Chapter 1422: The air battle is over (please subscribe for more updates)

Name:Breath of the Dead Author:Hanami
Chapter 1422 The air battle ends (please subscribe for more updates)

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As soon as the two-legged flying dragon attacked, Gu Xi understood what Yi Lu had said before.

The wyverns under Ika come from different groups.

Apart from the poisonous flying dragon that Gu Xi had fought with before, there were obviously two different kinds of flying dragons.

One of them has a head that is almost as long as Shadow Poison's head, and its mouth can be opened quite wide, and it can tear a person in two pieces with one bite.

It is obviously the kind of bipedal flying dragon with enhanced melee attack direction.

The other kind is just the opposite. This kind of bipedal flying dragon has a smaller head, but there are some blade-like feathers between the head and neck.

When flying, these feathers do not affect its flight.

But when attacking, these feathers come into play.

As long as these feathers stand up outward, they can hurt the enemy immediately.

Obviously this is a means of attack.

At the same time, Gu Xi noticed that all the wyverns were somewhat larger.

There should be a group that has disappeared and integrated its blood into the group of flying dragons.

In Gu Xi's eyes, there should have been a larger bipedal flying dragon in the past, but for some unknown reason, this bipedal flying dragon disappeared in the long river of history.

As soon as the bipedal flying dragon flew out, Gu Xi immediately estimated the number of enemies.

Although the main force of the wyverns did not stay here, there were still nearly 300,000 wyverns in this forest area.

Although there are some bipedal dragons among them that are obviously underage, most of them already have a certain degree of combat effectiveness.

After they flew out, they pounced on the fear bats without even looking.

At this time, the number of fear bats under Gu Xi's command was only about 70,000.

This was the reason why Gu Xi dispatched all the fear bats in Alidovi City.

Facing an enemy several times their own size, the Dreadbats had no idea of ​​backing down. They actually lined up in a line in the sky and opened their mouths to scream in the direction of the flying dragon.

The fearful screams immediately dispersed the flying dragons in front of them.

Affected by the power of fear, some of these flying dragons flew upwards and some flew downwards, directly messing up the battle formation of the flying dragons.

More than 300,000 bipedal flying dragons seemed to have lost their direction in the sky, and some even collided with each other.

Seeing this situation, the fear bats immediately pounced forward.

They did not chase the escaped wyvern, but pounced on the uncontrolled wyvern, or the wyvern rushing towards them.

What they focus on right now is not to chase anyone.

It was useless to chase. The sky was so big that the frightened wyvern spread its wings and flew away.

Where can people go to chase this?

In this case, chasing after you will only waste time.

Regardless of whether these fear bats are commanded by a leader or not, they all understand that it is best to kill a group of enemies at the moment.

Those bipedal dragons that were frightened and fell from the sky, or rushed directly into the group of fear bats, were the best to deal with.

Sure enough, when the fear bats came forward to bite, these bipedal flying dragons didn't even have a chance to backhand.

When the effect of the Terror Screaming disappeared, 70,000 to 80,000 flying dragons had died at the hands of the Terror Bats.

At this time, the flying dragons and fear bats in the sky have dispersed, and they may have to compete with each other to fight individually.

At this time, Gu Xi didn't think much. He quickly asked Luna to send the newly spawned fear bats to the battlefield. Unlike the case with the wyverns, the Dreadbats don't have as many variations.

No matter what fighting style the wyvern had in life, the Dreadbats transformed through double death are all exactly the same.

After releasing a new batch of fear bats, the number of both sides in the sky was almost the same.

There are approximately 210,000 wyverns and 140,000 fearbats.

However, the fear bat has two ultra-long-range attack methods, sonic and fear, and will not be besieged by the enemy.

The bipedal flying dragon takes advantage of its fast flying speed and its bite is more severe.

When the two sides were fighting in the sky, the Dreadbats were really no match for the Flying Dragons in melee combat.

However, the fear bats' field control ability is pretty good. Whenever they feel that they can't defeat the flying dragon, they will use the fear scream to scare away the enemies attacking them.

In this way, vitality is restored.

Therefore, even though the number of Dreadbats is obviously not as large as that of Wyverns, the loss ratio in sky battles is still lower than that of Wyverns.

Now for every three Dreadbats killed, five Wyverns will be killed.

In addition, Gu Xi means that as long as a bipedal flying dragon is killed, new fear bats will be added immediately.

It can be said that the flying dragons are beaten less and less, but the fear bats are beaten more and more.

Under such circumstances, the flying dragon also discovered that something was wrong.

Many times they want to get back together.

It's a pity that these bipedal flying dragons have always been stared at by the fear bats.

If they don't gather, forget it.

If they want to gather together to fight, they will immediately be attacked by the fearful screams from the fear bats.

This kind of attack method will make the flying dragons run around. The flying dragons that originally wanted to gather together will soon disperse in the sky, and finally become one-on-one.

And among these bipedal flying dragons, there are no heroic beings. Even if they know that this situation is wrong, they have no other way to change everything.

We can only rush together again and again, only to be separated again and again.

And every time they were frightened away, the flying dragons would always kill a large number of beings.

Gu Xi, on the other hand, can immediately replenish new fear bats to make up for the loss of combat power due to the battle.

This battle in the sky lasted for nearly six hours before it was over.

When the last flying dragon died in the battle, Gu Xi took a look at the situation in the sky.

I also have a certain judgment on the combat effectiveness of the Dreadbat.

In this battle, the number of Dreadbats killed reached approximately 210,000.

The surviving Dreadbats in the sky now are all new Dreadbats transformed through double death after killing the flying dragon.

All the older batch of Dreadbats were killed in this battle.

The remaining number of Dreadbats is approximately 160,000.

Compared with the more than 70,000 fear bats when Gu Xi first sent out troops, this number has increased, and can even be regarded as a doubled increase.

But this ratio of casualties still made Gu Xi shake his head.

Gu Xi had already seen the situation of the fear bat.

Their air combat level is still a bit weak. Although they have the ability to control the field, field control is not the key to air combat. Breathing, flight speed, bite ability, etc. are the key to air combat.

(End of chapter)