Chapter 65 Hit and Run (I)

Chapter 65 Hit and Run (I)

Henry had established their hideout deep within a cave on the outskirts of Lengten Village, nestled in the mountain rage that housed the Cold Iron Mines. It was strategically chosen to provide a clear view of Luak's campsite, while maintaining their presence undetectable, from where they could monitor every single one of their movements. It was the ideal location for their operations.

Inside the dimly lit cavern, shadows danced along the icy walls, casting an eerie ambience, which was enhanced by the frozen stalactites above their heads. The crackling fire in the center offered both warmth and light, creating a comforting atmosphere for the weary soldiers who were covered in enemy's blood.

For three days, the soldiers had remained within the surroundings of the cave as Henry and Leier carefully surveyed Luak's movements, waiting for the right moment to launch an operation. In order to lessen the probability of being exposed, Henry had commanded them to bring provisions from the mansion, ensuring they had enough food to last for three weeks without the need for hunting. Furthermore, the king had also allowed them to bring enough booze to lighten up their spirits, which was frequently drank around the fire.

Over those days, the cavern became a lively place as the residue of the fiery competition between the two teams greatly subsided. Although the prideful Grok still had some hidden grudged against Zahra and her team, the alcohol seemed to make its wonders as the big man proved to be a big mouth and quite friendly, allowing him to build bridges between him and the others.

It was rare, but Henry had also joined the soldiers around the fire, hearing their stories and watching the heartfelt laughs. At the beginning, they were still a bit reserved near him, but the power of the alcohol rapidly worked to lift their spirits and lighten the atmosphere, allowing them to joke around among themselves whilst in the presence of the king, but still maintaining the appropriate distance.

As Henry sat among them, he found himself battling against the pride sitting within him, a lingering trait from the previous body's owner, a born king. It made him feel a sense of disgust at the thought of mingling with the common soldiers. It was a contrasting and unfamiliar sentiment for the actual him since he was a normal citizen in his past life. It was a sentiment that he couldn't get used to ever since he came to this world.

Because of this feeling, Henry had to force himself to sit among them, suppressing the disdain that arose from his prideful nature. In the realm of politics, it was often said that a ruler should keep a distance from his subjects, maintaining an air of authority and superiority. But Henry knew that this approach would only create a barrier between him and those he sought to lead. This distance could create a distance between them and allow them to develop diverging opinions about him, creating a space for the fall of countless rulers and nations.

By joining his soldiers around the fire, Henry tried to break down the barrier between a king and his subjects in a calculated move, driven by his desire to maintain control over these soldiers and to gain their complete trust. However, he still maintained a certain distance, which didn't allow the soldiers to get too close and still pointed out their difference in status. He wanted to be close to them, but still wanted them to respect his position. It was quite a contrasting desire.

"MOVE!" – Henry commanded, words that signified the death of countless enemies.


"Bandits!" – Cried out a small team of fifty Luak's soldiers, who had been sent out of the camp to forage for food, their voices filled with fear as they witnessed a dark swarm of arm figures suddenly surging from a corner of the forest.

Those hideous figures dashed towards them with an alarming speed, led by a single ominous presence wielding a shining silver sword at the forefront. They used a hood that concealed their features, making them resemble an army of harbinger of death, instilling a sense of dread among the soldiers.

As the bandits closed in on Luak's soldiers, chaos erupted in the forest. Henry's army masterfully used the flying wedge formation to cut through the ranks of the soldiers, striking them with lighting speed, not giving them a chance to lift their swords. Leading the charge, Henry's sword danced through the air with lethal brutality, delivering swift and decisive blows like a flash of lighting. He beheaded the first enemy in a matter of a second and dived deeper into their ranks, followed by his soldiers.

The king was like the tip of a blade, breaking away an ocean as his soldiers took care of reaping the lives of the rest of the enemies. Henry's lightning-fast strike and nimble footwork allowed him to carve a path of destruction and death as he killed ten soldiers in a matter of a few seconds, making their heads roll on the snow, his gaze rapidly shifting from prey to prey. His approaching figure left a deep imprint in the enemy's mind, some even dropped their weapons and tried to run away, while other chose to fight back.

The clash of steel echoed through the forest as Henry's soldiers engaged their foes in relentless combat. However, Leier's silent dagger, Zahra's fast arrows and Grok's turbid axe didn't let them form a front of retaliation. Soon, all of them were dead, coloring the snow in red and painting the soldier's face with blood.

In the end, Henry and his group were surrounded by corpses as a sole survivor ran away with all his might, his expression signaling the fear imprinted in his mind from this encounter.

"He will be the first trumpet. Let him go!" – Henry commanded, turning around and diving deeper into the forest. – "Next!"