There are also many tools that do not need to be modified.

For example, water sources. After the end of the world, clean water sources are very precious materials. Clean here does not mean pure and unpolluted. Instead, it’s just a second step, and counts as pure water the water that “has never died,” “there is no animal carcass,” or “has not turned blood red”.

The more clean water can be stored before the end of the world, the better.

There are many types of storage buckets, and they are of different sizes for domestic and industrial use. Season tea only aims at the largest one, and the cheapest one with a 20-ton storage bucket is just over 10,000.

He picked up a shop with good online reviews and credits for Wubao, and ordered three 20-ton buckets with the other party, and there were a total of ten tons and five tons left.

In modern society, a person consumes about 100 tons of water a year, but it will be much less after the end of the world.

There are water storage equipment, and more importantly, water purification equipment. After all, Ji Cha does not have the space gold fingers of the protagonists in the novel, and all his preparations are very limited.

The water purifiers that can be bought now are divided into three, six or nine grades in terms of their functions and performance. It's just that no matter what kind of water purifier is the main function of the water purifier, there is a big drawback that the filter element needs to be replaced regularly.

Where is this condition in the last days? Jicha couldn't think of other ways for a while, so he could only sell a few of them with powerful functions and prices, hoping that a few years later, there would be a different situation in the end of the world.

What is still indispensable for farming is the seeds. There are many varieties on this digging network, but this season of tea is not prepared to resort to online shopping. The pesticide shop in the town not only sells pesticides, but also various seeds for many years. They know best what kind of seeds are most suitable for the local soil.

As for what to grow, Jicha also considered it early.

He roughly divided the land in the factory. The house and the surrounding walls need to be expanded and reinforced, so a certain amount of land will be taken up here. Dividing it into two acres of land for the time being, this is actually not a big deal.

If self-sufficiency is to be achieved, then careful division of crops is necessary.

With the experience brought from the end times, Ji Cha immediately knew what to grow.

First of all, rice, which is almost an essential crop for the people of C, must occupy a large area of ​​land. There are many types of rice, among which, due to the selection of high-quality seeds over the years, the goal of reaching 1,000 kg per mu has been achieved.

Although the taste of rice with a high yield per mu is often lacking in taste, this is not within the consideration of season tea at this time.

Two months later, I won’t be able to eat the food, so I still consider the taste?

This is the product of staple food, but he has the final say, because the planting area is limited. If you really want to grow rice into food that the family can feed on, then the planting area he currently has is far from enough.

It would be better to vacate part of the land to plant some other low-input and high-yield crops. Such as potatoes and sweet potatoes.

The yield and income of this type of root crops is almost the level of winning the lottery. Potatoes can achieve more than one-fifth of the income of rice with less than one-tenth of rice planting area. Sweet potatoes are even more exaggerated.

The crops that are mainly used as staple foods are listed, and there are several crops that are included in the plan for seasonal tea.

Corn is the same. Corn is mainly used in modern people’s dining table by direct use and oil extraction, but in fact, the oil yield of corn is very low compared to other oil extraction crops, ranging from about 7% to 13%. Compared with crops such as peanuts whose oil yield can reach 35% and 48%, corn oil extraction is too inferior in this respect.

But this does not affect the planning of Jicha in the plan, but it is not for oil extraction. It is for the next important plan: breeding.

Let’s talk about planting first. After going out to corn, the aforementioned peanuts have naturally become the crops used to squeeze oil in the heart of the season tea.

Calculated according to the output of peanuts and the rate of oil production, if a planting area of ​​100 square meters is planned, 40 catties of oil and water can be squeezed out. In fact, it is enough without adding heavy oil and supplementing animal fats.

The rest, such as mung beans, are harvested once and can be harvested throughout the year. Sprinkle a handful of mung beans in a small pot, put an appropriate amount of water, and cover it with a black cloth. In less than three or four days, long bean sprouts can be produced. A handful of mung beans is a dish.

In addition, Jicha does not plan to let go of the seasonings that we can produce.

S City originally produces a large amount of sugarcane. There are two types of sugarcane. The red one is ordinary sugarcane and the blue-white one is sugarcane. They are mainly used for squeezing sugar. They can be divided into brown sugar and white sugar depending on the production process.

In addition, trivial small dishes such as peppers, cucumbers, green beans, cabbage, celery, and radishes, there is nothing to talk about.

Cotton is another very important crop. It can not only produce cotton to achieve the function of heat preservation and make garments. From beginning to end, cotton is almost a treasure that can be used, from cotton stalks to cotton to cotton cores and even cotton seeds, to squeeze oil and make feed. and many more.

Many inedible parts are produced during planting, almost all of which can be used to feed livestock.

To summarize the above, Ji Cha took out a piece of white paper and a pen, smeared it for a while, went to and checked it, and determined several things to buy.

Oil extraction is still very traditional in small towns here, and the oil yield is very low, not to mention it is very laborious. In fact, there is no shortage of high-efficiency home-use automatic squeezers, and they are not even expensive.

The squeezed oil can be used for food, and the remaining oil cake can be used for fertilization, which is a very fertile fertilizer.

Large feed mills, rice hulling machines, spinning machines, looms and even sewing machines.

Ji Cha made a long list of lists, thinking of all kinds of scarcity after the end of the world, he became more determined to make perfect preparations here.

And Liang Jincheng was lying on his back on the bed where Ji Cha had slept for many years, looking at the picture frame next to the old-fashioned fan that had fallen aside.

When Ji Cha was a child, she was chubby and plump, but she was as white as she is now. He held a watermelon popsicle in one hand, and drew a V with a pen facing the camera in the other. His smile was brighter than the sun.

Liang Jincheng was originally looking at it with a tilted headband, but he couldn't help smiling, and reached out and took the photo frame into his own hand.

Not afraid that the glass mirror surface is not clean, she piously put the above Xiao Ji Cha on her lips and kissed him.

Ji Cha's house is not big, it was probably cleaned by Ji Cha's grandmother, and it looked very neat.

Liang Jincheng wanted to sleep for a while in bed, but this was Ji Cha's room, and he turned left and right still felt that he could not sleep. He simply sat up, and after walking around the house, he stopped in front of Ji Cha's wardrobe.

That is simply a forbidden place that exudes infinite temptation to Liang Jincheng. A voice told him: remember the politeness and cultivation that a person should have, and don't repeatedly break through your bottom line. Another voice told him: the bottom line is a fart! That's Jicha's wardrobe. Do you know what's in it? Maybe there are underwear, socks, and all kinds of close-fitting clothes. Do you think this is an opportunity you can have every day?

Before now, grandma is still sleeping, Ji Cha is still in the study, and there are one or two clothes missing in such an old closet. Who would know?

The rational persuasion of the first voice was immediately thrown aside by Liang Jincheng after the second voice appeared.

He took a deep breath and reached out to open the closet.

The clothes in the closet are obviously Ji Cha's old clothes, and there is even a set of high school uniforms.

At that time, Ji Cha, which was more green at that time, Liang Jincheng only slightly imagined Ji Cha's brows and eyes at that time, and his heart was beating as if he was about to jump out of his throat.

He took out the clothes, unable to suppress his impulse, put it on the end of his nose and took a deep sniff.

The satisfaction that overflowed in his heart almost overwhelmed him.

"Tea tea."

There was a voice outside, and the sound of grandma's footsteps slowly approached the room here.

She wandered to the entrance of the study, knocked on the door, and asked the person inside, "I have soaked the melon for a while now, and it's cold now. Can you eat it?"

"I don't want to eat!" Ji Cha carefully settled the accounts, wishing that he could break into four by himself now, where there is no mouth to eat cantaloupe.

So grandma walked slowly to the door of Liang Jincheng's sleeping room, and carefully opened the curtain and took a look inside.

Liang Jincheng was lying on his back on Ji Cha's bed, his expression relaxed, his breathing was falling together, and he seemed to be asleep.

Grandma Ji Cha shook the fan, and walked back slowly, muttering silently, "Wait if you don't eat, I'm going to the show."

At the beginning of summer, it seems to be different for everyone.