Chapter 89 The King Sword - Caelum.

Chapter 89 The King Sword - Caelum.

Leier's voice seemed so ethereal and distant that Henry could hear it but couldn't pinpoint the real source of her voice- "My liege! Wake up!"- Henry only woke up when the shout was followed by a strong shake, which brought him back to his senses.

Henry opened his eyes and impulsively rose to his feet. The sudden movement caused the world around him to spin chaotically, leaving him dizzy and off balance. He was about to fall when a small figure came to his aid, grabbing him by the side and helping him regain his balance.

"Ouch!" - Henry unconsciously screamed but soon shut his mouth, gritting his teeth against the pain. A sharp sensation radiated from his stomach, helping the world around Henry rapidly come into focus.

"Don't move, my liege!" - Leier's worried voice sounded beside him- "You've been injured. I tried to patch it up, but the cut wasn't superficial."

At those words, Henry's hands traveled to the source of the pain, feeling his hands getting wet and hot. He raised them to his eyes. His palms were painted in red, and the smell of iron wafted to his nostrils, like small ants going to their nest. He looked down and saw a ragged cloth smeared with blood covering the wound near his kidneys.

Henry turned his gaze toward Leier, noticing that the hood that always covered her face and her icy blue eyes were gone. Those blue eyes seemed different from the ones he had seen when he first saw her training in the army. Previously, there was only hate and a deep sentiment of revenge in her eyes, but this time, Henry could only see worry. She was looking at him as if he were the last straw, the light at the end of the tunnel that she could never let it go.

"I am fine..." Henry said, gritting his teeth as he mustered his strength to support his body. He felt the wound stretching, but he didn't scream like last time.

He silently took off the rags covering the wound, revealing a deep and long cut that allowed him to see the organs inside. The flesh was mending at an incredible speed, thanks to Mana and his strengthened body. However, it was too slow, and Henry could easily pass out from blood loss if it continued. He had to stanch the bleeding.

Without a second thought, Henry took off the cloth and rapidly activated the Sun God Technique, covering his palms with a fiery and hot aura. Soon, the smell of iron was replaced with the smell of burning flesh as Henry gritted his teeth, enduring the pain spreading across his body.

Seeing his obedient subject, Henry nodded his head and closed his eyes, beginning to circulate the Sun God Technique, taking a deep breath of raw Mana and pulling it into his heart before circulating it through his body, transforming it into Fire Mana - "The Mana here is way more concentrated than anywhere else I have seen" - Henry couldn't help but exclaim in his heart - "It will take less time than I thought."


Henry and Leier walked through the corridors for hours without stopping to catch their breath. There was no more pain in Henry's abdomen, it seemed as if he was completely cured, if not for the long scar on his skin.

"It's getting denser" – Henry thought.

He could feel that the Mana around was getting stronger and stronger the further they walked into the tunnel. It was already three times more concentrated than in Stahl's capital, Eisenburg, which was supposed to have the most concentrated Mana in the kingdom.

Furthermore, for the first time, Henry could feel that there wasn't only raw Mana in the surroundings, but also an energy that he was too familiar with, something he had been using to fuel his techniques: Fire Mana. It was the first time he felt it in the surroundings and not transformed by someone and stored into their bodies. It was as if the air had become a furnace.

"There is light ahead, my liege!" Leier, who was leading the way, exclaimed as she pointed to the end of the tunnel, where a bright light was radiating, sweat was covering her face - "Maybe it's a way out."

Without a second thought, the duo hurried their steps. When they finally passed through the light, they reached a wide frozen chamber. There was a huge statue in the middle of the room depicting a man slaying a dragon with thousands of heads, slashing at the beast's heads with his long sword.

Furthermore, although barely visible due to the ice that covered the walls, Henry and Leier could see the drawings depicting a huge war of humans against frozen demons and beasts that seemed to have emerged from the forests, the oceans, or even the earth. It was a chaotic scene.

"Here lies Garret Von Stahl"- Henry muttered, reading the huge letters carved on the walls - "The bearer of Solarius's bloodline and the owner of Caelum, the King Sword."

"Books" - Leier murmured beside Henry.