Soon, someone organized to drag 018's body away and feed it to the wolf dog.

When the people here die, the bodies will be dragged away and fed to the dogs.

This is the organization telling them that if they don't want to be dragged away after death and fed to big dogs, they must survive in the strongest way.

Even at the cost of killing their most valued friends.

At all costs!

There was silence for many days.

At the age of six, she didn't know what death meant. She only knew that 018 would never appear again. No one would give her food in the middle of the night and hug her with her warm arms.


six years later.

006 12 years old.

The group who killed 018 was killed by 056, a boy who often met 018. 006 later learned the code of 056 - wild dragon.

After the death of 018, 006's strength soared. She could learn the most accurate killing moves in the fastest time and attack the opponent in the fastest time.

Every year, a new group of children will be brought into the organization, and then the surviving children and the new children will play the game of survival of the fittest.

To this day, only 50 of the thousands of children have survived.

And 006 is one of them.

"Today will be your big day. If you want to go home, you will realize your wish today!" J looked back at the 50 people who had eliminated all the weak and survived in these years, squinting and laughing.

Laugh, and j claps his hands in the excitement of a group of people.

Immediately someone took the remaining 50 people and sent them into a large iron cage.

"Well, children, you can choose any weapon in front of you.

"When you get the weapon, you can use it to kill anyone you see!

"Because of this game, only three people will live to the end!"

J's words, fluttering into the cage of 50 people's ears.

Big fight!

Fifty men, with weapons in their hands, kill when they see people!

Until the last three survived, they could walk out of the island!

It's a game. It's also a battle between life and death.

They may be able to survive in the organization for a few years. Whether they come to the end or not depends on today's decisive battle!

"What! Only three people alive!? Then don't we have no way to live! "

Someone heard J's words, his face changed dramatically, so he looked at J and said his dissatisfaction.

"It's not fair! I have no friends! They form gangs! If you surround me with friends! Then I'm not bound to die! " Someone immediately followed up with their complaints.

J is really listening to all the complaints.

Then he showed a harmless smile:

"unfair? Complaining, isn't it? "

When J's words fell, his face suddenly turned ferocious, and then Jie ran laughed and said:

"those who don't take weapons will die now!"

When J's words fell, there were thirty snipers at the high altitude.

Thirty snipers from different angles, the sniper gun to this large cage of 50 people.

As long as they don't obey, they will die!

Fifty people in the cage, most of them complain.

006 went to this pile of weapons, selected a butterfly knife from them, turned around and rushed forward two steps at full speed, throwing a butterfly knife and stabbed three friends who were hesitant to start!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Blood, splash!

095 also quickly grabbed a long knife from a pile of weapons and joined in the battle of life and death.

This war is faster than that! It's about survival!

If you slow down for a second, you will die!

In other groups of people grinding haw, complaining unfair, or whispering to find someone to discuss to deal with people together, 006 had already held the butterfly knife and killed a series of companions!

There is no process in this field, only in the life and death of the result, only those who are quick, accurate and ruthless can have the last chance to live!

When the large iron cage is surrounded by corpses, and only three people are standing on the corpse with their own weapons and breathing, J reaches out his hand, claps and opens his mouth to the three people:

"Congratulations, become the last king, join the dark soul organization, tomorrow someone will send you to sign a five-year agreement, and work for the organization for five years, and you can get the By. "


Southeast Asia, Myanmar.

The group who sent a group of children into the organization got a lot of money, day and night with beautiful women.

At this moment, in a large bar."Brothers, have you heard? Three assassin agents came out of the dark soul Organization recently. They are amazing in strength and have swept a large number of international celebrities. Do you think there will be the group of children we sent in at the beginning

"What a coincidence, hey!"

"What if it happened? What if I come to seek revenge from my brothers? "

"How is it possible? How old are those children? Don't even remember the looks of my brothers! This joke is not funny at all! "


in the bar, a short, fat Burmese man is holding a beautiful woman's chest, and his face doesn't matter.

But just after they had said a few words, the door was suddenly opened.

But I saw a twelve-year-old girl with loose hair and a dark breath all over her body.

"Where come little girl, go, go out!" The Burmese man saw this and showed his dislike.

But just after he said that, the girl suddenly flew a butterfly knife in her hand and cut off the head of the Burmese man. A second ago, one foot stepped on the head of the killed Burmese man, the other foot kicked the butterfly knife from the ground, held it in his hand and lifted his eyes. The killing intention reflected in the sharp eyes made all the Burmese men panic at the cold scene :

"dark soul organization, secret service God, one of the children who was sent to the organization seven years ago, you should go to hell."