With the action of thousands of heavenly demons kneeling together, the whole sky fell into a dark place, and even the mecha controlled by the three heavenly demon kings half knelt down, making Zhou Bai standing in the center look like the king of heavenly demons.

Looking at this scene, many immortals and monks all showed shocked eyes.

Even the immortal gods who are high above have never seen such a scene in which a demon kneels down to a human being.

As for ordinary mortal friars, it's even more shocked and confused. In the eyes of most of them, the demon is a monster that only knows killing and destruction. Who would have thought that they would still surrender to a human.

But after the shock, all kinds of speculation floated in their minds.

Win Rui said blankly, "what's going on? What's the demon doing?" He thought of a possibility, but he was unwilling to believe that possibility.

Yun Chonghe was also at a loss. He didn't know what to do now. Did he want to wake up the Tianjian elder in the sword box.

Other mortal friars talked and speculated.

Tu Tianmo: "what's the situation? Did Zhou Bai take refuge in Tianmo?"

Zhao Yue: "it's impossible. The demon has been hostile to human beings for so many years, and his nature is to kill human beings. How can he surrender? It's not so much surrender..." her eyes showed a strong suspicion: "it's better to say... Maybe Zhou Bai is a demon originally? That's not right, then why can he use the emperor's sword?"

Hearing these words, Zheng Wentian flashed a trace of anger in his eyes and couldn't help shouting, "how can Zhou Bai be a demon? How many demons did he kill?"

"Donghua city and Xiyue city were besieged by demons, and he was desperate on the battlefield! That kind of despair, the feeling that the rise and fall of the whole nation have to fight with their lives, you geniuses who only know how to cultivate in the central city simply don't understand."

"You don't know how cruel the demon battlefield is. Don't slander the people who work hard on the demon battlefield at will."

Tu Tianmo and Zhao Yue were slightly stunned by Zheng Wentian, but they didn't say anything more. But the question in my heart takes root in everyone's heart.

While listening to the sound from the electromagnetic pulse, Zhou Bai didn't pay attention to the so-called king of demons at all, but asked coldly, "what about other evidence? The origin of demons, and what is your method to confirm my identity?"

The female voice responded, "Zhou Bai, was born... When he was young... When he grew up... Before the spirit machine recovers..."

With a long list of his own experiences expressed in words, Zhou Bai seems to have flashed a lot of memories related to the past.

The other side almost completely described his life, and even some things that he had forgotten appeared in front of him again at the moment.

His family, his school, his work... All his experiences from childhood to childhood have been recorded in detail, and even various photos taken at that time can be seen.

And all the narration ended completely until he was 28 years old.

Zhou Bai wondered, "what about the back?"

"No more." The female voice: "all your data records after the age of 28 are empty, and we didn't find them. After that, the psychic machine began to recover, and your data were recorded only one year ago."

Zhou Bai: "where did you get these things?"

Female voice: "the last survivors of mankind... They transferred all the data of the human world to the colonial base of Mars, which recorded all the data left by mankind from ancient times to the present, about 250eb. It also includes everyone's life."

"250eb data, which is the last Tomb of all mankind, records all traces left by mankind in the universe."

"If you want, I can tell you anything in this data."

Hearing these words, Zhou Bai suddenly felt a burst of heaviness and sadness. Recalling the scene of billions of Homo sapiens being extinct just seen in the picture, an extreme sadness rushed into his heart.

Zhou Bai once doubted whether the world in front of him would be the earth before him.

But he never thought that now someone suddenly told him that his family, his nation and his country... Had all disappeared and been extinct.

Zhou Bai said coldly, "show me all the information related to the LINGJI adjustment plan. Should you be able to do it?"

More information came from the electromagnetic pulse and was constantly received by Zhou Bai's yuan Shen force.

Zhou Bai's brain is like a supercomputer, flipping through countless materials quickly.

These materials are so real, data, text, video, audio... Even a large number of communication records, chat records, the data of the entire social networking site... All the materials are detailed, and he can't find any flaws.

The more this happened, the more intense Zhou Bai's mind became.

Pollution degree: 50/110

Seeing the lines of numbers, the last words recorded by countless people before the extinction of mankind, the images left by an individual in the video, the last traces left on countless websites, and the data left by some people who are very familiar with them, Zhou Bai's sea of knowledge seemed to set off a storm.

"This is Jianghai City, and the streets are full of corpses. At first, my father and mother... Then my wife... My daughter... Everyone is dead... This is the last video I uploaded... Goodbye... Everyone."

"... this is New York... Are there any other survivors? I'm in Central Park. It's like a hell, with bodies everywhere..."

"... is there anyone else... Please... No matter who... Reply to me..."

"... this is London, England... Everyone is dead... I searched the city for a month and found no other survivors... I... Can't hold on any longer."

"... I decided to record my last image... Bang!"

The last thing Zhou Bai watched was the scene photographed by the UAV floating in the sky. On the familiar street, the dense crowd fell like wheat, and the whole city was silent, like a huge cemetery.

Pollution degree: 100/110

Looking at the information of this scene, Zhou Bai suddenly hugged his head and roared up to the sky. The desolation and indignation in the howling made countless monks present tremble in their hearts, and even the immortal God had an ominous premonition.

Win and destroy hurriedly said, "the demon must have done something to Zhou Bai! We must save him!"

Mingyue fairy whispered, "do it? Wait like this... I feel very bad..."

The sound of killing ghosts and gods has spread to the ears of countless monks and immortals.

At the next moment, thousands of monks and immortals had rushed up and collided with the demons in the sky.

Win and destroy erupted, and the power of Yuanshen charged in front: "save Zhou Bai!"

"Zhou Bai!" Mingyue fairy tore the space and was about to shuttle in front of Zhou Bai, but was forced back by the three demon kings.

The machine armor operated by the three demon kings opened its muzzle, and the dense light cannons and high-energy ammunition at the blast were like incarnations of three huge war fortresses, tilting out tons of ammunition in a few seconds. The two continuous terrorist offensives seemed to melt the entire atmosphere, and at the same time they ordered all the Demons: "protect Zhou Bai!"

The war broke out again in an instant, just like an active volcano exploding. Countless high-energy rays, plasma light cannons, wind, rain, lightning, space shuttle and other Taoist techniques collided, the earth continued to crack, the atmosphere continued to scream, and thousands of meters around seemed to become a huge meat grinder, and life was dying every moment.

At this time, Christina in her mind said, "Zhou Bai? What are you doing? Don't be bewitched by the demons. They are the biggest enemies of the Terrans, with billions of blood debts in their hands."

Since the beginning of the war with the present humans, the demons have driven the humans originally distributed all over the world to the present East Asian continent, slaughtering billions of humans, which is also an inseparable blood feud with the current mixed race.

The emperor's sword also shook up: "Zhou Bai, get out of here quickly, don't get involved with the demons. If you go on like this, all Terrans and celestial gods will doubt you."

Zhou Bai: "billions of human blood debts?"

Zhou Bai: "doubt me?"

Zhou Bai suddenly laughed wildly. He stretched out a hand to cover his face. The more he laughed, the louder it became. Gray yuan Shen forces emerged from his body.

Pollution degree: 120/110——

Thank you for 'qexnz' ten thousand rewards

Thank 'Fang Fuyun' for his ten thousand rewards

Thank you for all the rewards of knowing and doing