"These are not what I said, I was framed!" Li Lingyun kept struggling and roared.

Liang Jincheng put away the recorder, "Now that you have all the human and physical evidence, Cheng Feng was killed by you, and you are still planning to control the leadership of the base. The base has now decided to shoot you."

The soldier standing next to him didn't look squint. Originally, Li Lingyun's left and right hands were not seen, he knew he had fallen into the trap. Looking at Liang Jincheng's expression again, Li Lingyun also knew that he was bound to die.

"In what capacity are you here to kill me now?" Li Lingyun gritted his teeth, "You are just a squad leader!"

Liang Jincheng sneered, "What do you think, what identity am I?"

The position he carried on his back was indeed not considered high, but even Li Lingyun knew very well that no one in the base could shake Liang Jincheng's position. Even when Cheng Feng tried to make some changes, he was ruthlessly removed. Now it has become a situation of killing two birds with one stone and losing him.

And now, Liang Jincheng has clearly decided to seize power, so there is no room for mediation in this matter.

Li Lingyun smirked, lowered his head and stopped speaking.


"Boss, the troops sent back the milk inspection results." Wang Qiang rushed into the farm office holding a paper report, his face was joyful and proud, "Look, I said we brought it. You can drink your milk."

"Hey, didn't you say that you are taking a half day off today? Why is it here now?" Ji Cha stood up and took what Wang Qiang was holding.

Last night Wang Qiang and the others moved into their new home in the base, which is a dormitory building in a good location. Ji Cha understood that they had a lot to clean up when they just moved in, so they gave them a half-day vacation for the whole family.

"Hey, there are so many people on vacation. My sister and my mother will clean up. My uncle, my dad, and my cousin will all come to work, otherwise there will be no one for the milk this morning. Dare to squeeze, isn't that a waste?

It just so happened that I met the person who sent the report at the door, and he let me bring it in. "

When he was speaking, Ji Cha read the report again, and the general idea was very simple, that is, no zombie virus was found in the milk, and it was judged that it could be used by residents after processing.

This is so good news that there are too many products that can be processed by cow's milk, which almost enriches the diet of the base. At least after milking the milk today, almost everyone in the base can drink a portion of milk.

"I asked people to feed the cows earlier. They are very smart. They were not irritable at all when they saw that they were here to feed. They just stood and waited. After I saw it for a long time, the workers here can also milk them up close. ."

"That's the best." Wang Qiang smiled, "After a while, it will be the time of estrus and mating. I will have more hope of giving birth to calves in the future."

Yesterday, the family re-eated the food of good quality at the base. They slept in a house with water and electricity. They no longer need to take turns to watch on duty at night. It is almost luxury to be able to sleep steadily until dawn. .

The milk saved in the two days totaled several thousand catties. Because there was no equipment to process milk in the base, I had to use the earth method to get two stoves and put a **** pot on it to complete the boiling and disinfection work. Because there is no previous professional disinfection equipment, and no additives are put into the milk, the milk shelf life will be much shorter.

Today, there is no means to process these milk immediately, and the best way to deal with it is, of course, to let people drink it directly.

While Ji Cha asked Wang Qiang and the others to instruct the milk processing, he went to the office and used the computer to apply to broadcast a message to the base's broadcasting system. However, when it was sent out, he responded with a message that the broadcasting system is being occupied.


This situation has never happened before. Apart from reporting major events, there is no useful place for broadcasting in a day in the base. What is the purpose of being occupied now?

Ji Cha was about to use the equipment to ask if there was a machine failure, when the broadcasting equipment in the base suddenly rang.

It turned out to be Liang Jincheng's voice that sounded inside!

Ji Cha was more than surprised, and immediately went outside to listen to the radio intently. And ordinary residents who were working in various places were also attracted by the sound of the broadcast.

"This is Liang Jincheng, and I have two things to tell you now.

First, around the early hours of yesterday morning, the former base commander Cheng Feng was attacked and killed by zombies in his bedroom. After on-site investigation, the source of the zombies was one of the five zombies that Cheng Feng kept in the basement. Now the zombies have been cleaned up, and Cheng Feng’s corpse has also been cremated. I honestly hope that everyone will not panic because of this. Under control.

The second is that in addition to part of Cheng Feng's death, it was also a deliberate murder. After evidence collection and strict exclusion, the murderer has also been arrested. The murderer's name is Li Lingyun, 36 years old, and he has been in the base for more than a month. The evidence is as follows..."

Behind is Li Lingyun's recording and an anonymous confession.

"The base has decided to execute a shooting execution on Li Lingyun and execute it immediately."

As soon as Liang Jincheng's words fell, there was a vague shot from the radio, and everything was calm again.

"The follow-up arrangements for the base will be handled by me until the new leader is elected." Liang Jincheng's voice is still unhurried, "I will disturb everyone."

Compared to Cheng Feng and Li Lingyun, Liang Jincheng is the more familiar object to everyone in the base. His record and reputation spread far more than Cheng Feng, and instead of such a vain figure leading his own life, it would be better to let someone you trust wholeheartedly do it.

Liang Jincheng's vigorous and resolute behavior not only caused no panic, but also made the residents in the base applaud. Cheng Feng's unconcealed news of his death and the method of death made them even more confident that Liang Jincheng would not deceive them.

Only Li Lingyun led the small base of thousands of people who had joined together. The people in it were panicked. They were afraid that Liang Jincheng would even take the Qiuhou to settle accounts and implicate them together.

On the Jicha side, as soon as the broadcast was over, the computer immediately received a reply from the broadcast station, asking him what he wanted to broadcast.

This interrupted his thoughts that almost emanated from the gunfire. There are still a lot of things to work on here, so much thinking about what to do.

Ji Cha hurriedly sent the message he wanted to say in text form, and soon another broadcast sounded outside the house.

"Broadcast notice, broadcast notice, the source of the news is the farm office. Starting today, the farm will start to supply a certain amount of milk. Each person can purchase up to 100ml per day, and one household can purchase up to 500ml, 1.5 information points per share, and the black market is strictly prohibited. For resale, you can apply for special needs such as drinking for infants. The purchase time is from 7:00 to 19:00. Please prepare your own containers when you purchase, and hope to inform each other."

This made the base residents who had only received the news of death in front of them, and their moods were ups and downs, and they directly threw the deaths of Cheng Feng and Li Lingyun to the other side.

1.5 information points are neither too few nor too many. It just so happens that the members of the base can basically afford it, depending on how reluctant to spend money. For example, for the fortunate laborers in the farm and some engineering projects, one person can earn 20 points a day. If you skip the family’s food, water and electricity to pay the rent, four or five more points a day are still okay. Under such conditions, if there are children in the family, what is it to buy some milk to make a supplement?

It took about half an hour for this broadcast to be sent out, and a group of Wuyangyang people came at the gate of the base. They all brought their own information cards and various kinds of pots and pans to buy milk.

Season Tea had already prepared for it, so people set up a large tent at the entrance of the farm, and the back of the tent led to the farm.

After Wang Qiang and them sanitized the milk, they rode out of the farm on a small three-wheeler to move the milk down. The eagerly awaited residents were in a good mood and thanked them.

Wang Qiang was rather silly, and he felt embarrassed for a while, and then felt that what he was doing was meaningful, and went back to boil the milk with his head up and his chest high.

The milk cup is introduced into the measuring cup, and a 100 ml cup is accurately poured into each container, swiped to leave, poured into the container, and swiped to leave. This process continues, almost in sync with the milk cooking process on the farm.

By the time it was sold until noon, the milk squeezed out yesterday has been sold out.

Ji Cha checked the number of information points and saw that it sold more than 5,900 copies. It is estimated that today's amount can be sold roughly that much. He was knocking on the calculator when the office door rang.

"Boss, here are five couples who come to apply for milk."

Ji Cha looked up and saw that there were five couples of young couples standing at the door a little bit cramped. Three of them were holding children in their hands, but two of them did not.

"Sit down first if you hold the child. There are not enough chairs in the room. The others stand for a while first. You should line up in order and tell us about the situation at home."

Ji Cha turned on the computer, and while calling up a new document, he also turned on the personnel information system.

"My wife and I are the only two in our family. The child was born at the end of last year after entering the base. After the baby was born, my wife’s health has not been very good, and there is no milk. Now although the child is gradually able to start eating porridge, But the nutrition can't keep up, and I also want to give her more supplements from my wife."

Ji Cha checked their family’s income and family environment through the system. The women in this family were temporarily unable to work because of taking care of their children, while the men’s job was not bad. There were 18 information points in their daily income, which was above the average level in the base calculation. .

"In this way, the daily share of your family is adjusted to 400ml, and the price is adjusted to this number." He drew out a farm-specific certificate from the drawer, explained the situation on it, and clicked an information point with the tip of the pen. The price of the place, "Come over and reopen once a month."

The other party took the paper very gratefully and left.

The rest of the situation is basically nothing surprising, it's all about lack of milk. However, the income of each household is different, and the price of milk varies from maintaining the original price to 0.5 information points, and the share varies according to the size of the baby.

As soon as the news spread, in the afternoon dozens of families came to apply for more shares. For those with breastfeeding pregnant women at home, Ji Cha made corresponding adjustments one by one.