CH 3

Name:Bound in Marriage Author:Fazai
The reason why Tan Ting's group arrived late was that they had stopped at the neighboring Weiping Prefecture due to a sudden matter.

Two hours earlier.

Snowflakes fluttered from the sky as a group of people stood on the embankment of the Chao Yun River, watching the heavy snowfall. Some officials-like figures among them were preparing to leave.

"The embankment's cracking is not something that can be resolved with a few words. Lord Tan and Lord Qiu, why don't the two of you come to the prefectural office to discuss?" Prefect Liao Qiu said, glancing at Tan Ting.

Although this Lord Tan's official rank was lower than his, he was still an important member of the Tan family, a prominent clan. In the current political landscape where powerful clans held considerable influence, a scion of a grand clan like the Tan family, which had even produced a Cabinet Minister, was not someone an ordinary prefect could easily compare to.

So, the decision whether to continue discussing the reinforcement of the Chao Yun River embankment or to disperse and reconvene later depended on the stance of Tan Ting, who happened to pass by this area unexpectedly.

As he spoke, Prefect Liao Qiu gestured toward Qiu Laoye, who was by his side.

Lord Qiu was the head of the prominent Qiu family in Weiping Prefecture. The Qiu family held a significant position locally, but compared to the prominent and illustrious Tan family of Qinglong, they could only take a back seat.

Qiu Laoye stroked his beard, not in a hurry to reply, and looked at Tan Ting.

"Lord Tan's thoughts...?"

Tan Ting fell silent for a moment.

This embankment issue in Weiping Prefecture had nothing to do with him originally.

However, Weiping Prefecture was where Xiang Zhiyuan had served as the prefect. Later, Xiang Zhiyuan was convicted of corruption by the court, and one of the charges was embezzlement of funds designated for river maintenance. Although Xiang Zhiyuan was now deceased, the Chao Yun River, where he had embezzled the river maintenance funds, was currently facing problems.

Unluckily, Xiang Zhiyuan was the father of his legal wife, making him his father-in-law.

Currently, despite Xiang Zhiyuan's death, the issue stemming from the embezzled river repair funds still affected Chao Yun River. The embankment had not yet experienced a catastrophe, and Prefect Liao Qiu had not reported the need for river repair funds to the imperial court. However, the prefecture's funds were limited, and he was reluctant to allocate money from the prefectural treasury. Therefore, he had the idea of seeking financial assistance from the local prominent Qiu family to reinforce the embankment.

The Qiu clan naturally hesitated to provide funds, but considering that their own several dozen acres of fertile land were located not far from the cracking embankment, they decided to invite Tan Ting, who they had been waiting for on the road, to discuss this matter.

Tan Ting stood by the embankment with his hands behind his back. The surging Chao Yun River was now frozen, and snowflakes fell onto the icy surface, melting into it in a matter of moments.

His face bore the icy lines of sternness, and his eyes, as dark as ink, silently surveyed the frozen and cracked embankment.

After a prolonged discussion between Prefect Liao Qiu and Qiu Laoye, he finally withdrew his gaze and glanced lightly over Prefect Liao and Qiu Laoye.

"I will visit the prefectural office on another day," he calmly replied.

Prefect Liao's eyes lit up upon hearing this, realizing that Lord Tan had agreed to the matter. He couldn't help but comment, "The Tan family truly lives up to its reputation as a scholarly and well-mannered noble family, setting an example for all."

Saying this, he exchanged meaningful glances with Qiu Laoye.

"Prominent families known for their literary and courteous traditions indeed differ from common families. Those from humble backgrounds, even if they become officials through study, often end up as corrupt officials and troublemakers. In the end, it falls upon families like the Tangs to bear the responsibility." The meaning behind his words were quite evident.

Prefect Liao continued to focus on securing the river maintenance funds, and although he intended to offer more praise to Tan Ting, he noticed that the Tan clan scion already had intentions to leave.

Prefect Liao didn't dare delay him any further and kindly saw him off.

Tan Ting's group continued on their journey.

The young servant, Zheng Ji, trailed behind Tan Ting, refraining from speaking. However, the assistant officer Qin Jiao couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Lord Xiang was too greedy. If he hadn't been discovered and dismissed early on, one can't imagine how much public funds and resources he would have embezzled in the future."

He sighed deeply. This person wasn't a retainer of the Tan family, but rather came from the Lin household. Due to his connection with Tan family's aunt, Lady Tan, he had closer ties to the Tan family. This time, he was also responsible for returning to the Tan family to sort out the dowry and properties for Lady Tan.

Of course, Lady Tan didn't just assign him this task alone. In a hushed voice, Qin Jiao let out another sigh. "This matter must absolutely not escalate. It's no joke if it affects Master's career. After all... the daughter of the Xiang family still holds the position of the main wife of the Tan family."

After speaking, he sneakily glanced at Tan Ting. He saw that Master's thin lips pressed together into a deep, compressed line. Qin Jiao subtly lifted the corner of his mouth. He dared to speak so bluntly because he knew that there was hardly any affection between Tan Ting and his wife, Lady Xiang. Back then, it was Lady Xiang who came with the marriage agreement to "force" the marriage.

How could Master possibly like a woman who married into the family in such a manner? Furthermore, another matter that Lady Tan had instructed Qin Jiao to keep an eye on was Master's legal wife, Lady Xiang. Although Lady Tan didn't say much, Qin Jiao understood.

Young Master Tan had entered officialdom at a young age and had boundless prospects for the future. However, Lady Xiang's background wasn't entirely satisfactory. How could the proud Lady Tan, Madam Lin, be content with her nephew being burdened by such a woman?

However, Tan Ting didn't delve into Qin Jiao's thoughts. He gave one last look at the cracked embankment, his face calm, and then returned to Qinglong County. When they arrived at the gates of Qinglong County, it was another scene of desolate silence. They had no choice but to hasten their pace, urging their horses forward before the city gates closed.

Inside the city, at the Tan residence, Xiang Yi had arranged for the unconscious servant to be taken care of and had gone to pay respects to Madam Zhao at Autumn Radiance Courtyard. Madam Zhao had a headache, so she sent Xiang Yi away with instructions to rest on her own.

Xiang Yi returned to her own quarters after a day of waiting outside, feeling thoroughly chilled inside and out. Qiao Xing had prepared ginger soup for her and handed her a hand warmer. Xiang Yi smiled. "This will drive away the cold quickly."

"That's not enough," Qiao Xing said, picking up a basin of hot water and testing the temperature before helping Xiang Yi remove her shoes and socks and placing her ice-cold feet in it. "Madam, warm up quickly."

Xiang Yi smiled as she relaxed in the warmth and let out a long breath. However, before she could fully exhale, the courtyard suddenly filled with the sound of footsteps. Soon, the footsteps reached the door, which swung open, allowing the winter wind and snow to rush in.

Xiang Yi looked up and saw a man standing in the snow and wind. Tan Ting also saw his wife. She was sitting comfortably in a warm indoor reclining chair, soaking her feet in hot water, holding a handwarmer, and enjoying the warmth of the room.

A moment of silence filled the room. Xiang Yi shook herself from her stupor when she noticed the coldness in the man's eyes and the tightness of his lips, indicating his displeasure. She had to put everything aside and put her socks and shoes back on before walking up to greet him.

His expression didn't change when she approached, instead, he seemed to merge with the wind and snow behind him, becoming even more stern. Even after three years, certain things hadn't changed. Such as him being the esteemed scion of a prestigious family and her being the daughter of a disgraced corrupt official.

Under his gaze, Xiang Yi refrained from offering any unnecessary explanations. She let Qiao Xing clear away the warming items and silently attended to Tan Ting as he changed his clothes.

His figure appeared even more upright than when they were newlyweds three years ago. Three years in the capital had added an air of unfamiliar coldness to him.

The room fell silent once again. Xiang Yi thought of something and asked, "Did you pay your respects to Mother today?" It was pitch-black outside, with the snowstorm continuing.

Considering Lady Zhao's recent discomfort, Xiang Yi intended to remind him, but the man spoke before she could. Tan Ting's brows furrowed even deeper as he cast a glance at his wife. "Respecting one's parents isn't dependent on the weather."

With his words, any reminder Xiang Yi had in mind was immediately swallowed back. She nodded, fastened his belt for him, took a step back, and distanced herself from him. "You're right, Master."

Once that was said, the room once again descended into silence.. It wasn't until Tan Ting opened the door to the main hall, stepped outside, and let the freezing wind rush in that the room's warmth was swept away. Xiang Yi, who had been cold all day, hadn't even had a chance to warm up before she followed him to the Autumn Radiance Courtyard.


Once they arrived, Lady Zhao was naturally delighted, but the snowfall intensified. Since Lady Zhao was still feeling unwell, she didn't summon Tan Jian and Tan Rong. Instead, she suggested they reunite as a family tomorrow.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Xiang Yi followed Tan Ting back to the main residence. After an entire day of turmoil, she was truly exhausted. However, Tan Ting showed no sign of sleep. He sat at the desk by the window, illuminated by the lamp on the desk.

The room's silence seemed to match the endless darkness outside, enveloping them both. Xiang Yi still hadn't fully warmed up, and her body felt cold in waves. However, no one uttered a word.

It wasn't clear how many hours had passed when Tan Ting left the desk and went to the washstand by the window. He quickly freshened up and then went to bed.

Xiang Yi also finally had the chance to lie down.

The night wind rustled the windowpane, creating a faint sound. Throughout, they exchanged only three sentences, a total of nineteen words. As the candle extinguished, darkness descended upon them. The empty room became a space of stillness, coldness, and darkness, akin to the gathering storm clouds overhead, constantly pressing down, making the atmosphere gloomy.

Just a fist's distance away from Xiang Yi, the sleeping figure emitted the warmth peculiar to a man. Despite feeling cold, Xiang Yi didn't yearn for that warmth in the slightest. The chill air seeped in through the gap between their quilts, yet neither of them leaned towards the other, nor did anyone propose complete separation.