Chapter 98 Changes

98 Changes

Although no physical scar remained from the attack, Henry could sense that something changed within himself. He shut his eyes and began circulating Mana within his circuits, taking it from his heart and directing it through a few paths. However, as soon as he touched the Mana within his heart, Henry almost screamed in surprise, exhibiting some feelings he had learn to hide during these few years.

The Mana stored in his heart had changed. It held no red color, but a brilliant purple hue, like stars. Furthermore, he could feel that his heart has changed to accommodate this energy, something seemed to be connected to it, like tendrils. Each heartbeat was like the march of a thousand soldiers.

The king was taken aback and opened his eyes, observing the drawing on his chest as it gently pulsed and rotated. It appeared almost alive, as if the dragon depicted in the tattoo was attempting to consume itself. Henry couldn't help but feel that it greatly resembled the Tribal Tattoos of the barbarians. However, his tattoo was far more refined, and the process seemed painless, at least for him. There was no need for bone needles, the blood of creatures, specific herbs or even be tied to a rock. Those tendrils on his heart seemed to be part of this tattoo.

Out of curiosity, Henry raised his hand and channeled this newfound energy towards his hands. Despite the energy feeling stronger and fiercer, it didn't cause any discomfort as he circulated it through his circuits, unlike the previous one. And, for the first time since arriving in this world and starting to use Mana, Henry felt no pain.

In a swift motion, Henry twisted his wrist and executed a technique from the Sun God Battle Manual, Fire Sword. Instantly, the same purple fire that had burned within the cave emerged in his palm and began condensing in his hands, forming what looked like the hilt of a gleaming, purple sword.

"I'll manage to recreate it someday, I just need to be patient" - Henry muttered wearily, feeling the throne's spikes pressing into his back like small horns - "I can't linger here, much time has passed, and I'm unaware of the situation outside. I must hurry. I've already wasted enough time here."

The sensation of the throne against his back seemed to bring Henry back to the present moment. He had been lost in those new, fragmented memories that had flooded his mind and neglected his original mission. He had to get out of here. The king rose decisively from the throne, determined to get out of this situation, no matter the fatigue.

Waving his hands, Henry directed the Mana, creating a translucent, purple layer that coated his arms. It cast a soft light around him - "I will return. I still have so many questions about this." – He whispered, casting a brief glance at the menacing throne.

Henry then began walking back the same way he came, which was quite easy to find since the throne was facing it. This time, Henry seemed to be conscious of the time and the places he had wandered through to reach this point. The throne could only be accessed by a narrow tunnel, through which he had to squeeze himself.

It only took twenty minutes before Henry could see the light coming from the room with the statues. Henry's heart echoed happily, much like a child finding the warmth of a gentle light after traversing the darkness of the night.

"Leier!" - Henry called out upon spotting someone lying on the floor from a distance. He dashed towards her.