Chapter 129: Patrol

Jia Zhengjin came out of the residential building and took a look at the city open space first.

The dog-head artisan is under the command of Dolma to build a residential house according to his ideas. Wulf and Karl were helping by the side, and a group of people were busy with the sky.

Jia Zhengjin was not about to disturb them, so he went to other places to inspect.

The mine in the city pool has almost been mined. At this moment, the villagers and miners are wielding the iron pickaxe for the final treatment. At the same time, some people transport the ore to the warehouse zone with a simple pallet truck and a burden.

"Master Keen!" When Jia Zhengjin came to inspect, the villagers and miners stopped. "When the mining is over here, are we going to work in the new mine?"

Villagers mining, Jia Zhengjin is to pay them wages. This is quite rare in other places.

Basically, the miners in other cities or countries are semi-compulsory or completely forced. Either the defeated captured soldiers are rushed to mine, or the conscripts are forced to do mining work in servitude. For those miners, they are very happy to have a full meal.

And Jia Zhengjin not only eats well every day, but also provides big fish and meat, and can get a gold coin every two months, which is simply a big benefit! Therefore, the miners are most afraid of not having a job, because they also know that the kobold miners hired by Master Keen can work hard every day as long as they have meat, and there is no need to pay a dime. The villagers are hired to mine only to take care of those who only mine.

Therefore, after the established mine is hollowed out, the villagers will worry that such a good day will be gone!

Jia Zhengjin knew their concerns, so he smiled and said: "Don't worry, the most important thing in the World of Warcraft is the minerals! I will soon expand the city walls outwards, and then will include more mining areas. You don't need anything. Think, mining work is indispensable for you!"

Upon hearing Jia Zhengjin's words, the miners immediately burst into cheers of joy. Everyone shouted, "Long live Lord Keane!" The work is even harder.

Leave the mine and walk to the farmland.

The villagers, led by Bolint, sowed the seeds, harvested the harvest. For crops with a short growth cycle, let them grow whatever they want without having to think too much.

Even now many farmers eat enough vegetables and fruits at home, and they start to grow cotton-like plants. They took the harvested "cotton" fruits home and gave them to their wives and daughters. The women then used a simplest hand-loom to weave, making it a common fabric.

It's just that this textile technique is very old and very inefficient. Often it takes at least half a month and a month to make a piece of cloth.

Unfortunately, Jia Zhengjin has not yet unlocked the Institute of Science and Technology, otherwise he will be able to build the textile machine first. If there is a textile machine, basically a piece of cloth can be made in a day, and the efficiency is improved very quickly!

Just thinking, an older villager came over and said: "Master Keen!"

"Hello!" For the elderly, Jia Zhengjin is quite polite.

"Hey~~ I'm getting older, I can't eat this waist." The old villager sighed on the back, "Sir Ming Keen gave us such a good farmland, but I can't even water the water. I'm really right Can't hold it anymore!"

"Do you have no other family members?" Jia Zhengjin asked. He hasn't fully known the thousands of villagers.

"Hey! There is only one little granddaughter who is only 5 years old, and she can't help!" the old villager sighed.

"What about the child's parents?"

"Dead! A long time ago when wild fruit was collected outside the World of Warcraft Forest, it was eaten by the beast!" Tears gleamed in the eyes of the old villagers.

"Sorrow!" What can Jia Zhengjin say? I had to comfort one sentence.

The villagers working in the farmland also saw Jia Zhengjin one after another, so they gathered to say hello.

Amber’s father, Old Harlem, looked at the poor old villager and said, “Albato’s old man is also pitiful enough, although we can occasionally help him with water, but we can’t always help because everyone You have to take care of your own farmland."

"Hmm~~ I didn't take this into account!" Jia Zhengjin thought for a while, "I'll arrange some kobolds to help in a short time. What do you think?"

"Master Keane, we are certainly happy to have the kobolds help. But the kobolds only listen to your orders. I am afraid that when the specific implementation is implemented, it will not only help you, but will add chaos!" Bolint said.

For his father-in-law's words, Jia Zhengjin felt reasonable: "Well, otherwise I let the town guards come to help in addition to cultivation?"

"That won't work!" said Old Harlem. "The town guards are responsible for the safety of our cities. They should be given enough rest after practicing. In fact, I think that if this water problem can be solved, it will basically be solved!" Now everyone feels the most tired, is to always go to the river to fetch water. Like us who have the strength to say, but many of them are as poor as Alberto, it is too hard for them! "


"It's just tired of fetching water!"

The villagers all agreed.

"Fetching water?" Jia Zhengjin thought for a moment, and suddenly the light flashed.

Although the machine has not been unlocked, it is impossible to produce precision parts such as faucets and water pipes. But it seems not difficult to find alternatives?

He remembered that there seemed to be a bamboo-like outland plant near the city, which was called the empty tree by the locals. This kind of thing is very similar to bamboo, the middle of the trunk is hollow, UU reading and it is quite strong.

He immediately said: "Every powerful person goes to the public warehouse to get a stone axe, and then follow me out of the city! I will help you get a diversion device!"

"Good!!" After hearing this, the villagers were all eager to try. All those with better physiques ran to the warehouse to get the stone axe, and then gathered in front of Jia Zhengjin.

Jia Zhengjin took these villagers outside the city and found a place with more empty trees. Then they were commanded to start the felling, with many people and great strength, and they quickly collected a large number of empty trees and carried them back to the city.

According to memory, Jia Zhengjin asked everyone to cut all empty trees in half vertically to make a semi-circular long tube. Then instruct them to move these long barrels to the higher river waterfalls, make constant adjustments and fixation, and lead them down one by one, all the way to the farmland.

The water of the waterfall flows down the long tube, so it twists and turns in the trunk of the empty tree, and finally enters the farmland.

Jia Zhengjin asked everyone to dig a huge pond at this location with a stone shovel to store water. In this way, the villagers don't have to work too hard to get to the nearest river, and then carry the heavy bucket again.