Chapter 94 Luther's preparation

94 Luther's preparation

The rhythmic clang of hammers striking metal and the hearty shouts of laborers, their breath visible in the freezing air, pierced through the cold environment that enveloped Stahl's capital. Under Henry's reign and for the past two years, the city has been undergoing a profound infrastructure transformation, giving rise to a chaotic yet enhancing scene.

The Royal Castle was at the heart of Eisenburg, with its four towers and sturdy stone walls radiating a sense of strength and calm amidst the coordinated chaos in the surrounding. Henry had delayed any changes to the castle and directed the workforce and resources towards improving the city. He understood the importance of enhancing his people's living conditions and improving the city, a long-term investment that could create the foundation of a great kingdom.

In the years following the civil war's end, Henry ordered the demolition of most city building, aiming to reshape the entire city. He divided it into four parts, each one with wide main avenues converging towards the Royal Castle, accessed by four gates distributed in cardinal points. Henry wanted to create bustling commercial routes, where merchants could rent the shops owned by the crown or display their goods in the castle's square. All transactions had to be conducted under the Sun God Company banner, with a portion of the merchant's profits going directly to the royal treasury. This was a massive plan that Henry wanted to implement in all major cities on his lands.

The Library and the Commander's Training Center were two buildings built right next to the Royal Castle. They were positioned where Henry's hands and eyes could reach at anytime, allowing him a firm grip over the minds and abilities of the future leaders of his army and those great minds searching to develop new theories and techniques. Henry understood that he had to have his hands on everyone useful and control them. These facilities had all been constructed in only a few months, with Henry putting great attention to them.

The Commander's Training Center occupied one-quarter of the entire castle grounds. It was divided into four main sections and had numerous buildings. The first section housed dormitories where the future leaders slept and ate during their whole training period. The second section was a wide-open space used for physical training and other classes, including archery, group combat, and horseback riding. The third section contained the library and round auditoriums for classes. The last one was destined for the infirmary, which was often crowded due to the difficult and dangerous training designed by Henry and Luther.

In a round auditorium that could easily accommodate at least four hundred people, Luther stood on a red platform as his weary old eyes wandered on the hundred leaders sitting obediently on their wooden desks, a group that had undergone severe training under him for the last two years. The old general's face seemed to have aged significantly ever since he received the king's news. However, he maintained his composure, understanding that he had to lead the army until the king returned.

Luther tightly gripped the handle of his sword, a trusty companion that accompanied him for the past few decades. The old man's deep voice resonated through the auditorium, which seemed to be designed to carry his voice to every corner and keep out the cold from inside. It was the beginning of winter, but the space remained warm.

"Today, one of our scouts has returned with important news. The invaders from Luak have broken their promise and left the West. We've also received word that Aritreia's army is approaching the capital." - Luther declared, letting his word sink in.

The old man could see the anger in his student's eyes as they shifted in their seats, some even bringing their hands to their swords. These darned pests dared to enter their lands and break their pledges with their king, one which they internally questioned but didn't raise their voices.

Luther nodded and continued, "Currently, the king is not in the capital, so as the only general present, I will assume command" - Luther explained, without mentioning the king's disappearance - "I've already dispatched a messenger to General Olaro, who is safeguarding Fortress Mirante and hasn't engaged with the enemies, as well as to General Iosif, who is in the West, working to unite and pacify the villages. They will be arriving with reinforcements soon. However, based on my years of experience dealing with the countless challenges in this land, I'm confident that we can defeat the invaders with ease, even without their assistance."

Then, just as it got over the walls, a burst of wind erupted, as if summoned by the very elements themselves, propelling the seed with newfound force and speed. The seed shot through the sky like a shooting star, barely visible across the entire capital. It swiftly traversed the entire city and vanished into the vast white expanse above the Frozen Forest, triggering an explosion miles away from Luna. One could only wonder about the possible consequences of such explosion. Perhaps, it had fallen on a village of Winter Orcs or a hidden community of Death Spider.

Luna let out an exasperated huff, venting her frustration by kicking the snowy ground beneath her feet, sending a cascade of snow into the air, an unexpected display of strength in the body of such a young woman.


Suddenly, the sound of boots crunching snow echoed right behind her, causing her to react swiftly. Without turning her head, Luna waved her hand, and a figure emerged from behind the trees, hovering before her, immobilized, as if the wind and gravity worked against him. Luna's furious green eyes bore into him, but as she examined his attire, her anger gradually subsided. He was a slender, brown-haired man, tasked by the king with delivering food and resources to her daily.

"I've told you not to sneak up on me!" - She exclaimed, sweeping her hand and sending the man tumbling onto the soft snow. – "What brings you here at this hour? It's not time"

Without a word of complaint about his rough landing or the woman's brusque treatment, the skinny man stood and lowered his head, a bit afraid of the woman's prowess - "Ma'am, the General has ordered the evacuation of all civilians to the castle for protection. War is imminent!"

Luna nodded in acknowledgment, then turned away without taking another glance at him, leaving deep footprints in the snow as she headed toward her modest cabin, which had its door broken - "I won't be going. You can return."

Luna looked at him and nodded, before she turned around towards her small cabin without even looking back, leaving deep footsteps on the snow – "I will not be going! You can go back!"

Watching her retreating form, the man attempted to speak again, "But m—" - Before he could make his plea, a powerful gust of wind struck him, sending him tumbling towards the walls.

"That foolish idiot!" - Luna's voice carried on the wind - "Why must they disturb my research?"