Chapter 84 No other option

Chapter 84 No other option

Upon Henry's command, Zahra and the others on top of the slope sprang into action. The archers skillfully nocked their arrows, pulled back their bows, and locked their eyes onto the desperate enemies' backs. They slightly adjusted their bows, pointing them upwards, calculating the trajectory, while their breaths slowed down.

"Loose!" - Zahra shouted the command, causing arrows to whistle through the air, arcing toward the enemies' backs.





Painful screams echoed through the mountain as the arrows perfectly found their marks, not missing a single target. Luak's soldiers dropped helplessly to the ground, some even lifelessly rolling down the mountain and causing those in front of them to also tumble like dominoes.

"Go!" – Zahra issued the command towards the close-quarter soldiers, ordering them to pursue the enemies.

Seemingly already accustomed to Zahra's leadership, they left their defensive positions and dashed toward their enemies. They wanted revenge. In a matter of seconds, they closed in on the foes, mercilessly eliminating the defenseless soldiers first, those who had fallen and were laying on the ground. They raised their swords and brought them down, either beheading their targets or piercing their hearts. They wanted to ensure that no one was left alive. Stahl's soldiers were not in a hurry to pursue them. The enemies had nowhere to go, and they would soon fall to their swords. And, they were right, Luak's soldiers had no way out.

On their way down, the enemies once again found themselves at a massive precipice, where Henry had chopped down a boulder that served as a frozen bridge. They had no way to descend from this part of the mountain, and the height left them with little to no chance of survival.

Luak soldiers' desperate eyes darted around, frantically seeking an escape from their precarious situation. They were stuck on a part of the mountain with steep drops on all sides, leaving them with two options: leap into the abyss or confront the approaching Black Demons. The sound of their pursuers' boots crunching through the snow was drawing nearer, enveloping them in a palpable sense of desperation. Their eyes flickered between the unforgiving precipice and the treacherous slope, where they could already see the shadows of the Black Demons.

"Get a hold! We outnumber them!"- One of the soldiers yelled. This person was well-known among their group but held no significant influence in Luak's rankings.


He drew his sword and glanced at the soldiers before issuing a command - "Do you want to die? Draw your swords! There's no way out for us." - His eyes scanned the surroundings and noticed that at least six soldiers carried bows on their backs - "You, with the bows, fall back and prepare to shoot. The rest of us will confront them head on."

They smiled at each other and charged at Zahra's troops. They were prepared to die. Unfortunately, Zahra and her archers never missed a single shot.


At the top of the mountain slope, Henry gazed down at the barbarian who had risked everything for his comrades. He held complex emotions for this man, someone he hadn't made much effort to get to know over the past few days, and who had stopped disobeying him after the night he had spent hanging on top of the house, exposed to the freezing winds.

Unknowingly, the barbarian was channeling all his mana into his Tribal Tattoo, using his last breaths in an attempt to heal his body. Unconsciously, he hoped that the regenerative powers of the White Orcs would help him mend the gaping wound on his torso, where a part of his intestines was exposed. It was a miracle that he was still alive.

Witnessing the scene, Henry couldn't resist asking, though he knew the man was likely beyond hearing and near death - "Do you want to live that badly?"

There was no response.

Henry shook his head and walked to the man's great axe, picking it up and placing it in his hands. Then, he knelt down, placing his sword's tip above the man's chest as he said – "You were a great warrior and deserve to rest with your ancestors by the bonfire. Rest well...barbarian! I will honor your death with their blood."

However, as he was about to pierce through his heart, Grok's hand twitched, his grip on the great axe tightening. It was as if his determination was rejecting death, insisting that he was a warrior who wouldn't die on this frozen mountain. He believed he should meet his end bathed in the blood of his enemies. This action made Henry pause instantly, causing only a few drops of blood to emerge from the man's chest.

The man wanted to survive and as a king, he wouldn't send his subjects this early. He could still be used.

"I understand," Henry replied, placing his sword to the side. "I'll do my best to help you. Hang in there!"

Henry placed his hands on Grok's chest and channeled his Mana into Grok's body. It was a risky move, especially considering that Grok's Mana lacked an elemental affinity with fire, which could potentially harm him further. However, Henry was gambling that Grok's regenerative abilities would outpace any damage with the additional Mana. Furthermore, he would attempt to minimize the damage as much as possible, soothing the fiery characteristic.


Down the mountain, Leier watched the group carefully as they placed traps in the clearing. She remembered the positions of each one as she counted the number of dangerous enemies, those who could probably wipe out a small platoon.

There were at least a thousand soldiers, among them, five Fourth Stage Warriors. It would be a tough battle. She knew that they wouldn't be able to face them, not even if the king showed up. Only Luther's appearance could they be more at ease, but even then, it would be dangerous.

"We must fall back. There's no other option." – Leier thought – "I have to notify my king."