Chapter 67 Zuna's rage

Chapter 67 Zuna's rage

Somewhere in the forest, while Zuna questioned the desperate bleeding man, Henry's silver sword claimed the life of its last victim, severing the man's head in a clean and swift attack, causing the headless body to crumple to the ground and join the countless others that littered on the floor. The heavy scent of iron lingering on the air seemed to wrap around Henry, like an unexpected companion or a long-lost family member. It felt comforting and nauseating at the same time.

Trying to brush off the smell hanging on him, Henry took a brief glance at his soldiers, who were firmly maintaining the formation while awaiting new orders. They were breathing in ragged breaths and some of them even suffered from a few minors injures that would probably take a few days to completely heal, but fortunately, no life under his lead had been lost this time.

Today, Henry had pushed them past their limits, urging them to fight and run to their next target without a single chance to catch their breath. Although most of these soldiers were in the Second Stage and able to fight against dozens of normal soldiers, such strenuous task in this cold weather had taken a toll on their fighting capabilities. It was this fact that created a window for those feeble lambs to desperately strike back and draw out some of their blood. Cheêck out latest novels at

Looking at the board as a whole, Henry didn't regret his decision. These injures were nothing. He would still have pressed on even if it meant losing a portion of his force, since it meant getting a strategic win over them in the long term.

Henry turned his sight to the grand mountain range spawning on the horizon, casting its shadow on them as the gentle snow slowly covered their vestiges, before finally resting his eyes on the faithful soldiers again as he gave out a simple compliment– "Great work!"

He didn't forget to nod at Grok, Leier and Zahra, the three pearls that shone brightly in this battle.


Two days later...

Three hundred and fifty corpses laid on top of a funeral pyre, carelessly arranged one on top of the other. There wasn't a single body intact. Most of them had missing heads and limbs, while others had been found completely disfigured by wild animals. It was a scene worse than those found in a normal battlefield, making those not used to such scenes wanting to throw up, especially the normal farmers.

The first one to react was a fat long haired man, whose face was adorned with a bulbous nose and small beady eyes. He rested his hand over his belly as he asked with a tone filled by pride and rudeness – "Who is the one going?" – He didn't mind letting out his dissatisfaction with the situation.

Zuna looked at him with disgust and displeasure, emotions that were soon replaced by a vengeful grin – "You!"

The man's small, beady eyes bulged with anger, ready to shout and curse at the woman. However, clenching his fist, he managed to suppress his emotions and forced a smile instead – "I am afraid I'm not fit for this task.... commander" – He said, his voice dripping with contempt as he addressed the woman – "My feet is sore. I must have injured my feet on the way here, and I need some rest to heal."

With a fake painful smile, the man gently tapped his leg, trying to show the injure. – "See?... I can't even lift it up. You should choose another one." – He looked at his comrades, who looked at him with disgust but remained silent.

"I don't care. You are going!" – Zuna coldly said, the smile leaving her lips, replaced by an emotionless face – "I want ten thousand pounds of meat in the end of this week. Go!"

The man didn't seem to hear her orders and stood firmly on the ground, looking bewildered at her. The anger in his eyes intensified as his hand fell to the sword on his waist. The action didn't go unnoticed by Zuna.

"I dare you!" - Zuna rapidly turned her body and walked in his direction, looking down into his eyes, who remained fiecely looking at her - "I won't say it again. Go!" - The king's power behind her giving her enough strength to face this man.

They maintained eyes contact for a whole minute, before the man finally backed down with a silly smile on his lips - "Sorry! My ears don't seems to be working probably today. Thank you for coming so close. I will be departing."

He looked at his comrades with that same smile, his eyes hiding a cruel look. He turned around and left.

"Burn it!" - Zuna said, throwing the torch towards the pyre.