Chapter 110 Iosif and the East

Chapter 110 Iosif and the East

The biting cold of winter clung to Eisenburg like a vengeful ghost, seeping into every crevice and bone. Even those who had experienced fifty seasons of winter couldn't help but curse at it as puffs of hot air escaped their mouths while they hurried back to their houses. It was getting so cold that even the merchants would only display their items for a few hours a day, not daring to stay out in the blistering cold all day. Although they loved the twinkling sound of the coins in their pockets, it wasn't worth their lives.

The intense cold had also forced the workforce working on the capital's revitalization to halve their workload. According to Henry's estimation, everything would be over in half a year. There was no need to rush things, the most important part, the walls defending the capital, was ready. The rest could take a bit more time, there was no need to rush things and sacrifice the subjects.

A tense silence spread across the archers standing on the capital's walls, their eyes were staring sharply into the horizon. The cutting wind whipped against the crenellations of the walls and continued towards the Frozen Forest, as if it wanted to attack and destroy its most hateful enemy. It caused the archer's fur clothes to flutter and shrink their bodies, resisting the encroaching chill.

The gentle snow also created a hazy veil, creating an obstacle and making it somewhat difficult to see everything clearly. The archers would exchange wary glances, rub their hands together, and puff hot air into them, before finally returning their eyes to the horizon. They knew that another war was knocking on their doors, and they had to be prepared.

"Enemy approaching from the East!" – Suddenly, a shot echoed and reached everyone's ears, as if carried by the walls themselves.

Soon, the soldiers on top of the wall moved like an organic cell, some remained in their positions, while others rapidly moved towards the East side of the wall. Two of them quickly took positions behind wooden ballistae, already loaded with large bolts. Another two soldiers stood beside them, next to other bolts on the ground, ready to reload the weapon. The rest of the soldiers had already drawn their bows, ready to defend the capital, ready to defend their houses.

"Identify yourselves!" – One of the soldiers screamed towards the huge platoon that appeared in front of the East gates, on the White Merchant Road, the side that led to the East.


Watching the huge walls of the capital, Iosif gently patted the head of his Snowfire Horse a few times to make him stop – "It's been a tough year" - he murmured with a nostalgic sigh.

Under Henry's orders, he had to find the families that knew how to build these boats and put them under the control of the royal power, paying them enough to provide a comfortable life while also guaranteeing their security. He also had the task of developing the area and attracting merchants to this place of only about ten thousand people, where the houses greatly resembled the ancient Nordic ones and the snowy scenario seemed to seamlessly blend with the sea that had a silvery hue, like crystals shining with the touch of the sun.

Following another of Henry's orders, Iosif demolished the houses near the harbor, projecting an expansion, and also built a small market for the people to do trades and commerce. It was a way to revitalize the economy, a small change that had an almost immediate effect. Previously, the people feared being extorted by the bandits controlling the city and never brought out their goods. Now, they could finally trade. This single change brought new colors to the city and happiness could be seen in people's eyes.

It evoked a sense of joy inside Iosif's chest, something he had never felt and drove him to do even better. Henry also ordered him to open a building where people interested in fishing and ship building could gather to learn and discuss topics related to sailing and other nautical developments.

Henry wanted to establish something similar to the Court of Sagres in these lands, a place that allowed Portugal to become one of the most successful countries in the world in terms of sailing and sea warfare. The Court of Sagres helped Portugal to become the first country to reach India without using the Mediterranean route, successfully navigating around the Cape of Good Hope and even reaching a whole new continent, America.

Henry wanted to create a society to develop the maritime technology, a place that could enable him to explore the sea and possibly become a great maritime country, one that could dominate the commerce and warfare.

In the span of a single year, the region seemed to be revived and revitalized. The harbor was undergoing great remodeling, and new ships were gradually populating the waters around it. The number of boats had gone from twenty to almost fifty, showing the great development. Also, merchants finally began to visit the region, with some even opening their own shops in the city.

Iosif wanted to stay longer and guide these people toward an even greater future. However, one day, a messenger named Zahra arrived in the town, bearing a message and an order from Luther. While the message was simple, as Iosif read it, his eyes shone with anxiety. The king was missing, and a war was imminent. The two kingdoms had begun to move, and they would soon reach the capital.

He was ordered to return to the capital with the five hundred soldiers and defend it until the king returned. Luther was heading to war against the Aritreia's army, aiming to resolve matters there before they posed a threat to the capital. Iosif rapidly gathered the soldiers and led them to the capital.


"I am General Iosif!" — Iosif shouted towards the walls, urging his horse forward, presenting himself to the war. "I have returned!"