Chapter 81 Grok Vs Elton (2)

81 Grok Vs Elton (2)

Just as fiery sword's tip was about to reach Grok's head, the sound of something streaking through the air echoed around the mountain. Suddenly, an arrow accurately struck the sword's side, deflecting it and causing Elton's attack to miss the target. This unexpected interruption gave Grok a chance to swiftly leap backwards, his massive axe held high, ready to strike with an incredible force. He wanted to sever the head of the enemy before him in a single blow.

Elton's eyes remained eerily calm as he watched the axe getting closer to him, craving for his blood. He utilized the momentum from his previous attack and drove the fiery sword into the icy ground beneath him, nimbly lowering and rotating his body. At that moment, his right leg shot forwards, sweeping like a monkey's tail, aiming to shatter Grok's balance.

His movements were so fast that Grok had no chance to evade or counterattack. He only felt his surroundings spinning as he fell to the ground with a powerful thud, the axe slipping from his hands and landing not far away. These movements happened in the span of a single breath, leaving no time for the others to reach, only to watch as their comrades got beaten. Fôll0w current novÊls on n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(co/m)

When the world around Grok finally stopped spinning and his eyes regained focus, he tried to look at Elton. He expected to see the man take advantage of this to kill him, however, the man's gaze was fixed on Zahra with annoyance and anger evident in his eyes. The woman had managed to hit his sword from that distance while he was moving at a fast speed, causing him to be bothered.

Zahra already had another arrow nocked in her bow, ready to strike again at the captain. On the other hand, the other archers were preparing themselves to shoot down the other enemies, who were still climbing the steep slope. The other close-quarters warriors had formed a line in front of them, ready to protect the archers as Zahra commanded. In the end, the responsibility of stalling the enemy's captain until the king arrived had fallen on top of Zahra and Grok's shoulders.

"Roll, barbarian!" – Zahra's voice echoed, causing Grok's eyes to widen as he saw Elton running towards him, his fiery sword raised and ready to sear his heart.

Grok could practically feel the heat of the blade as it sliced through the air just above him. In that moment, all his muscles seemed to contract simultaneously, granting him enough strength to propel his body to the side. However, it wasn't sufficient to completely evade injury as the sword left a gash on his arm.

Grok got up and assumed a fighting stance, preparing to engage the man with his fists only, his great axe lay near Elton, out of reach. He could feel blood streaming down to his elbow and trickling onto the snow, but it swiftly healed as his Tribal Tattoo began to work its wonders. The Tribal Tattoo allowed him to inherit two characteristics of Orcs, their remarkable healing power and their immense strength, which could help him fight against this man.

"Your persistent lowly pests!" – Elton gnashed his teeth in anger, glaring at the woman and the barbarian - "I will be sure to impale your heads on top of this mountain."

From the moment his feet touched this frozen ground of Stahl, Elton felt as if his status has been constantly sullied, by Zuna and even by bandits of Stahl. It had reached the point where even two tenacious ants dared to stand against his sword, refusing to die. Elton clenched his fists around the sword, causing the aura around his sword to burn brighter. There was also a red aura covering his feet as he kicked the ground and charged like a wild hog towards Grok.

"Barbarian! I'll provide cover for you. We just need to stall until our king arrives!" – Zahra yelled, fear and anxiety evident in her eyes. This man was undoubtedly a Fourth Stage Warrior, and there was no way she and Grok could defeat him. There was an unbreakable wall between Fourth and Third Stages, a barrier defined by the quality, volume, and control over mana. They only hope was their king.

Upon hearing the shout, the barbarian took a brief glance at Zahra and nodded, showing his agreement. Despite having nearly died a few moments before, Grok's eyes still held a hint of yearning and excitement, but deep down, there was a lingering anxiety. He wanted to fight. He desired to face off this man. Driven by those wishes, Grok kicked off the ground and charged towards Elton, still holding an aggressive fighting stance.

"I WILL TIE YOU UP TO HORSES AND DISMEMBER ALL OF YOU!" – He crazily said as his eyes diverted from the crumbling figure, looking straight at the woman standing on top of the slope.

Although he killed the barbarian, painting the mountain's snow with this blood-red color, anger wouldn't leave his mind until he annihilated all of them. Decided to kill them, Elton stepped forwards, ready to rush climb the slope and kill the woman.

Slowly, he pulled the sword from the man's heart. The mountain's purity was stained by blood, a stark contrast. He watched life fade from the barbarian's determined face. Without hesitation, Elton stepped forward, ready to rush toward Zahra.

Suddenly, when he lifted his feet to take the first step, something gripped his ankle. He looked down only to see the barbarian pest, who had managed to roll close to him, trying to restrain him with eyes filled by determination. There was no fear of death in those eyes as blood colored his whole body, even the ragging clothes covering him.

"You... not... leaving! Cough" – Grok said, struggling to form those words as blood mixed with his coughs.

Elton gave him an annoyed yet sadistic smile as he said – "You are truly a resistant pest, aren't you? I will allow you to linger a bit witness as I slaughter all your comrades."

Elton exerted a bit more of strength in his legs and easily freed himself from the barbarian's grasp, his eyes fixed on the woman. She was already with another arrow nocked and aimed at him, her eyes brimming with hatred, a sight that seemed to please Elton.

"It appears that you've had your share of fun with my soldier!" – An angry voice echoed across the mountain, accompanied by a hot wave that caused Elton to sweat, even though they were in such a cold environment.

Elton could see Zahra's expression changing from a desperate face to a relieved one as she slowly lowered the bow in her hands.

The King has come. Hey there, everyone!

So, I got a serious question for you all. I really want to know what you think so I can make some changes to the book and the chapters ahead.

So, here's the deal: Do you think the story is dragging? Do you want me to speed things up? Previously, I've had a couple of readers telling me to slow things down, but honestly, I'm feeling like things are moving a tad too slow right now. My gut's telling me to kick things up a notch and get back into the exciting Kingdom Building aspect.