Chapter 2099: Zombie avatar memory

These zombies seem to be true, after all, after killing, the system prompts not to lie.

Depending on the situation, the city has been destroyed for some time, and I don't know if this city alone is the same as the whole earth.

By the way, where is Nuwa? She, Yu Wanniang, Pseudolarium, and Prawn must have fallen into the current world. After all, they entered a time storm together.

I don't know how it is now!

Nu Wa said that she is not a real life form, and she can repair even if she is seriously damaged.

Yu Wanniang is a ghost and there should be no problem.

One of the pseudo-lan and the prawn is the demon race and the other is the aquarium. They may be destroyed in the time storm, and they do not have their own resurrection ability.

Of course, as long as Nu Wa is found, neither of them is concerned about Jia Zhengjin.

The most urgent task is to find Nu Wa, and then find out what is the difference between this earth and the one born.

In other words, this earth is a level 5 civilization.

A five-level civilization can travel between multiple universes and develop the energy of other universes.

In other words, there may be fairy monsters on this planet, which should be estimated by Cao Difu.

Didn’t you come back from the magic world to find a target that could kill yourself?

Although...although it seems a little hesitant now.

It's just that there is a mark (destructed) in the system prompt.

Does the destruction of civilization also mean that the fairy monsters in the current world have left, or have all been wiped out?

No matter what, find Nuwa first.

Open the virtual backpack, which contains only the most advanced tools such as mining picks, shovel, axe, and nothing else.

No, there are still many inland sea pearls, but it seems that it cannot be used as currency in this world!

Even if it can be a currency, there are no living people here.

All the props are in the Nuwa box!

At that time, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen at the Dragon City Conference.

But he didn't worry about it anyway. Soul projection can be used anyway, and his original form seems to retain new skills, but all soul projections are reset to level 1.

Tiger Soul's soul projection was upgraded to level 10 in the battle just now. His own body also automatically counterattacked and killed countless zombies, and then rose to level 7. To be honest, there is no pressure to face these zombies.

Looking back at the zombies, I thought for a moment and gave up the search plan because it was unnecessary.

These zombies are all ordinary, without BOSS and elite, probably only some messy, insignificant loot will be produced, and the chance of good things is small.

Rather than wasting time, try to find Nuwa as soon as possible and plan again.

Jia Zhengjin, who became a tiger king, directly turned into a black wind and took off. He quickly flew to the sky to check. It was found that there was a lot of smoke in the south of the city, which looked a bit like a crash.

It is too far away to see the specific situation, but it may be Nuwa.

Fly towards the south of the city quickly and prepare for a close investigation.

When flying, looking down at the whole city, I feel familiar and very strange.

Familiarity is because at a glance, some places can call out their names. Unfamiliarity is because after more than a thousand years, and this may not be the same as the earth when they traverse, so most areas feel fresh again.

Especially when he first flew high in the sky, overlooking the whole city in this way.

The only regret is that there are only dense, wandering zombies on the streets of the city, not the kind of cars that are remembered, and the flow is prosperous.

His eyes suddenly touched a familiar building and his body shook slightly.

Involuntarily dive down and land on the top of the house.

His own hometown, a relatively dissonant area in the city. This piece is a low-rise brick building, in stark contrast to the tall buildings in the city.

And his home is one of the discordant areas.

The zombie did not find Jia Zhengjin, who had fallen from the sky, still wandering in the nearby streets.

Jia Zhengjin went down the tiles and jumped directly to the second floor corridor.

"Roar--!!!" As soon as he stood firm, there was a zombie roaring at the house.

Where is Jia Zhengjin, who turned into a tiger king, afraid? He stretched out his left hand to grab the zombie's neck and lifted it directly.

Just the next second, the whole person froze.

Because the zombies constantly struggling in their hands turned out to be what they looked like.

I'm going!

Seeing that he turned into a horrible zombie, Jia Zhengjin felt creepy, mainly disgusting!

In other words, this zombie is his avatar in the current world. Or is this the zombie's avatar in other worlds?

In short, it is not clear who is who's avatar, in short, the two sides must be related.

"Roar~" The zombie Jia Zhengjin kept roaring and struggling, but he couldn't escape from his own hand that became King Hu Xiao. Want to bite, but because the neck is tightly grasped, the chin can't bite.

When struggling, Jia Zhengjin's hand was scratched, but he was ignored because he was immune to toxins.

Instead of being an ordinary zombie, Jia Zhengjin would probably kill him directly.

The question is what this is!

He never thought about what would happen if he killed himself in another world.

But this own avatar has become a zombie, what's the use of keeping it?

Thinking about it, my head was suddenly in a trance, not sure why.

Immediately afterwards, the zombie avatar caught in his hand seemed blurred.


Jia Zhengjin blinked, but clearly saw that his zombie double body gradually became transparent.

At the same time, it seemed as if something was drilling into his mind.

When the zombie avatar disappeared inexplicably in his hand, he was in a trance again, and an inexplicable fragment suddenly appeared in his brain.

In a school building, a young woman who looked at strange but familiar eyes shouted at herself in panic.

He did not know who the young woman was, but inexplicably felt panicked and anxious when he saw this picture.

Before the zombie avatar disappeared, the only memory segment left to him was about the young woman.

Must find her!

This idea came to mind, and it was extremely strong!

Who is she? Why is your zombie avatar so important?

Jia Zhengjin only felt that he was influenced by the memory of the zombie avatar. His unwavering state of mind suddenly fluctuated for thousands of years, hurriedly turned into a black wind and flew into the air, towards the school in the memory fragment.

"Roar ~" The streets are full of zombies wandering back and forth ~ ~ walking aimlessly.

Ignoring them, Jia Zhengjin quickly flew to the school building in the memory fragment and looked around.

The female segment appeared again, and Jia Zhengjin instantly recognized her location in the segment. He hurried to the fifth floor of the teaching building and waved a gilt hammer to smash all the dead zombies.

After waiting at the door of the room where the woman is, hesitated, using the soul projection to become his original appearance, kicking the foot hard for more than ten times, and finally kicking the door, reaching out to push the furniture behind the door open and enter the room within.

However, it is strange that no one can be seen in the room.

Looking around, suddenly his eyes were attracted by the only wardrobe in the corner, and he quickly moved away.

The woman in the fragment of the memory in the closet was really skinny. She didn't know if it was dead or alive.

She was surrounded by torn snack bags, with no food residue at all.