Chapter 91: Murong Lin’s escape

Chapter 91: Murong Lin’s escape

Within the imperial court’s lavish halls, Concubine Xue’s gaze remained fixated on the lifeless form of ‘Murong Lin’ sprawled before her, an expression of profound horror etched onto her features.

Earlier, when she had run to welcome Murong Jiao and the two other Sky Reaching realm experts, ‘Murong Lin’ had cunningly reverted back into the appearance of the real Murong Lin. With his sincere apology, he had managed to fool the three highly skilled Sky Reaching realm experts as he inched towards the great ancestor of the Wang clan, launching an ambush towards him.

Fortunately, Murong Jiao’s unwavering vigilance remained steadfast throughout the encounter, allowing him to forestall ‘Murong Lin’s’ sinister intentions and thwart his attempt at gravely injuring the great ancestor.

The great ancestor retaliated swiftly, his hand delivering a resounding slap that brought an abrupt end to the counterfeit Murong Lin’s life. The ancestor’s gaze, simmering with resentment, then shifted towards Concubine Xue.

Lost in a daze as she stared at the lifeless body before her, Concubine Xue failed to notice the silent departure of the Sky Reaching experts.

Slowly, the realization washed over her, the real Murong Lin had undoubtedly slipped away long before.

Based on his recent schemes and personality, it was clear that Murong Lin had planned for every possibility.

Staring at the corpse of the fake ‘Murong Lin’ lying before her, she immediately grasped that he had arranged his escape in advance. This realization dashed her last hope of personally taking revenge on him.Cheêck out latest novels at novelhall.comed by thoughts, she knelt on the floor, struggling to make sense of it all.

The onlookers—servants and female attendants—kept their distance.

They were well aware that Concubine Xue, Murong Lin’s mother, would face the consequences now that he had been driven away. Both the new leadership and their previous master would likely seek to hold her accountable for his crimes.

Fear of entanglement in the unfolding turmoil kept them at a wary distance.

Several devoted servants who had remained loyal to Concubine Xue met their unfortunate demise at the hands of the remaining members of Qing Yi Tower. Save for Murong Tong, Concubine Xue found herself utterly alone, without support.

In the broader context, her own Xue clan had long been decimated, stripping her of any external support she could have once relied upon.

The weight of her vulnerability settled upon her, gnawing at her sense of ease.

“What a cunning scheme!” Concubine Xue acknowledged that the words spoken by the imposter Murong Lin were undoubtedly imparted by the real Murong Lin.

Now, the scant few Sky Reaching realm experts, including Murong Jiao, undoubtedly held animosity toward her. This sentiment stemmed from her unwitting role in disseminating false information about his whereabouts, unaware that the Murong Lin beside her was nothing more than a decoy.

Unintentionally, her misinformation had cost them the opportunity to apprehend Murong Lin.

Furthermore, overlooking the uncertainty of whether the Sky Reaching realm experts held suspicions towards her, this singular incident alone was enough to ensure animosity and chilly alienation from the harem’s inhabitants.

The concubines who had suffered the loss of their sons at the hands of Murong Lin were quick to assign blame to her. However, in Murong Lin’s earlier presence, they had been paralyzed by fear, refraining from any action.

With Murong Lin’s escape, Concubine Xue was now left to grapple with this mess alone, a disheartening reality that enveloped her in a shroud of despair.

In this moment, a handful of human silhouettes streaked across the skies, their formidable auras pressing down on those below. Startled residents who had ventured out to investigate quickly retreated to the safety of their abodes. Among the group was the party that had pursued Murong Lin, accompanied by the Willow Sword Saint, who had Liu Wu in his hands.

As these figures descended, the Wang Clan’s great ancestor fixed a resentful glare toward her.

Turning his attention to Murong Jiao, he continued, “Paternal uncle, my injuries are grave. I believe it is appropriate for me to step down from the throne for the time being.”

Mo Wen Dao swiftly nodded, “Absolutely! Murong Jiao, given the severity of your injuries, your well-being should be our foremost concern. Recuperation must take precedence.”

The Wang clan’s great ancestor, positioned to the side, refrained from further comment. Instead, he directed his words to the assembled group, “Given Murong Lin’s successful evasion of capture, I shall take my leave. The affairs of the imperial court shall rest in your capable hands.”

With his final words, he departed, his figure ascending into the skies and disappearing into the distance.

Remaining in place, Murong Jiao met Murong Tong’s gaze and responded, “That’s a reasonable proposition, but we should certainly convene a formal discussion regarding your abdication during tomorrow’s morning court session.

Murong Lin’s escape has intensified the need to restore stability within the imperial court. We must swiftly uncover any hidden traitors within our ranks while rallying the imperial guards to address the situation in the south with Ning Wei Wu.

Locating Murong Lin within this country will not be an effortless task.”

He sighed as he finished speaking, how eventful!

With his aged wisdom, he had astutely discerned the subtle shifts within the inner circles of the neighbouring country, Chu. His two centuries of lived experience provided a keen insight into the unfolding events.

He recognized the impending actions of Chu, predicting the nation’s potential to encroach upon its surroundings. His intuition warned that Yan would suffer the brunt of their attack.

Yet, he made the conscious decision to withhold this knowledge. The nation was already engulfed in turmoil, and he refrained from introducing further concerns into the mix.

Nevertheless, he straightened his posture, releasing yet another sigh, “Let us depart and address the pressing matters of the imperial court. Tong’er, return to the clan and prioritize your recovery. Wen Dao, accompany me. There are matters we must discuss.”

And so, they exchanged their farewells, each departing to tend to their respective responsibilities.

Meanwhile, in a distant realm, Murong Lin had activated a ‘Teleportation Talisman’ procured from the system’s shop and landed himself in unfamiliar terrain. His features were contorted with a mixture of curiosity and puzzlement as he surveyed his new surroundings.

The expanse before him was a thickly wooded area, and a sudden realization dawned upon him – he had seemingly arrived at the Demonic Beast Forest located to the south, a location behind the South Village King, Ning Wei Wu. Towering vegetation enveloped him, with the calls of demonic beasts echoing intermittently through the forest’s expanse.

Turning to the system interface, he sought to assess the number of remaining underlings within his command.

As anticipated, the thirteen subordinates, among them the ‘Flowering Steel Trees’, had met their end, mirroring the fate of the majority of Qing Yi Tower’s forces. A mere fragment of their former strength remained, dwindling to a meagre 2,000 individuals.

Fortune, however, had not completely abandoned them. The floor masters, Qing Miao Lou and Qing Sha Lou, had managed to survive. Their present focus lay in rallying the scattered fragments of the Qing Yi Tower across the thirty-two counties.

Utilizing the invaluable transmission talismans concealed within the imperial palace’s treasure pavilion, Murong Lin communicated his precise location to the surviving members of Qing Yi Tower. In the midst of the Demonic Beast Forest, he was prepared to break through to the Sky Reaching realm.

Taking stock of his possessions, he first retrieved the ‘Qi Devouring Dagger’.

Translator’s note

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