Chapter 75: Showing his hand

Chapter 75: Showing his hand

Amidst the night’s hush, fireworks ignited the sky, their brilliant bursts preceding the cacophony of screams and turmoil that swept through.

These clamours emerged not far from the scene, more precisely, they resonated from within the imperial palace itself.

At the palace’s forecourt, where the guards maintained their nightly patrols, a chaotic clash seemed to be underway.

At the palace’s rear, a haunting symphony of shrieks and agonizing wails resounded—a scene of even graver distress.

Though Murong Tong lacked information about the identities of the assailants wreaking havoc upon the palace, the orchestrated nature of this ambush was evident.

With his aura retracting from Murong Liu and stabilising, he harnessed his Sky Reaching realm spiritual powers, propelling himself aloft. Addressing the Poisonous Old Ghost positioned below him, he shouted, “Mr. Poisonous Old Ghost, I implore your assistance to exterminate these traitorous assailants!”

The Poisonous Old Ghost acknowledged the request with a nod, though his gaze inadvertently intersected with Murong Lin’s.

Subsequently, a glimmer of comprehension flitted across his eyes following a subtle nod from Murong Lin.

In the meantime, Murong Tong was preparing to hasten toward the turmoil when a foreboding sensation gripped him. Alarms of peril echoed within his mind, prompting him to pivot in a bid to fend off an impending ambush.Cheêck out latest novels at


Reacting swiftly, he shielded himself with his arms and confronted his assailant, his eyes narrowing upon the figure before him.

It was!

It was none other than the Poisonous Old Ghost himself!

With an abrupt motion, the Poisonous Old Ghost overturned a nearby table, sending dishes and spirits crashing to the ground. Even a female attendant situated nearby was unceremoniously thrown off her feet.

Seizing the moment, the Poisonous Old Ghost launched a surprise assault, his frigid and ruthless spiritual power surging as he flew towards Murong Tong.

The abrupt assault shocked the onlookers. Murong Ding and Murong Liu stood in stunned disbelief, their eyes fixed upon the shocking sight of the Poisonous Old Ghost launching an attack on their own imperial father. Tang Can wore an expression of bewildered astonishment, while Murong Lin deftly sidestepped the commotion, clapping his hands and conjuring two additional figures from the forest nearby.

These newcomers bore the unmistakable marks of age, their faces etched with deep wrinkles.

Indeed, they were the ‘Flowering Steel Trees’, the individuals who had resorted to a forbidden technique to confront the Xue clan’s great ancestor.

Amidst the chaos, Murong Tong’s realization dawned upon him as the Poisonous Old Ghost’s assault unfurled. A complex mix of astonishment, confusion, and disbelief flickered across his features.

After all, they had been engaged in amicable conversation not long ago, even teetering on the cusp of forging an in-law connection. So why this sudden and shocking attack?

The incredulity held him momentarily in its grip, but he swiftly regathered his wits. Possessing the prowess of the second layer within the Sky Reaching realm, Murong Tong retained a clear advantage over the Poisonous Old Ghost, who remained confined within the first layer.

Murong Tong tilted his body as he expertly countered the Poisonous Old Ghost’s attack, seamlessly circulating the Murong Clan’s lower Sky grade cultivation technique, known as the 《Sky Devouring Return》.

In an instant, Murong Tong’s form blurred, his movements resembling those of a swift swallow as he avoided the Poisonous Old Ghost’s attack. Quicker than a heartbeat, he reappeared before his opponent.

In an unexpected twist, Murong Tong’s actions had deviated from everyone’s expectations.

Upon hearing his words, Murong Liu swiftly scooped up Murong Ran and rushed towards the bamboo forest at the side to seek cover, though they didn’t venture too far from the scene.

Her hesitation was prompted by the piercing screams echoing from within the imperial palace, which left Murong Liu wary of recklessly venturing further.

Murong Tong, an experienced second layer Sky Reaching realm expert, effortlessly held the upper hand against the two ‘Flowering Steel Trees’, who had recently broken through to the same realm.

Witnessing Murong Lin effortlessly launch Murong Ding through the air with a single strike, Murong Tong’s expression twisted in a blend of disbelief and rage. His voice thundered with fury as he demanded an answer, “Murong Lin! Do you truly intend to ignite a rebellion?”

Fixing a peculiar gaze on Murong Tong, Murong Lin retorted, “Can’t you see? I’m genuinely rebelling! Tang Can, it’s about time you realized, isn’t it?”

He raised his knife and slowly swung it toward Murong Tong.

The blade’s intangible radiance collided with Murong Tong’s form, tearing through his garments as though they were mere paper. The sheer sharpness of the blade was inconceivable.

He wanted to thoroughly humiliate Murong Tong.

Tang Can, who was providing support to the Poisonous Old Ghost at the sidelines, stood with a deathly pale complexion. He murmured to himself, “It can’t be, it can’t be... You...”

“It’s you! You are the true mastermind behind all of this!” Tang Can’s anguished cry erupted, laden with despair.

Murong Tong faltered as well, turning to Murong Lin with an expression of shock.

“You were the one secretly orchestrating everything!

It was your scheme to use the Blood Spirits to create the tragedy in the valley!

You eliminated them to ensure silence, leading to the demise of Duke Sheng’s estate!

You were the one that framed me for the murder of the seventh prince!

And you masked your identity by pretending that you were replaced by someone else!

You...You were the one who eradicated the entire Xue clan?”

Tang Can himself was momentarily taken aback by his own revelations. Yet, as he weighed the pieces of the puzzle, he found himself growing increasingly convinced of the truth behind his claims. Rumours of the third prince’s strained relations with the Xue clan had circulated, and the presence of two first layer Sky Reaching realm experts before them was more than capable of executing such a monumental scheme.

“Everything you orchestrated, was it all for tonight?” Murong Tong asked.

A vibrant green aura enveloped him as he summoned his Manifestation transformation – a dazzling green swallow. The radiant swallow clashed fiercely with the two monkeys, the Manifestation forms of the ‘Flowering Steel Trees’.

Murong Lin affirmed the question with a nod. Then, a sharp cry ruptured the air, “Poisonous Old Ghost, what are you waiting for instead of attacking now?”

Translator’s note

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