf?”

The other magicians looked at Ellenoa in amazement. They had all been briefed on the mission, but they were still awestruck at the presence of a real high elf. This was a once in a lifetime experience, which was why none of them had complained about immediately being sent on this assignment instead of taking a break.

Ellenoa approached the convoy and greeted them politely, “It is nice to meet you. I am a daughter of the Blue Evergreen Tribe and the tribe’s sixth dancer, Ellenoa.”

Herman smiled at her. “I am the representative of the convoy, Herman Alphen. I must admit, I was very excited about the prospect of meeting you.”

Ellenoa smiled sweetly as she took Herman’s hand. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Herman.”

Herman felt his vitality rise at her light touch. He shook his head with admiration and amazement. Herman knew the power of the high elf, which is why he wanted this mission. Still, it was truly amazing.

The old magician caught himself and took her hand. “Then I will guide you. Please follow me.”

He manipulated his chair with ease as he started rolling forward. Theo and Vince followed Ellenoa and the convoy. It was a strange group for anyone who didn’t know the details. Fortunately, the destination wasn’t very far away. A special carriage was sitting in the spacious back garden of Earl Bergen’s manor.

“Now, this is the convoy we have prepared for you. I hope you like it.”

Theodore, Vince, Ellenoa, and the elves’ faces changed as they saw three carriages. They looked like carriages, but there didn’t seem to be a space for animals to be hitched.

Flap... flap...

Theo spoke before anyone else could, “Why... are there sails on a carriage?”

The others nodded in agreement. The large carriages looked nice, but there were large sails on the roof and side. It seemed like the sails could be folded and unfolded at any time, but they were nowhere near the sea. Why would they be placed on carriages?

Did they really expect to use the mountain breeze to travel up and down the mountains? However, the magicians of the convoy just laughed knowingly as they got into position on top of the carriages.

Herman explained, “This carriage runs on the power of the wind and is called the gust carriage.”

No matter how much one reduced a vehicle’s weight, there was still a limit to a horse’s strength. So the speed crazy White Tower magicians invented a carriage that they could propel using wind spells. It took more than a thousand broken limbs in testing, but they finally created a concept vehicle that could safely travel two or three times faster than a conventional carriage. Theoretically, it could even go five times as fast.

“Come on, get in! I’ll show you what speed truly is!” Herman called out.

Theo and Ellenoa’s faces paled at the thought of crossing the mountains on this carriage.

They really didn’t want to die from a carriage accident...