Chapter 23: Three Years Traveling

Name:Calculating Cultivation Author:
Chapter 23: Three Years Traveling

I was used to the various types of carriages. Some had springs, some didnt. I liked the ones with springs a lot more. Some had cushions, some didnt. I liked the one with cushions. I had been working on aligning motes while I traveled. I wasnt touching the secondary core or its channels. But there was nothing else for me to do in the long carriage rides.

Exploring the cities or the vistas might be interesting, but I wanted that Astral Soul Stabilizer as quickly as possible. Then I would trade the manual I had stolen in for access to the elders library to look at body cultivation techniques.

I had noted a section like that in the library. They probably didnt want disciples doing something like that and creating confusion. Also, it wouldnt give that much useful knowledge to what the sect was aiming for, earth and water soul cultivation.

It would be effectively opening up another branch of cultivation and limited their overall progression. That was why sects tended to focus on specific elements and one cultivation type. Only a high ranking sect that was assured of its position due to an immortal would have multiple paths for people to explore and train as disciples.

I didnt spend more than a single night in any city. Only getting my hair cut, a shower, and changing the occasional spirit stone for tael, which I easily made up for by killing the occasional spirit beast that attacked while I was being transported.

After a month of traveling and six cities after Five Claw City and a non-spring non-cushion carriage I had enough. I purchased a small well-made carriage in the next city for two occupants, lots of supplies on the back of the carriage, and four young horses.

I even hired a young driver, who wanted to see the world and get a lot of money and didnt mind leaving the city. Song was now my personal carriage driver. He was only sixteen years old, but I had agreed to pay him in Qi Pills. He had the dream of becoming a cultivator and I wanted someone who would travel quickly and not put up with bullshit.

Song was quite good. He would switch out the horses every city so that way we had fresh horses and could keep traveling as quickly as possible at high speeds. I was paying him an insane amount, but it was hard work driving a carriage at high speeds day in and day out, making sure we had food and water, dealing with the guards.

I also didnt want to deal with the hassle of riding in shitty carriages without springs or cushions. It made cultivating that much more annoying. That was why I was paying Song in Qi Pills so he would handle everything. Only one pill per city, but that averaged out to about one every six days.

In the three years it was estimated to get back to the sect, he would get about 20,000 motes from pills. I noted he would occasionally use a candle when we stopped to find motes and collect them as well. Being quite aggressive, going around rest areas to locate motes with a candle.

He had been saving up and had money from his father. I also suspected he was driving a hard bargain at whatever cultivation stores were located in the cities and possibly doing some trading on the side. Again, I only cared if we traveled quickly without interruption.

That was the good thing about this society and culture being around for so long. They had good roads between cities. While the distances were insane, at least we didnt have to travel through the wilderness.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

We finally reached Boarder City, a city with a wall through the middle that separated the region controlled by the Imperial Sect and the region controlled by the Blazing Sun Sect. We got to the city late at night and got a room.

Master Yuan Zhou, I have news, Song said after he entered our shared room.

What is it? I asked.

The border has a checkpoint and inspection, even for cultivators. Everyone is searched without exception. I had told Song to let me know the instant he found out about anything that might cause delays or inconvenience us.

What is the inspection like? I asked.

We need to apply for a permit to enter. There is questioning and a sizable fee. I heard it was one spirit stone per person and per wagon or carriage, Song told me.

Highway robbery, I muttered. They were bandits, only official bandits. Well time to do something I didnt want to do. While my spatial ring would pass a cursory scan, a detailed inspection of my person would reveal it.

The elders at the Cloudy Moon Sect would not stael from a disciple. The shame, drama, and headache that would bring would be a nightmare. They would just squeeze the disciple legally as much as they could. I was thinking of Elder Li Fu and how he came out far ahead after I had helped catch that Demonic Cultivator in Half Moon City.

They would ask me to reveal the contents. I might get away with the sword, but the manual, metal claw, and human core would be highly suspicious. In addition, I had an astral shard. A senior from another sect would not be polite about confiscating something like that.

Thanks Song, first light we will get that permit and cross the border, I told him, and he nodded.

Before dawn the next day he left to get everything ready, while I took a few deep breaths to steady myself. I had just used the bathroom and wasnt going to have breakfast. I unclipped my spatial ring from my silver chain and then shoved it up my butt.

I made sure to get it up in there, nice and snug. With my cultivation and number of motes I had, it would be very hard to see inside of me easily, unless an immortal took a look themselves or they laid hands on me, which would be too rude.

Walking with a slightly stiff gait out of the inn we had stayed in, I got in the carriage. Song didnt ask questions. That was another reason why he was getting paid a lot. He took off and we reached the permit office.

I exited the carriage and made my way inside. I was wearing my Cloudy Moon Sect robes which had been washed and cleaned. I didnt normally wear them, but this was important, so I had to look like a cultivator. I had grown a little bit, but not enough to make them hang poorly on my body.

Welcome Master Cultivator to the Boarder Permit Office, a smiling clerk said. I recalled the clerk from the Coinage Guild in Half Moon City. They could have been brothers with how similar their smiles and appearances were.

Thank you, I replied, and he gestured to a seat across from a desk.

I will be conducting a preliminary interview. Afterwards a cultivator will inspect you and ask any follow up questions. But first the fee and any declarations of cultivation resources? the clerk asked.

Myself, my carriage driver, horses, and a pouch of spirit stones. I believe the fee would be three spirit stones? I asked.

The standard fee, but a cultivator can pay an expedited fee for twice the amount. Instead of waiting ten days, you can cross in one day. That does not include the fee and processing time from the other side of the boarder.

I will pay the expedited fee, I said and laid out six spirit stones. This was highway robbery. Complete and utter highway robbery.

Excellent, now which sect are you from and why are you traveling? the clerk asked me. I explained that I was from the Cloudy Moon Sect and was returning to the sect after getting lost in the astral plane and not getting the materials I needed.

The clerk wrote all this down and then I was taken to a room, where an elder looked me over for a couple of minutes and then paused.

Your cultivation, what did you do? they asked in surprise. I saw the emblem of the Blazing Sun Sect on their robe.

I have accumulated a large number of motes during the Qi Gathering stage, which is why I was trying to find an astral shard in the astral plane for an Astral Soul Stabilizer. Unfortunately, I failed but managed to find an exit. I had practiced this so many times I believed it myself.

A shame. What an interesting cultivation. He is clear, now to inspect the wagon and your driver, the cultivator said. Song was brought in, and he was cleared in few seconds. A team of people went over the wagon with a fine-tooth comb and found nothing.

After that we were given a fancy looking permit with the Blazing Sun Sect symbol stamped on it. I could present in the future at the border crossing as proof that I had passed a previous inspection. It would entitle me to expedited processing without the additional fee.

The pursuit of knowledge. But one could argue that you owe Elder Healer Meihui for paying the cost into the astral plane. What do you say Elder Healer Meihui? the sect leader asked.

I am happy studying the effects of his cultivation long term and would consider that significant reimbursement. Already it has improved my Dao of healing, she said. The Sect Leader nodded at this.

And library access is simple enough for such knowledge. Very well, it is granted, now let us learn what this Ancient said, the Sect Leader declared.

Yes Sect Leader, it called astral shards remnants of seeds of a being called a Great Devourer. It specifically said it was a thought made manifest. I also explained how the astral shard whispered to me and the words it had said. I was asked to repeat my explanation two more times. After that I was told to continue.

I explained my arrival at Five Claw City and my quick departure and the ambush, also killing the cultivator from the Clawed Hand Sect. The Sect Leader held up a hand and I closed my mouth and he nodded to an elder. An elder who wasnt wearing a shirt got up and came over. His muscles had muscles and he was built like a brick factory that bench pressed other brick factories.

He picked up the metal claw. Rank two, well made, but a common design. Clearly given to a low ranked disciple to train early on in their martial art. He then set it back down in front of me and picked up the manual. He flipped through it quickly and then set it back down as well. Basic body cultivation instructions, nothing special. He then made his way back to his seat.

Thank you, Martial Elder Lei. Since the Clawed Hand Sect is under the purview of the Blazing Sun Sect and there has been no pursuit, and no one has come forward, I believe this matter can rest, unless there is a disagreement? No one spoke up. Continue Disciple Yuan Zhou, the Sect Leader said.

There wasnt much after that, as I explained how I had raced back to the sect. I paused for a moment at the end and decided to not say anything. This wasnt the right environment to ask what I had in mind.

Impressive Disciple Yuan Zhou. Elder Li Fu, do you wish to add anything? The elder nodded while sitting in front of the Sect Leader.

Yes Sect Leader. I will use my favor to ask you to construct an Astral Soul Stabilizer and give it to this disciple, Elder Li Fu said.

The favor I owe you is too much for something like that and I am indeed curious as well. His cultivation is a mess, but if he advances, there could be many answers we had not looked for but would be quite illuminating. I will construct the Astral Soul Stabilizer and will help install it. But I am interested in what further thing you have on your mind Disciple, I see you had a question. Do not be afraid, I am curious what you wanted to ask, the Sect Leader said, and I gulped but spoke up regardless.

Sect Leader, I was thinking of altering my cultivation plan to create a physical secondary core, using the explosions of my main cores to assist in the implosion process, since the Astral Soul Stabilizer should allow for the contradiction between cultivation processes, I said.



How intriguing.

Oh hoho, now this was worth coming out for.

He seeks even more!

How bold!

There were several exclamations from the surrounding elders. Elder Li Fu brought his hands up and lowered his face into them. The Sect Leader looked at me in surprise as the elders chatted for a minute before finally calming down.

Thatis that even possible? The Sect Elder asked and looked to the side at an older man.

The astral side yes, but on the physical side no. His body would not be able to handle the strain. He would need something equal to the Astral Soul Stabilizer to firm up his body. I would say the best option would be a drop of refined beast essence of the sixth rank turned into a pill. The Sect Leader nodded at this.

A sixth rank beast is no simple task even for an Elder or a Sect Leader, but I suspect you will want to get one? The Sect Leader asked me.

Yes, Sect Leader, this disciple seeks your guidance, I said and bowed my head.

Li Fu, I know why this Disciple stresses you out. But he will either succeed and become an immortal or die a most gruesome and horrible death like countless geniuses before him. Searching for solutions for his cultivation deviations and crippling. The Sect Leader paused. But he did succeed in returning from the astral plane successfully. For a disciple barely in the second stage to do so is not a sign of heavens favor to be taken lightly. I will take this burden upon myself.

Yuan Zhou! I straightened up even more at that and even the rustle of clothing from the occasional movement of the elders stilled. I felt a pressure on me as the Sect Leader looked down upon me. Do you swear to the heavens and the earth and on your cultivation to protect the Cloudy Moon Sect until the end of your life?

I swear by the heavens and the earth and by my cultivation Sect Leader that I will protect the sect until the end of my life, I said without hesitation.

Very well. Then I name you my personal disciple Yuan Zhou. Take the items with you. Escort him to my office, I will speak with him after, the Sect Leader said.

Thank you, Master, I replied and was then escorted out of the meeting room by a servant. They were wearing member robes. None of the elders said anything. I was led to an office and sat down. I looked around but didnt dare touch any of the objects or books.

Several hours later the Sect Leader entered, and I quickly stood up. Disciple greets master, I said.

Sit, I quickly sat back down, and the Sect Leader took a seat behind his desk.

Consider being named my disciple a reward for helping me find a way out of the impasse in the meeting room. Each faction has wanted me to name a successor or take up a personal disciple from their faction. I nodded at this but didnt say anything.

Now you are my disciple, the Sect Disciple. But you will get no handouts from me. We are a poor sect, Yuan Zhou. While we are a mid-rank sect, we are not a battle sect. We produce spirit wine to sell to other sects and maintain this province, but we are the lowest of the low compared to other mid-rank sects in terms of cultivation resources. While our knowledge is extensive, that means nothing in the face of power and the ability to kill beasts.

Mid-rank sects are looked at for battle power and special resources. Your capture of the demonic cultivator years ago helped a bit. But we are looked down on for good reason. We have nothing of value beyond knowledge. But now you come, walking the path of defiance. You being named my personal disciple means that even the Imperial Sect will dare not recruit you or target you lightly. Even more so other sects.

He had cut off my path in that direction, making it clear I was now committed to the Cloudy Moon Sect. But your cultivation plan is a never-ending hole that will consume countless resources and time. An Astral Soul Stabilizer is a great treasure, that even elders would look at. While its use is very limited at the later stages, it still has value which is rare.

But you need that, and refined beast essence made into a pill from a sixth rank beast! The Sect Leader raised his voice, and I cowered a bit. Just for the second stage. Rare treasures, priceless ingredients, will be consumed by you. We could afford one, maybe two before we go bankrupt.

And before you bring up that there are elders to gather resources for your pig self, only myself, Martial Elder Lei, and two others are qualified to fight. Elder Li Fu is a manager. He would not dare hunt a sixth level beast or go into the astral plane. That is why our sect is weak and why I am annoyed, the Sect Leader said. He wasnt mad so much at me, just at the situation. At least I hoped that was the case.

You will have to get the materials by yourself. We can process them, since the heavens know all the elders do is study and study some more. That was the problem with being in the mad scientist sect, you still needed people to go out there to get materials to experiment with. We have been trying to position ourselves as the sect to handle such requests outside the high ranking sects, but it is slow, and the requests are few.

So, you will need to get your own resources for your cultivation, and I will use my authority to have them turned into cultivation resources. Also with your new status, you should be able to get past any bullshit you encounter much more easily. While an inner disciple can be overlooked, the personal disciple of a sect leader of a mid-rank sect will not be.

As you travel about to gather resources, you will be our sect mascot and advertisement for unique cultivation paths and processing of rare ingredients. I wasnt sure if this was a promotion or demotion. I hoped I didnt have to wear an outfit like a mascot at a sports game back on Earth.