Chapter 375 - Chapter 375: Chapter 365: Influence Spreading!

Chapter 375: Chapter 365: Influence Spreading!

Translator: 549690339

Of course, Nishino Chizuru knew about these things purely because the Izumo “Virtual Reality Game Player” circle is simply too small now.

Being in this circle, she naturally finds it easy to get this information.

But these messages have nothing to do with her, and she doesn’t care about them at all.

Nishino Chizuru just wants to take a bubble bath with a beautiful girl.

And last night, she succeeded!

although it cost all the virtual currency she had in her hand.

But Queenie didn’t feel sorry at all; instead, she thought it was fantastic, and she wanted to do it a few more times!

As for those online comments about the “limited contact range,” “sensitive parts cannot be touched,” “no kissing allowed,” and “better off going to a real-life customs store” …

Nishino Chizuru just wants to spit in their face!

Better than a reality store?

Then you go and try it!

With such comments, Nishino Chizuru scolds one by one!

You can hold hands, hug, even touch your belly, and you’re still not satisfied?!

Nishino Chizuru logged into Night City smoothly; she didn’t know if it was an illusion or not, but she felt like the whole world seemed more harmonious and silky than it was yesterday?

“Not important.” Queenie shook her head and started working on her mission, “Making money is important!”

Nishino Chizuru is a bit impatient, so she didn’t notice two things—

First: The network conditions have indeed improved.

This is because of: Cloud Dream’s server in Izumo has been successfully set up, and after today’s announcement, it officially started serving local players.

Plus, with a million consoles sold tomorrow and the help of distributed algorithms, all latency issues will be history.

Second: in the unrecordable customs store, the contact scale between male and female players is not exactly the same.

Or to be more precise: when NPCs entertain same-sex and opposite-sex players, the rules are not exactly the same.

Of course, these differences are hidden in the details.

Unless a male player and a female player both choose the same storefront, then choose the same Little Sister service, and finally sit together and sincerely analyze every aspect of the physical contact and feelings they experienced during the process, it is possible to find those differences.

But…it’s not easy to achieve this condition…

Of course, there’s another way.

For example, a male player and a female player both choose the same store, then choose the same muscular man service, and finally sit together and sincerely analyze every aspect of the physical contact and feelings during the process…

Although the plan and steps are exactly the same, only the research object has been changed, perhaps… it would be a little bit easier?

On the other hand, the media and players in Daxia also quickly noticed the news about Izumo and Baekje.

And without a doubt, it caused quite a bit of discussion.

Whether it’s players, media, or just netizens who love to watch the excitement, they have been looking forward to Cloud Dream going abroad and “conquering” the global game market for quite some time.

Now that they see Cloud Dream taking this first step, they are naturally thrilled.

Although it’s not difficult for Daxia’s corporations to enter international markets like Izumo, Baekje, and Southeast Asia, meaning it’s not a great achievement.

But almost everyone blindly believes that for Cloud Dream, whether it’s expanding into “easy” markets like Izumo, Baekje, and Southeast Asian countries, or advancing into the “difficult” European or American cultural countries, there wouldn’t be any essential difference.

As long as they enter, they can take the market.

Absolute dominance!

The only difference is when Cloud Dream, or rather Lincoln, would like to take that step.

It’s just that Lincoln’s pace has been so leisurely that it’s a bit nerve-wracking for them.

Now that the first step has finally been taken, why not take this opportunity to promote it?

What if Lincoln gets happy enough to go straight into Europe and America?

Players also get excited one after another.

It’s not all about being happy for Cloud Dream and Lincoln—many people are still angry!

It’s just that—new players from Izumo and Baekje flooding into Night City means there will be more victims appearing, right?

After all, in the case of not being able to play the game in person, still following the virtual reality game trends across national borders is a minority.

Many people are destined to experience a “spiritual shock” from a milkshake upgrade.

Even those who already know about it may experience it if they’re not careful.

But watching a video or reading a text is entirely different from the immersive experience!

There’s going to be a lot of fun stuff to watch tomorrow! In fact, Nishino Chizuru has already angrily reset her progress once, even delaying her meeting with Little Sister for this.

As for Lincoln and Cloud Dream, the biggest impact is—

The sales of “Speed Chase” have experienced a small explosion and soared by 3.5 million in just two hours!

Most of them come from Izumo and Baekje.

Even the sales of the “Assassins’ Alliance” have increased by more than two million copies.

It was a small surprise for Randall and Fred.

After stirring up Daxia’s internet world, the influence of these two announcements is still spreading rapidly.

First and foremost are the Southeast Asian countries.

Countries with a certain player base have mostly reached cooperation agreements with Cloud Dream.

Countries without enough strength and industrial base can only purchase consoles from Daxia and sell them in their own countries.

Their players will also first be served by Cloud Dream’s supercomputing center in Yangcheng City.

— Of course, this supercomputing center is still in preparation, they need to wait for some time, and now they are just doing some preliminary publicity.

Companies in countries with sufficient strength and industrial base are already bustling, starting to prepare their own factories and server centers.

Although most companies do not have the same deep pockets as Cloud Dream to use the latest, top-level commercial supercomputing as servers, Cloud Dream has no intention of helping the poor, let alone proactively doing so.

But for these companies, using more ordinary servers is not the worst option!

Even Cloud Dream didn’t start with supercomputers!

Factories are not a problem either, if they don’t have high-end unmanned factories, they could just purchase them!

After all, there are always more solutions than difficulties. As long as money can be made, any difficulty can be overcome.

Netizens in their countries naturally look forward to their moves, hoping they can bring products to the market soon.

Now that Izumo and Baekje’s consoles have officially been released, this has once again aroused the strong envy and anticipation of Southeast Asian netizens, especially the player group.

In online discussions, they are once again urging their local companies to speed up their pace!

Of course, there is one Southeast Asian country that is an exception—


The cooperative company in Java only received curses from their own players.

This is all due to an event that happened a week ago.

After reaching a cooperation agreement with Cloud Dream, the founder of the company, Suharto, calculated the initial investment and profit return, and then had a sinister idea.

He didn’t bother with setting up servers or factories, but instead used the “in cooperation with Cloud Dream” name to try to raise funds, wanting to exploit a faster money-making business tactic.

In Suharto’s view, as long as it’s done behind the scenes, Cloud Dream won’t find out in the short term.

When the news becomes public and can’t be hidden, even if Cloud Dream finds out, it would already be a done deal.

At that time, he could just explain to Cloud Dream that a stronger company could sell more consoles and make more money together with Cloud Dream.

For Cloud Dream, there is no loss.

For Suharto himself, it would be a huge profit!

However, Suharto didn’t expect that Lincoln didn’t care about what he was doing behind the scenes. When he saw other cooperating companies running around busy, constantly pushing forward in various aspects, Java’s partner was the only exception, with no progress for several days.

Lincoln directly sent an inquiry email over asking what was going on.

As a result, the other party responded with a bunch of nonsense, which when translated essentially meant, “We’re doing it, we’re doing it.”

Lincoln could tell they were perfunctory and sent another email asking for an explanation and not to evade the issue, this time with a more forceful tone.

The other party still tried to be evasive, hoping to muddle through and stall for a few more days.

Then they received Cloud Dream’s “Notice of Termination of Cooperation” — personally signed by Lincoln.

Because of Cloud Dream’s absolute advantage in cooperation, the negotiation naturally went smoothly, and the cooperating companies could only choose to accept or not.

Voluntarily terminating the cooperation had no pressure at all.

At this point, Suharto panicked and hurriedly called to explain.

But it was already too late.

Before his call to Jerome ended, Cloud Dream’s termination of cooperation notice had been released to the public.

Jerome even expressly told him, “Java’s game market development plan has been frozen.”

Overseas development work has come to a temporary end for now, and the focus of the market department has shifted to other matters.

In the future, the entire overseas market development may be handed over to the “Cloud Dream International Affairs Department.”

And Jerome doesn’t really want to be in charge of this department…

After the call was hung up, listening to the busy tone on the receiver, the “former founder of the Cloud Dream Cooperation Company” Suharto felt as if he had encountered a group of barbarians who didn’t follow any business rules!

But at this point, there was no turning back.

When the news of the cooperation breakdown came back to their home country, not only himself but also his company received a tsunami of curses.

And these curses were relentless!

Every day people cursed, with not a day going by without them.

Now that the news from Izumo and Baekje has reached them, it was like pouring gasoline on a fire, with non-stop cursing!

In recent days, Suharto has hardly dared to go out…

Also, in America, where there is a 13-hour time difference with Izumo and Baekje, it is only a little past 10 pm at night.

As it is well known, for gamers, 10 pm can hardly be considered late.

As a result, it only makes sense that players here, not long after, also noticed this piece of news.

They didn’t have much to be excited or thrilled about.

But they had a few questions to ask:

“What are our country’s gaming companies doing? Why hasn’t there been any movement so far?”

“What exactly are they waiting for?!”