After Fang changguan finished speaking, he asked all the people left to pack.

After 20 days here, raspberry was reluctant to leave.

"I feel a little reluctant to be eliminated by so many people." Raspberry tooted his mouth, some lost mouth.

"There are no banquets that don't go away. Ten days later, our trials are officially over." Xu Mei had to say something that worried Luo Mei.

Raspberry is still too simple.

"Can I still play with you later?" Luo Mei looks at Yun Jian and Xu Mei. He asks with some expectation.

"Of course." Xu Mei made a sound, and she said a very cool answer.

Luo Mei listens to Xu Mei's words, and her eyes are looking forward to Xiang Yunjian.

"Yes." Cloud paper red arc slightly move, she quietly opened.

"Great!" Luo Mei smiles at cloud paper and Xu Mei. She claps her hands excitedly.

"Cut, I've only been together for a few days! It's as if it's a life and death relationship! Make it up! " Nan Linlin listened to the words of Luo Chen and Xu Mei, and couldn't help but make complaints about it.

As soon as she finished speaking, nanlinlin's call was connected. She quickly clicked hands-free and pasted the phone to her ear. The chilling face disappeared in a moment, and instead was a friendly, disgusting smile.

"Hello, honey, what are you doing? Me? We are going to a Taekwondo Hall. I don't know where it is. OK, I will send it to you as soon as I know the address! They love you too. They want to kiss you! People are suffocating for you these days... "

after nanlinlin's sarcastic words, Yunjian just raises her eyebrows slightly.

Luomei and Xumei's bearing capacity is obviously weaker than Yunjian's. they listened to nanlinlin's words, even though it's not the first time, but they still pulled the corners of their mouths severely. It's really because of the numbness that they would have such a reaction.

At this time, however, Yunjian has packed his schoolbag and carried it on his shoulder. He wants to go out the door.

"We're all right!" Luo Mei and Xu Mei can't stay here any longer. They quickly pick up their luggage and follow Yunjian out of the gate.


when all the people arrive, Mr. Fang will take them to the Taekwondo Hall he said.

This Taekwondo Hall is very big. It is the first one in the whole country Z.

It took Mr. Fang two hours to get here by bus.

The Taekwondo Hall of others' house has only one floor and covers a small area. However, this Taekwondo Hall has three floors. The whole third floor is the site of Taekwondo Hall. Each floor is an endless training ground.

The business here is very big. There are many people who come here to practice Taekwondo.

Besides, there are hotels and accommodation on the third floor of Taekwondo.

As soon as Yunjian and others arrived here, they were arranged to stay at the hotel on the third floor of Taekwondo Hall.

Because the business of Taekwondo Hall is booming, there are many big people who rush here from all over the country, and even some people are famous in the world, so the hotel business is also booming.

The one-on-one competition is not in a hurry to start after Yunjian several people have moved into the third floor.

In the evening, Mr. Fang gave all the people free time, and they could also find friends to go out, go to restaurants, go to the supermarket to buy something to eat, and so on.

After settling down with Xu Mei and Luo Mei, Yunjian went downstairs to look for food.

It's still early at this time. Five o'clock is the time for all Taekwondo students to go home for dinner, so Yunjian three people went downstairs and did not see several Taekwondo students.

I found a nearby snack bar and sat down to order three bowls of snow noodles. As soon as the three people in Yunjian relaxed, they heard someone at the next table saying:

"Hey, you know, I heard that there are many special soldiers in the next Taekwondo Hall who have just moved in. It is said that a one-to-one comparison will be held and the most powerful three will be selected!

"In the last few days! Interesting! We can go and have a look then! "