Chapter 107 The figure in front of Eisenburg

Chapter 107 The figure in front of Eisenburg

The hundreds of spears hurtling towards Luther and his cavalry caught them off guard, plunging them into a dangerous and precarious situation. They found themselves in the middle of the enemy army, which, although momentarily shaken by the might and strength of the cavalry, could still regroup and charge at them with full strength, renewing their morale.

However, their position also gave them an advantage, allowing them to use the surrounding enemies as a human barrier to defend against the weapons directed at them. The incoming spears were merciless and didn't seem to mind the allies, only preoccupied in getting the target and ending their lives.

The swarm of spears emerged from the forest like bees attacking an invader, some stopping after hitting allies, while others managed to tear through the chest of the soldiers, with only a slight change in trajectory. Nevertheless, they still held enough threat. Thê source of this conte/nt n/o/v/(el)bi((n))

At that moment, Luther realized that he had to take action and doing nothing could result in losing at least half of the soldiers under him. A result capable of slightly tilting the balance of the war, something he couldn't allow.


Luther drew a quick but deep breath, filling his lungs and urging his heart to beat faster, channeling large amounts of Mana through his circuits. For a brief instant, the world around the general seemed to move in slow motion and accompanied by a deafening silence of the surroundings. This stillness scene allowed Luther to hear the ominous sound of the spears cutting through the air. It was close to him and his soldiers. If he faltered, his troops would face a cruel destiny, something he wouldn't allow.

"Crescent Moon!" - Luther bellowed, his grip on the sword tightening. His voice echoed like waves through the ocean, spreading through the whole battlefield and shattering the still world around him. The world snapped back to its normal pace and sound filled his ears again.

A merciless blue aura enveloped the general's sword as he swung it in a crescent shape. It was as if the skies were rebelling and attempting to steal the lands, inundating everything around it and suffocating everything under it. The air trembled and vibrated as the aura manifested.

"Charge!" – Alonso powerfully billowed as he emerged from the forest, his golden crown and grey hair covered by the snow that fell on top of their heads, thanks to Luther's impact on the trees.

He reined his horse and urged it toward Luther without much thought as hundreds of nobles came out of the forest and ran towards the cavalry, each with a target in mind. They ran over the allies on the ground or in front of them without mercy.

"Duke Latrel! Attack!" – Alonso's voice echoed through the battlefield as he shouted the name of his right-hand man, the one he trusted to manipulate and convey his wishes to the nobles. His only confident.

He wanted to take the risk of killing this old general, who had dominated the North and instilled fear inside his predecessors hears. This figure made his father and grandfather falter, afraid to attack the lands of Stahl. If he eliminated this figure, he would be recognized throughout these parts of the North and solidify his position, allowing him to conquer the neighboring kingdoms with ease.

However, the Duke didn't emerge from the other side of the battlefield; not even his shadow was visible - "Duke!!!" - he screamed again, continuing to charge towards Luther, the crown on his head still securely in place.

But, Latrel's figure didn't seem willing to show up.


A figure appeared in front of Eisenburg's gates, carrying a bleeding woman in his arms, his eyes ablaze with a purple hue like the flame of a god, the first flame to be born in this world.

"Open the gates!"- The figure screamed - "I am back!"