Chapter 118 "I WILL KILL YOU!"

Chapter 118 "I WILL KILL YOU!"

"Get behind me!" - Ingvar shouted, immediately dropping the knife in his hand and reaching out for a battleaxe hanging by his waist - "Now!" He was the leader of this group and the one with the most experience of the three. Furthermore, he had once hunted down a Winter Orc with another party, but they all had at least a single-tooth necklace, meaning that they were in the First Stage. Even then, it was a tight fight, since the Winter Orcs, with their incredible strength and stamina, could fight even against a Second Stage Warrior.

"Grr!" - The Winter Orc seemed to react to Ingvar's shout as its eyes locked onto the trio, filled with bloodlust as it fully emerged from the shadows of the trees. The massive creature stood at least twelve feet tall, its gray-tinged skin seeming to be a great camouflage to hunt prey on this land without colors. Without a moment of hesitation, seeing the giant creature, Urff and Sulla also dropped their knives and took out their weapons. Urff reached out for two gleaming daggers, and Sulla unslung a bow from her back. They immediately positioned themselves behind Ingvar, their eyes watching anxiously as the gray creature charged at them, almost as fast as a Snowfire Horse, breaking trees and leaving deep footprints in the snow. Ingvar stood firm, tightening his grip on the battleaxe. His narrowed eyes gauged the distance, preparing for the impending threat. The Winter Orc raised its arm with fists closed that descended towards Ingvar like a powerful hammer, filled with openings but with tremendous strength. Ingvar countered, his battleaxe whooshing through the air in a deadly arc towards the side of the Winter Orc. "Damn!" - Ingvar's cry echoed with a mixture of desperation and curse.

The attack had merely pierced through the Orc's skin, drawing a thin line of blood that couldn't even be called damage. It was only a scratch. Noticing that his attack failed, Ingvar tried to pull back his weapon, but it didn't budge. It was stuck in the skin.

"GRRR!" - The attack seemed to enrage the Orc, its eyes turning again towards the fly that had escaped and was now stinging on him. It suddenly swung its arm, much faster than before, giving Ingvar no time to dodge and sending the barbarian flying through the air until he collided with a tree.

Upon the impact, Ingvar didn't painfully scream; it wasn't that he didn't want it, but his voice seemed to vanish as pain spread through his body. It was intense and debilitating.



Ingvar coughed again and again, blood coming out of his mouth, his consciousness almost slipping away. It seemed as if the single attack from the Winter Orc was sufficient to break a few of his ribs. If not for him activating his Tribal Tattoo in the last second and slightly dodging the attack that was supposed to hit his chest directly, Ingvar would be dead.

"I have no time!" - Ingvar screamed inwardly, struggling to stay conscious. He lifted his eyes and saw the huge figure of the Winter Orc approaching him, its teeth grinding against each other, ready to eat its prey. n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

"Let him go, beast!" - Ingvar's voice thundered, his fists clenched, as he landed a punch on the creature's chest. The injured Winter Orc roared in pain and released Urff, dropping the young barbarian to the ground, like a sack of rice.

"It worked. I will beat the fuck up of this monster!" - Ingvar thought, clenching his fist tighter. He wanted to punch this monster again and again, kill it with his own hands. However, when he was about to deliver another punch, he lost his strength. He was unable to move.

"What happened?"- Ingvar questioned himself, glancing down to see a massive gray fist piercing through his chest. Urff, with both arms broken, watched in horror as the Winter Orc turned around, bleeding from its eyes, and punched towards Ingvar, who dropped to the ground, unable to helplessly, life fading away from his eyes slowly. "INGVAR!" - Urff's desperate and wild cry echoed through the forest, like a person losing its own brother.

"RU-!" - Ingvar attempted to shout from the ground, his eyes looking at the figure dragging of Urff dragging itself through the snow to reach him. He wanted to tell the greenhorn to run away, but only blood spilled from his mouth as he collapsed to the ground.

"I WILL KILL YOU!" - Urff's furious declaration resonated as he rose to his feet, the pain paling in comparison to the grief in his heart. - "I WILL KILL YOU!" With arms swinging lifelessly and without an ounce of strength left, Urff still charged toward the Winter Orc. His eyes were filled with hate as he looked at the creature. He only wanted to kill it.

The blinded Winter Orc sensed the source of the raging voice and swiftly grabbed Urff's head in its massive hand, recognizing the scent of the one who had blinded it. It was mad and hungry.

"I WILL KILL YOU!" - Urff continued to shout, attempting futile kicks as the Orc lifted him, pressing his head as if aiming to crush a watermelon. "GR!" - The Winter Orc growled, opening its mouth with the intent to consume the persistent pest that had injured it.

However, just as it was about to engulf Urff's head, with the kid still alive. The creature felt the air around him warming up at an incredible speed, as if the sun was finally shining upon this cold lands. The Winter Orc, who had never felt warmth in his life turned its head, only to see a giant wave of purple engulfing its vision, like an ocean wave crashing down.

It had never seen something like that. It was beautiful and warm. The Orc wanted to hold it in his hands. However, its wish could never come true. The purple flame was its executioner and not a welcoming signal.

"We came late!" - Henry's voice echoed as he brandished a sword ablaze with purple flames.