Chapter 65: Haneul Nuclear Power Plant

Chapter 65: Haneul Nuclear Power Plant


After several minutes of high-speed flight, we arrived at Haneul Nuclear Power Plant.

Given its vast area and the series of domed reactors aligned in a row, it was easy to spot from the air.

Master, look over there! There are amazing buildings!

Those are reactor buildings. Thanks to them producing electricity, we can lead comfortable lives.


Serena looked down, her eyes shining brightly.

She always had a positive reaction to things she saw for the first time.

In contrast, Ciel was more composed.

Whooosh- Whooosh- Whooosh-

Ciel gradually decreased her wing speed and gently landed on the ground.

You did well, Ciel. Are you tired?

Not at all. Im perfectly fine.

Ciel responded while gently patting the protruded section of her lower abdomen.

That was where her fuel tank, which had been filled up early in the morning, was located.

To fill that up, I had to release a lot, but if it was already running out, the fuel efficiency wasnt great.

Just then, I heard shouts from a distance.

Hey there-! Who are you?!

They were the guards at the entrance of the reactor.

Upon seeing us land directly inside from the sky, they left their post at the entrance and rushed toward us.

I smiled and waved at them, signaling that we meant no harm.

Following my example, Serena waved at them with a bright, cheerful expression.


As the approaching guards got closer, they seemed stunned upon seeing the faces of Serena and Ciel.


It would be difficult to find beauties of this caliber even on an internet search.

Still, it was pretty rude to gawk at someone elses woman like that.

I stepped forward and clapped my hands.


Uh, what?

Ah, um

As if snapped out of a trance, the guards blinked and turned their heads towards me.

I promptly stated my business.

My name is Kim Doha. Where is Director Seon Jong-yun of the Haneul Nuclear Power Plant?

Kim Doha?

One of them seemed to recognize my face just then, furrowing his brows and looking at me. Suddenly, he shouted.

Oh! Ki, Kim Doha! Rank 1!

A moment of silence.

He then sheepishly said,

Ah, I apologize. Um, Ive watched many of your video guides on exploiting the glitches. Yes

I see. Wheres Director Seon Jong-yun?

Ah! Ill guide you to him!

Thank you.

We followed the leading guard as he walked ahead of us.


Inside the administrative building of the Haneul Nuclear Power Plant, a middle-aged man with numerous strands of half-white hair and horn-rimmed glasses greeted us.

Nice to meet you. I am Seon Jong-yun, the director of this place.

Nice to meet you. Im Kim Doha. Behind me are my colleagues, Serena and Ciel.

I see. Nice to meet both of you as well.

Yes, hello!

Oh? Thats good to know.

Ill introduce you to them later since theyll be joining us in sealing the rift.

That sounds good.

The conversation seemed to be wrapping up.

We both stood up from the sofa and exchanged handshakes.

While shaking hands, Director Seon Jong-yun suddenly remembered something and said,

Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing. When do you plan to seal the rift?


You arrived earlier than expected, so if we wait for everyone from all over the country to gather, it might take a while. Given how remote this place is, those who have already arrived are just the locals.

It had been just a day since Director Seon Jong-yun posted on the community forum.

The Haneul Nuclear Power Plant was located in Uljin County, Gyeongsangbuk-do.

In terms of distance from major cities, no matter where one started, it was quite a journey.

Considering others couldnt fly like I could and taking into account that the roads had become parking lots due to the stalled vehicles, it would take several days for them even if they left immediately.

So, the question was, was there a need to wait for them?

The rift discovered here was initially B-grade, and if an attempt to seal it failed, the entire nation would face a massive penalty as the power would be cut off.

Considering these points, it was expected that many rankers would have already set off for this location.

Even if we were to seal the rift without waiting for them, it wouldnt be a problem.

With Serena and Ciels power, it shouldnt be too risky.

However If I was not planning to seal all the rifts across the nation alone, wouldnt it be better to give other rankers a chance to gain experience in advance?

Alright. The decision was made.

Even if we exclude the E-grade and F-grade mediocrities, it might be good to wait for those who are skilled. There are 6 days left until the rift becomes unstable Lets wait for another 3 days. After that, well form a party with those who gather and seal the rift.

Director Seon Jong-yun nodded.

That sounds reasonable. Ill guide you to accommodations where you can stay for those 3 days. It was originally designed to accommodate hundreds of people, but since most have left, there are plenty of empty rooms.

We followed him towards the accommodations.


Wow! Master! This place is really nice!

Seems so.

Serena exclaimed as she entered the accommodation.

I responded nonchalantly, but I caught Director Seon Jong-yuns eyebrow twitching when he heard her address me as Master.

The room is much more spacious than the one in D-Mart if you just overlook the small bed!

Ah, there are plenty of extra beds. Ill add one more for you.

Upon hearing Director Seon Jong-yuns kind offer, Serena looked back at him and said with a bright face,

No need! I prefer the smaller bed! It means I can snuggle up with my Master when we sleep!

Thats right.

In the midst of the chilling silence, only Ciel responded to her sisters comment.

Director Seon Jong-yun, momentarily taken aback, soon awkwardly chuckled and said,

Ahaha. You all seem to have a very close relationship. Well then, Ill leave you be

He quickly disappeared.

Did I say something wrong, Master?

Sensing the strange atmosphere, Serena asked me.

I smiled and replied,

No, Serena. You did well.

Really? Hehe. Im glad.

I had long since decided to wear a poker face no matter what.

A man who had two girlfriends and made both call him Master.

A man who confidently claims that as his preference.

That was me, the Rank 1, Kim Doha.


I was slightly apprehensive about the glances from the other rankers Id meet in the future.