WARNING: Gore trigger warning, mentions of fly larva and skin disintegration





Fen, a boy with short blond hair, knocked a thin black student to the ground with a single punch. [1]

Looking at the scared and ugly black teen, Fen laughed happily: “Hahaha! Black Devil! Piece of shit! A bastard raised by a bitch! Get out of here quickly! Don’t let me see you in class ever again, and if you look back when leaving, I kill you! ” [2]

Fen’s malicious threat and ferocious face made the black teen who fell on the ground terrified, only able to curl up and shiver.

“Let, let me go…….. wuwuwu!”

Fen was even more disgusted at the ugly black devil’s look.

“Hurry up!” Fen kicked him again, and the teen on the ground rolled over and hit the locker next to him.

The teen finally sobbed and raised his head, revealing his half-rotten face.

A maggot burrowed out from a crack on the left of his face, and the right side of his face was rotted through, revealing a row of pale teeth and blood-red muscles. The only things that were unblemished in the disgusting visage, was a pair of pure black eyes. He stared at Fen with a grim look on his face.

“But … haven’t you already killed me …” The teen whispered this hoarsely; the intermittent breathing was similar to a demon’s whisper.

Fen looked at the face that was enough to arouse the deepest feelings of terror in any human being, and felt his body freeze.

He shuddered; every strand of hair from the soles of the feet to the top of his head were clamoring in warning.

“Jiejiejie – yeah, Fen, haven’t you already killed him?” A deep, horrifying voice came from behind Fen.

He couldn’t hold back the terror rising in his chest or the trembling of his eyelids as he looked back.

A scorched face appeared in front of Fen’s eyes, and the two black holes in the skull were facing him, sending over a wicked grin.


Fen jolted up from his bed in a cold sweat, panting in horror.

It must be the devil … Morris … back for revenge! 】


Lord God World

[Class A science- fiction world《Fatal Infection》has been separated from the detection network! Capture failed! 】

The Lord God startled at the red warning signs in the database; the huge data system then began to run at high speeds, trying to calculate a solution.

Another small world broke away from the detection network. Its data links couldn’t hold on to these worlds, but it succeeded in discovering a weird variable that caused a bug and resulted in them leaving.

[Performing the anti-jamming procedure – procedure has been executed]

[Reverifying—Variable has disappeared]

The Lord God checked the program again, determined that the variable had disappeared, and assigned more tasks to the reincarnators.

Recently, with the mystical separation of these higher-level small worlds, some ordinary small worlds had also escaped the Lord God’s capture system.

This left the Lord God, who’d been accustomed to controlling the overall situation, a little anxious, as well as being convinced that it was in a terrible situation.

As the Lord God arranged more tasks to make up for the loss and capture of more small worlds’ information, a supreme authority’s commands were transmitted to the Lord God’s central system.

The light screen unfolded, and the supreme leader of the Federation, a blonde, middle-aged man, appeared on the screen.

“Lord God, send the latest colonization progress data.”

After the main system sent the data quickly, the middle-aged blond looked at the data form and frowned.

Now that it was the most critical time in the cabinet election, he didn’t want to leave the public with an impression that he was incompetent due to the unexpected numbers.

“Lord God, set the access authority for this data to the highest setting, no one except me is allowed to view it, and lift the ban on the higher ranked props to let the reincarnators speed up their progress – and also, expand the impressment of reincarnators, it can no longer be limited to just those prisoners on death row… “

The middle-aged blond man had a touch of coldness in his soft eyes.

[Instruction has been executed]

The Lord God quickly executed the order.


Caaaww, caaaaww——Caaw——! [3]

The crow outside the window kept screeching as if foreshadowing some misfortune.

Winter mornings are always very bad, especially today, the dark clouds covered the whole town; the warm and gentle sunlight couldn’t shine through at all.

“This damn weather, huh, can’t you let me relax for a day! You shit God!” A slovenly, middle-aged man opened the curtains in his bedroom, cursing perfunctorily after seeing the gloomy weather in store for that day.

“Hey bastard! Get up quickly and make me breakfast!”

The middle-aged man stepped out of the bedroom, became exasperated after seeing the empty dining table, and turned to knock on the door of the next bedroom on the side.

Bang Bang Bang!!!!!

“Still not coming out to cook?! Is Laozi raising a bastard that only eats rice?! You shitty son!” The man yelled at the person in the room with increasingly vulgar words, slamming the door panels endlessly. [4]

Inside the room, a black-haired teenager slowly put on his school uniform’s coat.

His face was a nearly transparent white, almost bloodless.

This was a small but neat bedroom.

There were a few cheap comic posters on the walls, which hid some of the old, faded wallpaper.

Next to the wall was a single, well-used bed. Thin quilts were neatly stacked on it, making the originally worn-out sheets and pillows more pleasing to the eye.

There is also a study desk in this small room. Books and pens were neatly arranged. Even the most discerning OCD patients couldn’t  pick out a single wrong thing about this place.

On the right side of the room was a glass window, the curtains partially covered it, but you could see even through that, the weather conditions weren’t so good today.

The teenager sorted out the scattered hair that was sticking straight up on his forehead, picked up the schoolbag at the foot of the bed, and walked towards the overwhelming door.

Passing by the desk, the young man’s emerald green eyes stopped on a letter that was written last night.

The envelope was folded shut with no creases on the surface.

Click—the door opens.

The middle-aged man grabbed the collar of the teenager who walked out the door and fiercely shouted, “Little bastard! I’ve been knocking on the door for so long, why didn’t you open it!”

The boy looked at the man silently, due to the man’s vicious movements and his own thin frame, he was almost thrown to the ground.

The man looked at the silent boy and got a little more angry, it made his heart freeze to see those dark green eyes stare at him dully.

The man cursed at him for a long time, but the boy still didn’t say anything, as if he was deaf, or if he didn’t understand why he was scolded.

The man finally shoved him fiercely, angrily demanding: “Come and cook for Lao Tzu! Damn! If the Father didn’t require you little brats to go to school, Laozi would sell you! It’s better to have you motherf*cker do hard work for Old Kerry than have you eating for nothing! ” [5]

The teenager was pushed to the door frame, and the ruthless power of the shove made him cough in pain.

This body was so weak that he couldn’t resist him for the time being.

This thought suddenly flashed through the mind of the teenager, but there was still no fear in the clear and deep mirror-like eyes.

He should have been afraid, just like in the past ten years, full of fear towards this man he called Father, afraid to disobey any of his orders.

But it was very strange. Since he’d fainted due to the school bully’s bearings in school a month ago, he woke up again and seemed to have changed a lot. He was no longer afraid of many things and became more rational. His perspective of things had changed, he even felt that many of his previous thoughts were naive, or in other words, incorrect. [1]

And, the strangest change was that he obviously had all the memories of his past, so why did he inexplicably feel that the memories in his head weren’t his?

But who else’s could they be?

He was indeed an ordinary high school student named Zhou Yu.

The clouds were very dark, but fortunately, it unilaterally didn’t mean that it was going to rain. Zhou Yu skillfully whipped up a glass of milk, buttered bread, and a fried sunny-side-up egg at the man’s command.

Because the man hated him, the son born of a woman who’d abandoned him, Zhou Yu wasn’t allowed to eat at the table, he was only allowed to take a few slices of bread for breakfast before hurrying out of the door.

It was almost time for class, and the postman had just passed by the house.

Zhou Yu quickly walked up and reached out with a letter taken from his pocket.

Bearded elder Tom the postman was put off balance by the exquisite face rushing in front of him. The thin mixed-race man then shook his head sadly, exclaiming, “Oh, dear Zhou, I told you long ago that your letter couldn’t be sent anywhere. The address is wrong, it’s been returned several times … don’t send any more, I won’t accept it again. Oh, yes, this was just returned. “

Postman Tom took out a bundle of paper from the mail van, which contained five or six envelopes, neatly tied together with a rubber band.

“… I know, thank you.” Zhou Yu looked at the envelopes in his hands with a little embarrassment, and the emerald green eyes were no longer like a calm, deep lake. Ripples swam through constantly.

The five or six letters returned to his hands, and just as they were when they were sent out, there were no creases on the yellowed stationery.

And in the addressee’s place, it was the name that he once traced on — Morris Seimer

Putting the envelope back into the schoolbag, Zhou Yu bowed his head and walked forward, letting his long untrimmed, thick black hair cover his face for a while.

Morris was his best friend, but two weeks ago, he moved to the next town over and Zhou Yu never heard from him again.

Perhaps their friendship was just one-sided.

Zhou Yu thought this, and his green eyes emptied.

A month ago, when he was being bullied, he thought about committing suicide. It was a very strong impulse, and he almost put it into action.

After he fainted, he understood why he’d wanted to commit suicide.

He was suffering from a serious mental illness — depression, and maybe something else, because in his memory, he’d always felt that everyone in this town wanted to hurt him. He was afraid for a time, too afraid to even leave the house.

It was Morris who saved him.

Zhou Yu recalled Morris’ bright blue irises, and the cheerful smile that often hung on his face.

Morris was a very cheerful person.

Very tall and liking to help the weak — for example, himself and other lower-level students who’d been isolated by the entire class — that was Morris.

After fainting a month ago, Morris had also helped him again, so he was able to get to the infirmary for treatment in time.

After waking up, he felt that Morris excused a feeling of reassurance and familiarity, as if as long as Morris stayed with him, he would never feel any danger.

So, even though he no longer feared the bullies who had wounded him, he’d been sticking to Morris.

In just two weeks, the relationship between the two has grown rapidly, it was so good that they could almost share a pair of pants. [2]

And Morris didn’t refuse Zhou Yu’s approach like how he kept his distance from others.

It was because of this that Zhou Yu thought that they were already the most important buddy to each other.

But this wasn’t the case. Morris suddenly moved away, and they also fought before he left. The address given to him was also false.

He sent so many letters and none were accepted.

The preliminary bell rang, and Zhou Yu accelerated his pace before entering the school.

Ding, Ding——

Walking to his own locker, Zhou Yu stopped.

The originally neat space was covered in dirty curses and scolding words. Everything was exactly the same as it was a month ago.

“Dwarf Zhou! Hahaha, look at your dead face, it’s ridiculous!” A sharp chortle sounded from behind him.

Zhou Yu indifferently looked over his shoulder, and it turned out to be that school tyrant Paul Nyate,  who had developed a strong body, but a weak mind.

“Without that idiot Morris around, I think you don’t have any arrogance to capitalize on!” The tall and sturdy Paul swiveled his wrists and raised his sandbag-like fists.

But his eyes contained a little unknown fear, and they darkened significantly.

Yes, Morris has been taken away by the gods, that devil is no longer here, yes, the dream last night was just that, a dream!

Paul stared at the skinny Asian-American in front of him.

As long as he beat up this shadow of Morris’, the fears that he shouldn’t have would dissipate.

Paul was convinced.


The author has something to say: The original blueprint of Ebara’s plot is “Meng ghost street” and “Silent Hill”

桀桀 桀 is just a word to describe a demon and a ghost, it can make up for that horrible voice ~ Please do n’t worry about how to make this sound (funny)

[桀桀 is a Chinese vocabulary pronounced jiéjié, which means grassy and tall. Onomatopoeia, used to describe the villain’s adulterous laughter. Generally, it is the kind of laughter that the wicked person or the demon monster likes to make.] From Baidu Encyclopedia. [3]

Thank you Mitu Mitumi, Anyang Aiyangyang, Ying Fei grass grows, Momo Shenli mines ~ Thank you little angels mines ~ Thank you so much ~ Love you!

Little Theater:

Spiritual world consciousness: (Sighs and sighs) Alas, the main god was put back, saying that it still has a role to play, and can’t be taken by dogs at once … Dad is sad.

Cthulhu’s World Consciousness: (Raises a roasted Lord God’s leg) Look! I hid it in advance and was not confiscated!

Spiritual World Consciousness: (eyes red hearts. Jpg) old gramps, you are great! muah! (Kiss)

Awareness of the future world: (eyes babies.jpg) I don’t want to eat anymore!

Nightmare World Consciousness: (pulled out a lot of banknotes and handed them to the future) to!

Future world consciousness: (looking dumbly at a handful of money) Uh, what? Why suddenly gave so much money?

Nightmare consciousness in the world: (stripping hair smartly) I’ll give you money to buy it, oh, no way, I’m just too rich, I especially like to help vulnerable groups, so I don’t need to feel guilty

Awareness of the future world: (faceless) Hehe, thank you for not being weak.

Nightmare World Consciousness: (Spread a lot of banknotes) Roar, no thanks, no way, who makes me too rich ~

Future world consciousness: (calling blankly) Hello? Is this a mental hospital? There is a crazy world consciousness!