Chapter 345 - Chapter 345: Chapter 340: Night City Escorts Review Guide?

Chapter 345: Chapter 340: Night City Escorts Review Guide?

Translator: 549690339

Yi went offline.

This time he really went offline.

He didn’t even come back online after dinner.

Now he had no mood to play a game at all and went straight to bed.

Yi felt that he had suffered a very serious mental trauma and needed a break, and it had reached the point where he couldn’t go on without a break.

This long sleep was not only willful but also very costly.

He had been maintaining a steady schedule for almost a week which was now completely disrupted, and his Da Vinci Sleep Method plan was also thrown to the back of his mind.

The greater cost was that he missed a huge wave of traffic by sleeping and not live streaming during the busiest and most popular time on the first day of “Speed Chase” closed beta.

This was not the performance a professional streamer should have, but Yi didn’t even feel regretful….

After waking up, he didn’t get out of bed, but instead pulled out his phone with a sallow expression, opened the various social platforms, locked the “Speed Chase” section, and started scrolling through posts and updates.

With such a long sleep, he was worried that he had missed too much.

He soon found the hot topic with the highest discussion rate to be, well — #StreamerYiPubliclyOutsHimSelf, VisitsDuckShop#

“You damn..!”

Yi clenched his phone tightly, his blue veins bulging on the back of his hand!

But he immediately controlled himself and took several deep breaths: “Ha—hu—ha—hu—”

“Fake! All fake! These are all illusions! They don’t exist!”

He quickly scrolled past these posts, ignoring the images of him being hugged by Pete and sneaking a glance at the bulging area between Pete’s tight leather pants legs.

Having blocked several self-media users and netizens, Yi finally saw the content he was interested in:


This was a short video less than a minute long, and Yi clicked on it to play.

At the beginning of the video, Little Streamer Hao and his teammates drove two cars in a Death Racing event, wreaking havoc on the streets.

A ridiculous jeep with a metal rack in the back, holding a huge iron ball with spikes tied up with thick steel cables, is swung around by the driver using some device, swinging it back and forth on the road, looking terrifying.

With an ordinary, unremarkable family car, Hao couldn’t withstand such a horrible attack and was hit hard by the iron ball in the head.

The car instantly loses control, crashing into the glass wall of a nearby building, with Hao’s head slamming into the airbag and almost blacking out!

But misfortune doesn’t end there, and from behind, a car with a huge exhaust pipe and a super-thick metal shell drives by, spewing a massive column of fire from its exhaust pipe, instantly igniting Hao’s car.

Immediately afterwards, the fuel tank is ignited, and the battered car is blown up with Hao inside, turning into a fireball.

The glass walls near the impact point are shattered by the explosion, and even the entire wall surface is shaking!

Suddenly, without warning, a tragic wail comes from above the camera.

Unexpectedly, the camera does not immediately lift up to look into the air, but directly cuts to the scene before the incident.

It was a streamer with fewer fans but a much bigger name in professional circles than Ah Hao — William.

This guy had left a deep impression on Lincoln when he had climbed skyscrapers barehanded in Metropolis.

Even because of his existence, Lincoln designed the NPC random window-opening easter egg and the “King’s Climbing” achievement trophy to trap people.

Such a unique player was naturally guaranteed an invitation by Lincoln during the closed beta.

After climbing all the notable buildings in Metropolis barehanded, William logged into the game less often.

He just treated it as a form of entertainment, occasionally logging in to run and climb a few buildings for fun.

More time was spent on real-world training.

Admittedly, the virtual world could provide a stimulating climbing experience that was enough to be confusingly realistic, but the fake was still fake, and the virtual world did not have professional training grounds.

He would eventually have to climb rock walls and communicate with mountains in the real world, especially in the natural environment.

However, since there were new climbable buildings, he naturally wanted to check them out.

Upon arriving in Night City, he immediately began looking for a favorite building to climb without a change in character.

Unfortunately, he just happened to choose a building that was almost entirely made of glass walls.

On the glass wall surfaces, there were only extremely thin and narrow metal frames and artistically appealing tree-shaped ornaments on the wall for climbing, making it extremely difficult.

He failed three times in a row, but still refused to give up.

Each time he failed and died, he would return here to try again after being reborn.

It took him a long while to become familiar with the technique of climbing this wall surface, and he carefully climbed higher and higher.

It was so difficult and exhausting that he had climbed more than half of the wall, and the end was not far away — out of nowhere, there was a violent engine roar and collision sound on the street below!

He turned his head to look, and saw a car fiercely hitting the glass wall, scaring him into quickly clamping down on his anchor point.

Fortunately, the glass wall only shattered a small piece, and the whole wall only shook slightly.

But just as he breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to climb up quickly, there was another loud “boom” noise in his ears!

As the glass shattered, the wall structure shook violently, making it impossible for him to hold onto the smooth wall surface any longer.


In a miserable wail, William plummeted!

He fell so fast!

Apart from the wail, he only had time to leave one short last word:



William slammed heavily onto the burning car and was instantly reborn with Ah Hao….

“Hahaha!” After watching the video, Yi laughed heartily, feeling a lot better.

He even specifically opened the comment section to see the players’ comments:

“A big tragic word for you!”

“The mysterious matching mechanism, good job Lincoln!”

“What the hell is this insane car race? I want to play too! Can we modify cars in the game as well?”

“And it’s like we can modify them however the hell we want! This is heaven, man! Don’t stop me, I’m gonna make a super bumper car!”

Only then did Yi realize that those crazy modified cars from the video seemed a bit interesting.

However, he had no motivation to modify one himself – he didn’t even like driving in reality, let alone having any enthusiasm for modified cars.

If someone just gave him one though, he’d definitely be interested!

So he continued scrolling down to browse more content.

Soon, he came across another popular topic. But just looking at the name, it was totally incomprehensible what it was about – #EverybodyForMeMeForEverybody#

Yi blinked, clicking to open the discussion page for this topic.

“Ota Sushi Main Store, Miss Bella, a very rare Euro girl. She’s tall but has a timid personality. The contrast is so cute! Check the picture for the address!”

“Little Chuan, JK Heaven! All kinds of JK uniform sisters, even though they tell you upfront that everyone in the store is an adult, they all look young and super cute! The address is…”

“Huayin Bubble Bath, wanna take a bath with beautiful girls? You really can here! Ahhhhh I’m crying, I can’t believe I get to experience heaven like this! Address…”

“Spring Field Mind and Body Treatment, just pay 3,000 for a lollipop, and you can have love at first sight with a sister for an hour! No, I mean – love at first sight! Yes, love at first sight! Location…”

Yi looked at these posts and fell silent for a moment.

So while he was acting like an idiot, repeatedly ending up in pretty boy shops and gay bars, everyone else was having a smooth time?

They even started to gather information for a “Everybody For Me, Me For Everybody” thing?

Then, a series of questions bubbled up in his mind:

What’s the deal with this?

“A Night City Escorts Review Guide?”

Does Cloud Dream really go that far?

As far as I remember, this game isn’t an 18+ adult game, right?

For this, Yi just wanted to ask these people:

Where is your quality? Where is your morality? Where is your humanity?

And where are the photos?

These netizens are talking so fancily, but why are there no photos of the little sisters?

How is he supposed to choose?

Yeah, he’s completely gotten over his electronic impotence that only lasted an afternoon and is once again full of enthusiasm for logging in!

All he needs now is a clear goal!

Yi continued browsing the posts under this topic, quickly gathering more information, and understood why everyone’s posts looked like they were advertising for customers.

Night City’s in-game system directly forbids taking pictures, recording video, or live streaming in these relatively sensitive storefronts.

If you want to send out a photo of the little sister, you’d better be an artist that can manually draw from memory after leaving the place.

– Even drawing on the spot won’t work, as the system will directly erase your drawing. That’s how strict it is.

However, Yi also found out that Cloud Dream hadn’t actually gone crazy.

Or rather, their craziness was limited.

You can’t actually do “the real deal” in the game.

Although many of the customs stores looked very “authentic”, they were created by Fred after he consulted with a local Izumo person.

But the authenticity is only superficial. In these stores, virtual characters at most have intimate actions and more physical contact with players, far from touching on sensitive topics.

Even the seemingly super ambiguous “taking a bubble bath with a beautiful girl” is done while wearing swimsuits.

– Some players were greatly disappointed by this, and accused Cloud Dream and Lincoln of “hanging a sheep’s head and selling dog meat”.

But soon, these players were scolded away by even more players.

Not only ordinary players scolded them, but even genuine experienced players scolded them, and even more harshly!

“You guys don’t know shit! You really want Cloud Dream to be boycotted?!”

“Grow a brain! Virtual reality games have only been around for a few months, and this is only the second real-life themed big production. Already at a 17+ level, what more can you ask for?!”

“Do you understand the concept of gradual progress?! Do you know what careful testing means?!”

“Cloud Dream, just go for it! I promise I’ll buy every game you release, so keep up the efforts!!!”

Yi sprang out of bed with newfound energy, planning to log into Night City to experience what it feels like to take a bubble bath with a beautiful girl.

– Although he still can’t livestream it, who cares about a livestream compared to taking a bubble bath with a beautiful girl?!

Hold on a minute!

With the headband on his head and about to start it up, Yi suddenly remembered something.

He stopped what he was doing, picked his phone back up, opened the #EverybodyForMeMeForEverybody# topic again, quickly switched to a throwaway account, edited and sent a post:

“No sign, super hidden, illegal, huge limits, you’ll definitely regret not going, Night City’s must-visit custom shop!

The staff are beyond your wildest imagination! After just one visit, I can’t forget it! If you haven’t gone, it’s like you’ve never been to Night City!

Strongly recommend everyone to try it out! The address is…”

Yi quickly wrote down the address of the first hidden pretty boy shop where he had been taken by the driver.

After writing, he hesitated not even a bit, clicked ‘Confirm’, and successfully sent the post!

With such a good place, how could he not share it with his brothers?

No need to thank me, I’m a good person!