Chapter 91 Leier's sacrifice

91 Leier's sacrifice

While there might be countless enhancement skills around the world that resembled the fiery appearance of the Fire Sword, Henry could instinctively feel something in his heart warning him that it was the real deal. The man in front, who appeared more like a doll than a human was using the Sun God techniques, something only those of the Royal Bloodline could accomplish. Finnd new chapters at

Under Henry's still dumbstruck eyes, the man lunged forward with one foot ahead and the other poised to follow, holding his rusty sword up with both hands in a quite familiar stance. His arms swelled as the flames enveloping the sword grew brighter and the particles near the sword's edge seemed to move faster, creating a thin and small barrier of hot air.

"The Second Level"- Henry though, speechless.

The skill being unfolding before his eyes was the second level of the Solfire Cleave, one of the eight main skills created by Garret Von Stahl. It was a powerful attack used by Stahl's founder to cleave a whole mountain in half with a single slash, deep into the Frozen Forest. It was divided into seven levels.

The First one created a powerful cleaving slash, guiding the Mana through the circuits to enhance the user's speed and strength, utilizing a swift lunge to initiate and deliver a destructive strike. The Second Level was characterized by a faster lunge and even more energy coursing through the Mana Circuits, which forced the particles near the sword's edge to move rapidly. It created a thin layer of hot air that could project a scorching strike a few inches away from the user's body.

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, the doll kicked the ground and dashed towards Henry with incredible speed. There was a sharp sound of the enemy cutting through the air as he closed the distance between them in mere moments. It was dangerous.

Henry's instincts kicked in, and he snapped out of his momentary shock. He knew he had to react swiftly and couldn't remain still. The man in front of him seemed to possess far greater skill in Sun God techniques than he did. As the doll approached, Henry could feel the air growing heavier and hotter, leaving him no choice but to expend the last remnants of mana within his heart.

The king could feel the cold air of the cave crawling into his skin, like small ants, but he could do nothing about it. In order to fight, he had to empty all peripherical Mana Circuits and direct it towards the vital areas for the fight.

"I won't be able to hold on for long" - Henry thought, his eyes drifting towards Leier, who maintained her distance, her icy blue eyes filled with worry - "I will deal with this" - Henry said, trying to reassure her as he gently swung his sword and locked eyes once more with the approaching doll.

It was his duty as a king to protect his subjects.

The fire covering Henry's swords appeared paler than usual, but with his newfound determination, it blazed with renewed vigor. He was prepared. Henry lunged forward, ready to confront the man, his eyes filled with determination. On the sidelines, Leier could only clutch her small sword's handle, unable to join a battle between two Fourth Stage Warriors.

"You..." Henry said through gritted teeth with their swords entangled, not minding the pain spreading from his destroyed hands. He wanted this thing's head.

Driven by the epiphany, Henry took a deep breath and attempted to give a new life to his circuits. This time, it seemed like he could absorb much more Mana from the air with each breath, allowing him to restore some of his strength.

As he absorbed the energy, Henry no longer tried to restrain it in a peaceful and controlled flow, like the course of a river. Rather than that, he allowed it to surge chaotically through his circuits, which expanded dangerously. And, at that moment, he successfully ascended to the Fifth Stage Warrior, an unreachable status to most of those on northern lands.

"I will end you!" - Henry declared, a thin layer of hot air also enveloping his sword, allowing him to engage the doll, even with a tired body and limited mana. Previously, he had been only defending himself, but this time, he was going all out.

Without hesitation, Henry swiftly twisted his sword and attacked, but the doll easily parried it. However, Henry immediately followed up with another strike, launching a rapid flurry of attacks, exerting his maximum strength, and pushing his body to its limits, breaking every fiber of his muscles.

"If I were at my peak, ending things would be possible!"- Henry thought as the sword in his hands burned with a vivid fire.

The enemy blocked every single attack, making the king fear that the fight would drag on, a battle he was much more likely to lose. However, a variable entered the equation once again. Leier used her Tribal Tattoo ability to appear behind the doll, getting him off guard. Without her sword, Leier had no other option but to strike the man's head with her fist, encountering strong resistance but still managing to disrupt his balance.

"Great work!" - Henry shouted as he lunged forward, his sword held high - "Solfire Cleave!" - Henry screamed, the Mana surging chaotically in his circuits, intensifying the searing layer of air enveloping it.

The sword arched in a beautiful red color, like a dragon's tail sweeping the world.


The man's head fell.