Chapter 26: Group killing Long Chen

Chapter 26: Group killing Long Chen

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“Who!” Hearing the voice, Long Chen and Qin Lao started panicking. Quickly turning their heads towards the source of the voice, a few human silhouettes slowly revealed themselves under their divine senses.

The leader was naturally Murong Lin.

Murong Lin had been following behind them from the start, and with the ‘Flowering Steel Trees’ speedily leading the way, they were able to barely keep up with them.

Only after the two had arrived at a quiet, undisturbed location did Murong Lin finally reveal himself.

“You are?” Long Chen asked in bewilderment as he signalled for Qin Lao to ready himself.

Murong Lin couldn’t be bothered to explain anything to Long Chen, he immediately waved his hand as he spoke with a serious expression, “Take care of it quickly! Don’t leave a single one alive!”

And the silhouettes of the two ‘Flowering Steel Trees’ flickered as they unleashed their Manifestation Transformation, attacking Qin Lao fiercely.

Qin Lao immediately tried to resist, knowing that he could no longer hold himself back. After dealing with the great elder of the Hundred Flower sect, he had realised just how tough it was for him to deal with someone of the same realm. And now, he was facing two highly coordinated men in the same realm, a single careless mistake here would guarantee his death!

He immediately unleashed his six-armed golden ape Manifestation transformation.

Using his most powerful attack to resist the duo’s attack, a mouthful of blood essence poured out of Qin Lao’s mouth. The six-armed golden ape held onto his spiritual weapon as it attacked the two ‘Flowering Steel Trees’.

On the side, just as Long Chen was about to make his move, he was blocked off by the glint of eight blades.

The light from these blades contained different feelings, some were dreams and illusions, some were loneliness and helplessness, some were hatred, some were the humidity and soundlessness of rain some were the creation of the world, all of which trapped Long Chen.

They were the ‘Eight Great Butcher Kings’ under Qin Feng’s command.

The eight blades were divided into:

‘Terrifying Blade’ Xi Lian Tian.

‘Lonely Blade’ Cai Xiao Tou.

‘Reconvening Blade’ Meng Kong Kong.

‘Twenty-Eight Rain’ Zhao Lan Rong.

‘Wide Sky’ Xiao Sha.

‘Small Remote Land’ Xiao Bai.

‘Five Tiger Severing Soul Blade’ Peng Jian.

‘Eight Hidden Blade Method’ Miao Bai Fang.

These eight were powerful swordsmen, their sword technique was undefeatable, responsible for cutting down countless lives. But most importantly, their value lay in their obedience.

The eight had known each other for very long, and their cooperation was almost perfect. In an instant, they had formed a sword array around Long Chen, with four attacking in front and four behind.

Long Chen had no choice but to unleash the backfire ash dragon bloodline again to go against these eight people.

Every single one of the eight people in front of him was ten times stronger than Zhu Zhu Shu, and their combined strength was more than a hundredfold. He had already severely depleted his strength in the last two battles, and it was clear that he had no chance of winning.

His face gradually became solemn.

This shot, advanced without retreat.

This shot, was tricky, mysterious and unblockable.

This shot, tore up the weeping hearts of the viewer.

Even before colliding with Murong Lin’s fist, Qin Lao felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. He wanted to resist, but his heart went cold as he accepted his death.

His Manifestation transformation dissipated into thin air.

The six-armed golden ape maintained an expression of shock as it helplessly faded into specks of light.


Qin Lao’s chest was pierced.

Murong Lin’s entire arm had gone through Qin Lao’s chest, killing his soul the instant it entered.

Qin Lao couldn’t even react before dying in Murong Lin’s hands, his lifeless corpse still danging on his arm. As if still in shock, his widened eyes were fixed wholly on Murong Lin, his elderly face still expressive of his struggle.

It was a pity that he died like this after finally escaping from 50 years of bondage.

“Qin Lao!”

Long Chen, who had just eaten the spiritual pill watched this sight with a pained heart.

His sorrow and anger assimilated with the spiritual pill, precipitating a powerful energy within his body as the scaled armour on his body changed to a black colour.

The red spiritual power surrounding his body changed into an opaque black colour as well.

“Ahhhhhhhh! Die!”

Blood tears flowed freely from Long Chen’s eyes as he self-destructed his nine hidden meridians. With his power growing rampantly, he gathered his rage and sorrow into a punch towards Murong Lin.

This punch, contained the anger of the ash dragon.

This punch, contained the bloodline of the ash dragon.

This punch, depleted Long Chen’s body of his energy.

“Wait! I know the culprit behind your family’s annihilation!” Murong Lin shouted with a smile.

Long Chen, who had long descended into madness, hesitated for a split second as he mumbled, “Clan? Clan? Clan! Who annihilated my clan? Father! Who was it! Who killed my father? Tell me!” His fist visibly slowed.

Murong Lin waved his arms, standing still with a bright smile, “Me.”

The ‘Eight Great Butcher Kings’ and the ‘Flowering Steel Trees’ that surrounded Long Chen moved unanimously, puncturing Long Chen’s body with the steel chains in their hands.

“What? Die! I want you to die!” Long Chen struggled madly, but just as he was about to attack again, he realised that he could no longer control his own bloodline.

Lowering his head to look at the silver chains embedded into his body, he could feel the essence of his bloodline being sucked out by these chains.

“This is impossible? Why? Why!”

“I prepared this for you.” Murong Lin laughed at the side with a humble expression, “You’re welcome.”