To be honest, Yunjian never thought that the mysterious man would be the God's brother!

And xuanlin, the brother of the LORD God, didn't pursue the LORD God because he later became the master of the land of the gods, and the identity of the master didn't fall on his head.


for a woman!

Maybe that's what many people don't understand.

A man can kill his brother for a woman, even his nephew!

But if we change positions and think about it, what will happen to Si Yi if he is killed by Yunjian?

It's estimated that if it is true, Si Yi will revenge for Yunjian even if he kills all the people in the world.

Moreover, revenge, these two words, far from vent anger.

Revenge, can you return the life of the person you want?

The answer is No.

"Son, this is our family's business, but it's related to you. Shifu is very sorry. All of this is because of me! I am the one who ends all this!

"So I'll take all this on my own..."

the main god sighed and didn't say the mysterious man, the old nest of xuanlin.

Said, the LORD God also propped up his slender body, to get out of bed.

"You are a dead old man. You've been the same for thousands of years? When I was forced to marry you, didn't I look good? How come now, you have to pretend to be a savior, rather sacrifice yourself to save people? "

At the moment when the Lord wanted to get out of bed, a man came in and stopped the Lord.

As soon as cloud paper fixed his eyes, the visitor wasn't Si Yi's mother bailiyan.

Bailiyan hated the LORD God and wished that the LORD God would die. This is known to all.

So after she gave birth to Si Yi, she ran back to her mother's house. So even if she went to the temple to see Si Yi secretly later, Bai Liyan was avoiding the main God.

All the time, the LORD God loves bailiyan in one direction.

Later, after bailiyan left him, the LORD God would secretly ask Siyi how bailiyan had been every time she came to bailiyan's house.

As I said before, this is the blood of his family.

Falling in love with a woman will never change.

Even in order to deal with, pay anything, including their own lives.

The temple was bombed. This time, because it was a last resort, the main God was taken to a hundred Li family.

Although the LORD God has missed bailiyan for thousands of years, he never thought that even if he was at bailiyan's home now, bailiyan would take the initiative to see his own affairs.

So when I saw the woman who came in from the outside looking at her appearance in her early twenties and thought about her for thousands of years, but was afraid to make her angry and dare not come to see people, the LORD God almost had no tears.

After Bai Liyan came in from the outside of the house, she took a look at the LORD God. Then she went to take Yunjian's hand and looked at her daughter-in-law with one face:

"I just heard that you are back. This time, the temple was bombed. Can you stay with me more? It happens that I have an empty room over there. Do you want to move the small paper to live in? "

As soon as bailiyan finished, Si Yi grabbed Yunjian's hand and said to bailiyan, "mother, this is my woman."

"Look, look at you! I won't take your woman! " Bailiyan listens to Si Yi's words and smiles twice.

The LORD God has been staring at bailiyan since bailiyan came in from outside the house.

Cloud paper sips her lips. I know that when I ask the mysterious person xuanlin's residence, Shifu shouldn't say that, right?

However, the LORD God soon came back to him. He cleared his throat, and then he spoke to Yunjian and Siyi:

"it's OK for you two to know where that guy is, but that place is not accessible to us. If you want to go there, you have to go through one place."

"Where?" Listen to Yunjian and ask.

The main god squints: "huangquan road."