Shenji is a more casual person. She never forces herself not to say anything she wants to say.

So this time in the ears of outsiders, arrogant to the extreme words, so blurted out.

Yunjian just glanced at Shenji. She didn't take the guns stacked nearby, but leaned aside and closed her eyes.

"Little girl has a little guts!" The special soldier laughed after listening.

In fact, for all the people on the train, life and death are determined by heaven.

Perhaps they will never return to their beloved motherland.

But at this moment, no one is afraid.

After a smile, the special soldier looked at Shenji and introduced himself with great interest:

"my name is Zhengning. If you don't correct me, I will not change my family name. My family name is Shan."

The whole list is Zhengning.

See cloud paper has a buttock to sit on the ground, God Ji sees this, also followed to sit in the past, ignore Shan Zhengning.

Shan Zhengning was not angry either. He smiled happily. In his forties, he was very old. He was determined to die for this action. He suddenly had a bit of fun on the face that had lost confidence in the future.

These two little girls, one is very rampant, the other ignores him directly.

Maybe the arrival of these two little girls can bring a little bit of fun to his last journey in life.


this van type truck sailed all the way, driving day and night, and finally arrived at the border of state n.

N border guards.

It should be the army of the civil war.

The driver of the car has obviously forged his pass.

At the entrance of the border of state n, after showing the pass to this army, they drove the van into the territory of state n.

But just after the van was released and drove into the territory of N country.

All the people in the car are alert at the moment.

If they are found by the group outside, they will have a bloody fight at any time.

"Get down!" At the moment when everyone was slack and alert, a clear sound that only the people in the car could hear suddenly came.

Words, is simply spread from the mouth of cloud paper.

The people in the car haven't understood the meaning of Yunjian yet, but a group of people are practicing their families. Their bodies are fast and their heads are fast. After hearing Yunjian's words, they lie on the floor of the car silently.

"Outburst, outburst, outburst!"

Just then, a machine gun fire came from outside.

The thin walls on both sides of the van were shot through several large holes.

If the people were standing just now, they would all be destroyed by now.

This burst of machine gun strafing, no one has ever said any greeting, almost suddenly burst from.

Even in the driver's seat dressed as a staff of the special forces, the eyelids are a sudden jump.

But he couldn't speak. If he had any flaws, the army would have found a dozen people in the van.

"After the strafing, there was no voice inside. It must be the goods."

A soldier from state n came up to his leader and reported.

"Put it." The leader spoke.

At this time, the special forces disguised as staff drove the car smoothly into the territory of N country.

It was not until he stopped in a safe area that the special soldier pretending to be a worker opened the back door and saw that everyone was ok, that he was relieved.

At that time, the old soldier, who called himself Shan Zhengyu, looked at Yunjian and asked in amazement: "little girl, how did you find that group of people would shoot bullets at our van!"

If it wasn't for Yunjian, everyone in the car would have been killed!

And even if it doesn't die under the shooting of bullets, it will be killed after it is found by people outside.

At the time when people looked at Yunjian, they only saw the red arc of Yunjian slightly pursed, and she calmly opened her mouth to say something that surprised everyone in the room:

"I heard them pulling the gun."