The status quo that I learned is far worse than what Ji Cha had expected. This is not just an example he saw today, but an act that has been carried out in private for a period of time.

In this case, Ji Cha recalled that when he went out and passed some places, he had indeed seen some young women with frightened expressions.

He immediately went back to tell the army this information, and Zhao Tiankuo also reported the situation immediately. Somewhat comfortingly, Ji Cha knew that the army would not tolerate human trafficking even in the last days.

Early the next morning, the army conducted a surprise investigation on the population of every household, and all the people without identity certificates were picked up and dealt with separately. The first is to ask about the origin of those people. Most of the abducted were girls, but there were also two teenagers. Those middle-aged men or young men looked disgusting and dirty in Ji Cha's view. The boys and girls were pinched by the handle of no identity, and they had no power to resist.

Even if he was rescued from the tiger's mouth, he couldn't react for a while, and the eyes of the individuals who were tortured were extremely hollow and lifeless.

After sorting out the details, even more disgusting facts were revealed.

Those who can be called human traffickers often kill each other’s guardians every time they go out to find someone who can be abducted, and in order to make them obedient, methods such as **** and gang **** are also endless, and they lose their loved ones and suffer physical and psychological injuries. Under the circumstances, they will be dragged to the black market for trafficking. After the trafficking, the vast majority of people may face a more tragic fate and have to survive in order to survive.

The solution soon came out.

At this time, the handling methods were relatively brutal, and people who had personally participated in human trafficking more than once or forced X were ordered to be shot. This kind of treatment is to a large extent in order to deter those who are driven by interests to want to do this business again. Those who bought these trafficked persons were also punished with high fines and permanently recorded on the information card. People who have been dealt with in this way cannot engage in many industries, and it can be said that they are basically limited to the bottom of the base.

And in the end, those victims, the base made it possible for them to obtain identification at the base as long as they wished, and become full members of the base, so that they can survive on the base through labor in the future.

This is undoubtedly great news for those teenagers. When they were rescued earlier, they were worried about whether they would be driven out of the base. Although living very embarrassed now, no one wants to be banished to face death. Now that he has the official status of the base, it can be said that it is a treatment that many people outside cannot get.

However, through this incident, there is also a problem that is reflected: there are too few women in the base.

Through computer inquiry, Jicha found that the male to female ratio in the base has almost reached eight to one. Only a small number of people have wives and daughters, and most of them are bachelors. This is definitely not a good phenomenon. The imbalance of gender ratio often breeds many violent crimes. The security of the base is now good, but it is only because the proportion of security managers is high and the punishment for criminal acts is very severe, so criminal acts are rare.

But in the long run, this issue will eventually break out of contradictions. Ji Cha recalled that when he went to the base last time, this problem seemed to be less obvious. Probably there was a way to deal with the introduction of population in the middle.

But at present, there is still a more difficult problem: the young people who have been rescued have basically no hand-to-hand craftsmanship, and they can't find work that can be done in a short period of time. Because the work of the base is basically fixed-point and quantitative, people who have long-standing identities are familiar with them, and these young people do not have the slightest advantage when recruiting.

Ji Cha is willing to help them.

There are many benefits for young people, and the most important point is that they are quick to get started with many things. Ji Cha helped contact the dispatcher and also found some positions for them. In the future, people will not be afraid to come in. The military has already begun to prepare to operate some machines that have been moved back, such as textiles and processing products.

At the same time, the expansion of the base will also begin. The first to come in is the skilled people, followed by the strong young people. In fact, at this time in the end of the world, there are basically very few people over fifty years old. Occasionally, the ones I see are generally from the family unit. If they are capable of supporting the elderly at home, the troops will still let people in.

The enrollment expansion was carried out to the end of January, and the population of the base has expanded to 5,000. Therefore, various projects need to be accelerated to complete the accommodation and daily needs. Many of the newly constructed dormitories could not complete the cooking function, so the troops built two large canteens in the center of the base as needed. This not only solved many job vacancies at once, but also solved the food problem.

People can go to the cafeteria for three meals during the work break of the day, all they need is to swipe the points on each person's information card. The points of the information card are now opened with a transfer function, and you can transfer the points in your card to the family in need at the recruitment or settlement point. However, when using the information card, it is necessary to match the information on the person and the card one to one to avoid theft of the information card.

The vegetables on the season tea side were basically harvested in December in the previous wave. He dried part of the chili peppers into dried chili peppers, while the other part selected fresh red chilies to make chopped peppers. Diaojiao has always been found in S city, but it is not as well-known as other provinces in the country. In such a shortage of materials, chopped pepper is actually a very convenient and pragmatic means of food preservation.

In January, production of the last peppers in the greenhouse ceased. Season Tea has counted and produced a total of more than 100 catties of chopped peppers. The dried peppers that are made into dried peppers are not counted in it.

The radishes were also harvested early. This part uses preservation methods to extend the shelf life of fresh radish, part is also dried into shredded radish for longer-term preservation, and a small part of the radish is made into kimchi to eat.

And the new batch of grain planting is not limited to the inside of the factory. In fact, there are hundreds of squares of small vegetable plots left behind in the factory. Most of the vegetables are no longer planted. The original farmland area is reserved for factory use for soy products and other food processing.

The farm’s fields have been reclaimed in the past two months, and an area sufficient for the planning of a population of 10,000 has been divided. Although it is the slack season of agriculture, the season tea is not prepared to let this time go. Cover the greenhouse for a little bit. Cultivation of freeze-resistant grains.

After such a period of time, the chicken farm has bred five batches of chicks, and the chicks bred in the first wave have basically the size and size of an adult chicken. There are currently a total of 300 chickens of various sizes in the breeding plant, and soon the first batch of chickens will be able to breed. At that time, the chicken farm is truly on the right track.

And the reproduction speed of the meat rabbit is indeed as crazy as the description, and the little bunnies born before have also grown up. The piglets are the same, but in terms of numbers, they are not comparable to the chickens. But once the piglets become large, pork is undoubtedly the main source of meat that can guarantee the base.

Years ago, when Ji Cha was thinking about when the resources he had on hand would be most effective, the army gave him another surprise.

When they went outside to patrol and search, they brought back a dozen sheep from a dilapidated breeding factory. Therefore, the workers in the breeding plant are all zombies, wandering outside the farm, isolating those who want to get close to trying their luck. Most people just assume that even if there are creatures in the farm, they will be eaten by the zombies, but they did not expect that the quality of the fences on the farm is surprisingly good, and the feed in them is also very sufficient. Not only is there no zombieization of more than a dozen sheep. , Still alive and well.

Because rams and ewes are in different pens, the numbers rescued are not equal. Seven rams and five ewes. Ewe means breeding. Of course, the more the better, but Jicha does not feel dissatisfied under the circumstances.

The lamb is amazing, and he is full of treasures. Not to mention that goat's milk can be drunk, lamb can be eaten, and the wool on the body is cut off regularly, which is also an excellent textile warming material. There are countless effects of horns and hooves.

But in general, what Jicha wants most is cows. It's best to come from all kinds of cows and cattle. Dairy products are really important. With milk, there are more things that can be processed, not to mention that beef is also an excellent meat. Some corners and corners where machines cannot be farmed, cows are also an excellent companion.

Zhao Tiankuo listened to Ji Cha's imagination, and patted him on the shoulder, "You should first see if you can get some goat's milk, and I will let someone find a cow for you."

"I know," Ji Cha laughed, knowing that this kind of thing can't be rushed, "one step at a time."

From the beginning of the end of the world to the present, almost half a year has passed, and everything has finally begun to bid farewell to the panic on the right track. And the first New Year after the end of the world is approaching.